April 2016 Moms

Feeling light headed?

Anyone have a brief moment where they felt like passing out and lightheaded? I'm 9 weeks and 4 days...first time this has happened :(

Re: Feeling light headed?

  • Normal - usually a combo of pregnancy hormones and an increased blood supply. Make sure to stay hydrated and sit/stand up slowly.
  • Yeah ive had this happen a lot in weeks 4-8 but as i added more iron to my diet it became less and less frequent. I would recommend speaking with your doc if you are concerned because everyone is different. Best of luck, stay healthy!
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  • Thank you! It seemed after I lied down i felt normal again.
  • It can be a sign of dehydration. You need a lot of water when you are pregnant and it's difficult ( for me at least) to drink enough. When I don't I get dizzy when I stand up
  • I agree with the hydration. This happens to me, but being a teacher, I tend to not drink as much water during the day as I should. If it's happening a lot, I definitely would mention it to your dr.
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  • I've been super dizzy throughout this pregnancy.


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  • When I was pregnant the last two times I had high blood pressure issues (starting around 25 weeks) and I was told that if I felt dizzy to call the doctor because "feeling dizzy is not normal." I am not sure if these directions were given to me only because of my high blood pressure, but I think it might not be a bad idea to call your doctor or at least bring it up at your next appointment.
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