
Elective C-section vs Vaginal

I'm a ftm and i know this is a very controversial topic. Im undecided as to what i want to do. I have my pros and cons for both but Im still not convinced one way or the other.

Did you have an elective C Section? How was it?

Have you had both and one experience was better than the other?

Re: Elective C-section vs Vaginal

  • I planned on vaginal and ended up with an emergency c section. It turned out just fine for me. My close friend had a baby a few months before me and said to throw my birth plan out the window, it won't go as planned. I laughed when she said it. It was so true!
  • I'd also take into account how many babies you want. I had two csections the with my third baby ended up with placenta increta due to my previous csections. Had to have a csection hysterectomy with bladder repairs. A seven hour surgery that I was under general for. Scary complications can happen. And it's all cause I had previous csections.
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  • I had two planned csections bc both my babies were breech. Neither one was a big deal to be honest. Great, fast recovery, no issues.
    I don't understand why this has to be such a 'controversial topic'. Yes it's surgery but we live in modern times with excellent medical care available. It's really not a big deal.
  • I did not have a planned c section. I wouldn't classify it as an emergency either. I knew through out my pregnancy, that there was a chance I could have one. 
    Repeat c sections depend on the OB, their practice, your body, etc. There is a number of factors. I know some moms who had five, some moms who had two. I recently also read online in on another website about a mom who had seven. There is just too many factors at play for the next baby or babies. 
  • PpunkiexxPpunkiexx member
    edited October 2015
    I wouldn't worry about having a c-section. There are horror stories out there, but they're rare. Most people don't have any issues and heal fine.
  • If you can have a vaginal birth I think I'd do that. A csection is no joke. It's major abdominal surgery. My daughter was breech and had a cord complication so I had to have a csection. It was planned and everything went perfectly. Recovering was fine but tough. Again, it's major surgery. The incision takes a long time to fully heal. I was told up to a year. The end is still healing and it has been almost 7 months. Vaginal births are rough too though. I don't know from experience but I hear tearing is pretty terrible. If we do have another baby I think I'd try for a vbac. I'm surprised a doctor would even give the option.
  • I had an unplanned c/s after laboring and pushing, and two VBACs. The vaginal births were faster recoveries, by far. I was taking my baby to doctor's appointments with no physical pain by two days postpartum (not that I wanted to be up and about, but I could do it!). It took me a full 4+ weeks to fully recover from my c/s. And like a previous poster said, how many children you want should factor into it as well, since the risk of complications goes up w repeat c/s.
    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

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