July 2015 Moms

Tuesday Randoms

I have lots of celebrations! =D>
1. I have slept 4 nights in a row in the master bedroom with LO in the pack and play!
2. DH is cool with BFing in the MOTN in the bed (yeah...he better be!!)
3. LO is pretty consistently waking up for just one MOTN feed between 1-2am
4. LO and I slept in till 10:30 this morning! (of course I BFed at 5:00 & 8:00)
5. LO is getting really good at going back to sleep after a feed. He likes his Swaddle Up sleep sack.
6. Today it will not be in the 80's!! And it's supposed to really cool down this weekend! Ready for fall here in Colorado! Oh & we are supposed to get some much needed rain too
7. LO is 2 months old, over 10 lbs & we have had a 2 month very successful breast feeding experience!
8. We are finally seeing a light at the end of the tunnel with an insurance issue we've been trying to straighten out.
9. I think I've lost some more weight… Can't say for sure because our scale is broken but I look and feel slimmer and clothes are fitting a little more loosely
10. I now have over $10,000 in my savings account now! Which is more than enough to get us through the remainder of my maternity leave, which will be unpaid. This will also help when I return to work January 4 and will only be working half time

Re: Tuesday Randoms

  • 1. Survived taking Liam for a half day at daycare! (Trying to ease us into it before I go back to work on the 19th)
    2. Went to my actual gym instead of using my home treadmill and was complimented on looking good by some friends.
    3. Pumped while driving
    4. Survived a weekend trip in Louisiana with Liam (my cousin got married)
  • Pumped while driving! wow, that's talent.
    Zeke was soooo happy and all smiles this morning so things were great until I got to work, it is absolute chaos today.
    Cant wait to get back home to my LO!
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  • @nmfranklin00 Wow!! Way to go for pumping while driving! =D>
  • It was raining here today and chilly. The little man and I stayed in and cuddled all day. Daddy just got home and now he's naping on dad's lap. I go back to work this Sunday so I'm snuggling all I can this week. I keep reminding myself I'm only working Saturday and Sunday when I go back to work, but right behind that is yeah for 14.5 hours
  • Resting from the long day yesterday and today was actually successful. Cleaned and caught up on laundry, physical therapist came for daughter and now I have some time to do some work :)
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