May 2016 Moms

Anyone else getting sick watching TV?

It's fall TV premiere time and I will be the first to admit that I watch too much. But there are certain shows that DH and I watch together and enjoy. I've found that I can't watch the TV. It makes my stomach 10x worse. Just wondering it this is happening to anyone else.

Best Answer

Re: Anyone else getting sick watching TV?

  • Are you also having headaches? It sounds like it might have something to do with being sensitive to the light from the TV. If that's the case maybe watch with the lights on? I haven't experienced anything similar, though. I'm more sensitive to gross things I see on TV, but regular programmes don't bother me.

    I hope someone else will have a better answer and you'll feel better/be able to watch TV again soon!
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  • @lilliesparrow SO MUCH SAME. 

    Also I've lost interest in a lot of TV shows lately and maybe it is because I get headaches and sick to my stomach from staring at the screen too long but lately when it comes to watching TV I'm all like

  • I have to keep more lights in the room on when watching tv now or I get headaches bc the brightness from one central location bothers me. It drives DH nuts so I've been watching a lot of my shows on the iPad in another room so he doesn't freak out about lights being on everywhere.

    This may help you as well too, but if you can turn your brightness down a little on the tv screen it could help. The light and colors could be too harsh. I work at a computer all day for work and I've had to do this to my monitors there as well otherwise I get headaches that turn to nausea and fatigue.
  • I get sick scrolling on my cell phone. I of course think this is a legit reason to get the new and larger iPhone. But I am trying to talk myself down.
    Baby # 1: BFP 10/26/12: Baby girl born 7/1/13
    Baby #2: BFP 9/2/15: EDD 5/15/16
  • I don't get this super bad, but I do have to stare at a computer all day for work, and my eyes/head have been feeling way more sensitive the last couple of months and not handling it very well.
  • The tv watching seems to depress me. I've caught up on things and feel nasty laying there watching pointless shows.
    I find I get a headache or at least a strange dull feeling in my head. So maybe time to turn it off for me and step outside for some breathe fresh air.
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