July 2015 Moms

Sleepy but awake

My DD is 9 weeks old and cries any time I put her down. Basically everything I have read about sleep training says to lay babies down sleepy but awake so they can learn to fall asleep on their own. I don't feel like I can do that because whenever I try she starts crying. Right now I hold her or carry her in a wrap for her naps and rock her to sleep at night. Has anyone else dealt with this? Will she start letting me lay her down when she is older?

Re: Sleepy but awake

  • DS will cry for maybe 2-3 minutes after I put him down while he tries to get comfy and then he's out. The transition just makes him frustrated but he figures it out pretty quickly. I wouldn't let a 9 week old full-on cry it out, but maybe give her a few minutes (5 max) to see if she can get comfy and fall asleep?
  • My dr said I shouldn't start worrying about sleep training until 4-6 months.
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  • I rock my daughter to sleep every night and during the day she sleeps in her glider. Occasionally I can lay her down half asleep and she will stay asleep but most times she will wake up shortly after. I wouldn't worry about it until later :)
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