
Clomid Crazies is a legit thing...

PiperellaPiperella member
edited September 2015 in Infertility
I've been called snippy some days by friends (who don't know i'm going through this process).  I've also had days that are really great.. everything is awesome type of days.  I've also had a few 'let me crawl under a rock' days. When do the clomid crazies wear off? 

Re: Clomid Crazies is a legit thing...

  • Clomid rage is totally real, do try and not stab your SO. Clomid stays in your system 5-7 days after your last pill so in theory it could be that long before you start to feel normal again, although that has not been my experience. For me my Clomid side effects were gone by time I ovulated.
    TTC #1 since May 2014
    3 failed IUI cycles
    Oct '15 - IVF 1 - 10R, 3M, 0F
    Sept '16 - IVF - 12R, 11M, 5F and 3 perfect day 5 blasts - MMC 7w5d
    Jan '17 - FET 1 - BFP, EDD 10/14

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • Mine is starting to is Tuesday and my last pill was Sunday. Surprised my husband is still speaking to me. lol
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  • Mine hasn't been too bad. Last night I did cry over having a bad hair day lol but that's been it. I've been really tried though. I'm not sure if it's the tamoxifen because I've never taken that before.
    TTC #1 since August 2013
    Unexplained/ Endo
    Medicated IUIs # 1-3 BFN
    IVF #1- BFN
    FET #1- BFP; Ectopic pregnancy found at 7wks
    FET #2- February 2017 BFP  Beta #1- 119 (8dp5dt) Beta #2- 475 (12dp5dt)
  • cnvolnercnvolner member
    edited September 2015
    They don't wear off in my opinion. Because when they start to wear off in your system, you're either getting PMS or the start or you're at the start of your pregnancy; both = crazy hormones.

    3rd round of clomid @ 150mg + metformin
    Blood test for ovulation on 9-29
    HPT on 10-6
    TTC #1 since Sept. 14
    Fertility testing in May 15

    Started Glucophlage May 15
    Gearing up for round 4 of Clomid
    Waiting for Dr. to decide same dose or upping it to 200
  • Clomid really made me feel overly emotional and sometimes unreasonably mad! Haha. I found it seemed to wear off after about 1/2-1 week after the last pill. Then I'd feel crappy for ovulation, and the impeding AF when that came.. I was just telling someone the other day, I feel that I haven't felt "normal" or "good" for months, since I did clomid x5 months, progesterone (which just makes me feel yuck), and letrozole (I've felt better this cycle than with clomid). I hope you feel better soon! 
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