May 2015 Moms

Unused breast milk

I know this sounds horrible but I have over 2000 ounces of breast milk in my freezer that I've pumped over the last 20 weeks and I'm convinced that I will never use it. I pump about 30 oz a day plus BF my LO. What do I do with all this milk? My freezers are full. Plus, some milk is 5 months old now. I would hate to throw it away :(

Re: Unused breast milk

  • Donate it. I have about 1500 oz in my freezer that I won't need and it's full. So I found a mom on FB. There are groups called eats on Feets and Human Milk for human babies. Type those in with your state then read the requests or post that you have some. Then you can hopefully find someone nearby who can use it!
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  • Oh. My. Gosh.
    That's a lot of milk!!! I have a few large ziplock freezer bags full of smaller breastmilk storage bags that are also 5 months old and I was going to donate it. Look into a milk bank to donate :) I haven't actually done it yet because they obviously have to screen you and you have to fill out an application form etc but I think it's a fantastic idea.
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  • Where are you from? I live in Mn and have been giving a lot of my milk to a friend that just adopted a brand new baby. She needs more!!!
  • I'm in NY! Thank you for all the suggestions! I will look in to donating & the websites!
  • Jeez, I am struggling to pump 4 oz each time. I'm sure you can find someone to give it to.
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