May 2015 Moms

Tips for traveling with your LO and not breaking their nap/bedtime schedule

Does anyone have any advice on traveling with your little one and keeping their sleep schedule?! My LO is 4 months and her bedtime is around 7 each night.  We usually don't have her out past 7 when we are at home but this coming week on vacation we will likely be going to dinner/ out to dinner around then and am hoping she will just fall asleep in her car seat.  I'm really nervous about messing up her sleep schedule (even though she is currently through the lovely 4 month sleep regression) and welcome any advice on this:) Thanks so much!

Re: Tips for traveling with your LO and not breaking their nap/bedtime schedule

  • No advice. We'd just go for dinner at 5pm, then put LO down at 7, then settle in for an in-room movie. But if you figure it out, let us know!
  • Car seat is a good idea. I usually wear baby when out.
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  • I've had DS out passed his bedtime and it hasn't messed with his schedule. He goes to bed when we get home and the next day is completely normal. He may nap in his car seat because he's tired but once we get home we do our routine and he's good! As long as it's not ALL the time, it's ok to take them off their routine once in a while
  • I've had DS out passed his bedtime and it hasn't messed with his schedule. He goes to bed when we get home and the next day is completely normal. He may nap in his car seat because he's tired but once we get home we do our routine and he's good! As long as it's not ALL the time, it's ok to take them off their routine once in a while

    This. Due to our crazy schedule with an older DD in activities, the exact bedtime is not always the same. We are consistent, though, with the routine we follow when it is bedtime (bath, pjs, bottle with lights out, bed). My two sleep 10-12 hours a night as long as we do the routine.
  • We've traveled a ton this summer, and the lack of routine didn't really make much difference for her. She would fall asleep when she was tired. She is a very laid back baby though, and very much a 3rd child in terms of going with the flow.
    S- March 09 E- Feb 12 L- May 15

  • We kept our routine when we traveled. Ours won't sleep in he car seat, so I would wear her during some naps. GL!
  • As others have said, baby wearing or car seat works well.
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