May 2016 Moms

National coffee day - in mourning

so today is national coffee day .... Coffee has been my addiction since I college , it's my jam every single morning. But of course come 7 weeks coffee is repulsive to me and tastes like garbage. I am so sad because I love coffee! Anyone else with me???

Re: National coffee day - in mourning

  • I am.
    Been married since 2009.
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    DD born 2013 (our miracle "you can't have babies" baby!)

  • Amen!!! I miss my coffee!
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  • I still have some iced coffee. I haven't been able to give it up completely :(
  • I am glad I am still able to keep my coffee down.  I have recently cut back from 2-3 cups to 1 cup a day, but I don't think I could go without it entirely!  I get terrible headaches if I don't have caffeine at all.

    That a bummer that you can't stomach it right now.  At least it makes cutting back/quitting easier, right?
  • I hear you! I love coffee but decided to give it up completely because even one small cup gives me the jitters!

    I miss it though!
  • I went from 3 or 4 iced or hot coffees a day to zip! The idea of coffee makes me gag.. Literally! After my first doctors visit I switched to one half calf cup a day .. Here I am at 8 weeks and 3 days and can't even think about it!
  • Yep! Me too- I was a coffee fiend-just the sme of someone walking by with a cup of coffee makes me gag now :( saddest national coffee day EVER!! ;)


    Me 31 DH 41

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    Baby Eden born 5/11/16 <3<3<3

  • Yeeeessssss. I tried to force down a cup of coffee 2 days ago because I miss it. HUGE mistake. I had this nasty taste in my mouth for hours. So sad.
  • Me too! I can't even stand the smell of it. :(

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