It's fall TV premiere time and I will be the first to admit that I watch too much. But there are certain shows that DH and I watch together and enjoy. I've found that I can't watch the TV. It makes my stomach 10x worse. Just wondering it this is happening to anyone else.
Re: Anyone else getting sick watching TV?
Not everyone can breastfeed - Mammary Hypoplasia/Insufficient Glandular Tissue Awareness
This may help you as well too, but if you can turn your brightness down a little on the tv screen it could help. The light and colors could be too harsh. I work at a computer all day for work and I've had to do this to my monitors there as well otherwise I get headaches that turn to nausea and fatigue.
I find I get a headache or at least a strange dull feeling in my head. So maybe time to turn it off for me and step outside for some breathe fresh air.