TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): TTA, We are "trying" on November 15th... it will probably be after I ovulate haha, but that's when we stop avoiding.
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I have a friend who is "trying" and she has been driving me a little nuts with the whole.. I'm 13 dpo but I'm not .. but not testing... but should I? but maybe I'm not... damn take a test already... wouldn't you just want to know!?
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? Omg I have been bad. DH said I could buy stuff to put away so I was like OKAY!... about 1 thing a week.. any neutral onsies I find on sale at Tjmax or Babies R US... I had a baby shower this passed weekend so I was there and it was 50% off.
Currently, I
would consider myself waiting for AF...
CD/DPO: unknown!
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you
trying): temping, PNV, just got some OPKs to be prepared –the plan is
still to actively try in December/January so for now we are TTA
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I was originally going to take one more month of
BCPs but ended up changing my mind after discussing with DH. Since my
BCPs were progestin-only, they were giving me horrible acne that I've never
experienced before. My DH seemed to pity me and told me that there is no
point in waiting another month and to just stop now. It's been 1 week
since I took my last pill so now I'm just waiting for a period--which I haven't
had in over a year so I'm not exactly sure when or if this will happen!I’m surprised that my temps have stayed
pretty steady from what they were before stopping BCP.This past weekend, my mom and older sister
visited and we discussed temping and cycles and what their cycles were/are and
what could be coming for me…. So that was surprisingly nice!
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys?-- I haven’t
bought anything yet since we’re still planning on waiting a few months and I’m
predicting it taking a little while for me… but I’ve already discussed with DH things
that I want for our future LO and he always just laughs at me for planning so
far ahead!But hey, one of us has to be overly
prepared right??
Rants/Raves/Chart stalks: My temps are all over the place this month, despite being better about getting lots of rest and waking up at 5:30 as planned. Still WTO, which is fine, but hoping my LP this month will be longer than the 8 days it was my last two cycles. Though we're not trying yet, like anyone would I'm just hoping everything works right after 13 years on hormones.
GTKY: No baby buys here! I'm a little superstitious that way.
@mokay19 that was nice of your DH! Temping/charting is going to be a bit off the first month... but don't worry just give it time. I plan ahead too, husband and I discussed whether we like a birthing center thats an hour away from us. We are allowed to leave only 4 hours after the birth... so its worth the drive.
@Xstatic3333 About the baby buys, I used to be superstitious but I have just been like whatever... if I never get pregnant it's okay and I doubt it will be because I bought things. I will just adopt. I have been trying to kind of enjoy the process of waiting to "try" and buying stuff is really helping me... that being said... its just clothes and stuff that can be tucked away in a box out of sight.
Rant/rave: Work is crazy. But we booked a Caribbean cruise for November. We got a hell of a deal, with all inclusive booze. I figured we can't go wrong, either I can use it or I can't, both have a bright side.
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): Temping, opks, charting, tracking cm, etc.
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I started spotting again today which is weird... Hopefully that goes away soon. Wondering if it was from all the sex yesterday?? But I really doubt it, looks like legit spotting.
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? I can't think of anything taboo...
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): NTNP until next spring when we will actively TTC
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: So I know I shouldn't be disappointed to see AF especially since we are just NTNP, but I guess I was just thinking we might be in the minority and get pregnant accidentally! Which is silly because being on these boards I know how long it can take when even timing is perfect! Also my LP was only 9 days... 10 if you count today. Oh well! One positive is that even though I've had minor PMS symptoms they have not been terrible at all which I really appreciate! Lol
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? Not yet! But I definitely would not be surprised if I also picked up things while they are on sale ) I'm a thrifty person so if it's a deal I say go for it! It's better than being in a bind and having to spend a lot of money on something! No judgement here @Katm89
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): vitamins, sex, charting CM and temps.
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: Chart stalk if you like. This is the first time I have dotted crosshairs. My CM was not very fertile leading up to the O day FF gave me. [url=]My Ovulation Chart[/url]
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? None.
TTC #1 since August 2015 BFP #1 January 28, 2016
EDD October 3, 2016 Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016 My Chart
TTC #2 Since August 2020 BFP #2 September 11, 2020 EDD May 23, 2021
@mokay19 that was nice of your DH! Temping/charting is going to be a bit off the first month... but don't worry just give it time. I plan ahead too, husband and I discussed whether we like a birthing center thats an hour away from us. We are allowed to leave only 4 hours after the birth... so its worth the drive.
@Xstatic3333 About the baby buys, I used to be superstitious but I have just been like whatever... if I never get pregnant it's okay and I doubt it will be because I bought things. I will just adopt. I have been trying to kind of enjoy the process of waiting to "try" and buying stuff is really helping me... that being said... its just clothes and stuff that can be tucked away in a box out of sight.
Hey, whatever works for you to help with the wait! :-) For me it's researching day cares and baby supplies and making dummy budgets. Which is probably way weirder than a little light shopping!
@lovearoo all baby buys are a bit taboo be c we're not pregnant.
@xstatic thanks for understanding. My husband is trying anything to get me to Shut up about babies.. Lol I think he's burnt out dk if ttc the first month will be discussed a lot... I may just chart for me and not talking to him about it.
@AshPat0525 thanks for the judgement free zone!! It's actually hard to buy gender neutral stuff especially since I don't know what season our baby will be born in lol so it deff keeps the shopping to a minimum
@lovearoo all baby buys are a bit taboo be c we're not pregnant.
@xstatic thanks for understanding. My husband is trying anything to get me to Shut up about babies.. Lol I think he's burnt out dk if ttc the first month will be discussed a lot... I may just chart for me and not talking to him about it.
@AshPat0525 thanks for the judgement free zone!! It's actually hard to buy gender neutral stuff especially since I don't know what season our baby will be born in lol so it deff keeps the shopping to a minimum
Meh. I'm not sure why is that way... I mean personally I think it's smart to plan ahead and get stuff for a baby. Less scrambling and stress - those 9 months go by fast! You'll feel even less like shopping if you have bad morning sickness... I'm a huge planner and I feel more secure knowing I have most of the basics already.
@lovearoo I agree but a lot of cultures forbid buying baby items until after the baby arrives... for the sake of having a still birth or something.
Oh weird! I've never heard of that before....
Jewish cultures do this!! We don't have a shower until after the baby is born. Just in case something happens, the Mom doesn't have to go home and stare at a bunch of baby stuff to remind her of the loss.
I have been to baby showers both pre baby being born, and post baby being born. The post baby being born ones are honestly really fun!! Everyone gets to also see the little one.
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying):
Well mostly I'm having sex, I heard that leads to pregnancy.
We are suppose to wait until November but I'm a bad patient and I don't listen. #idowhatiwant
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk:
I hate temping more than peeing on OPKs. My temperature dropped "below the line," so naturally I already planned reverse happy hour for Saturday night. I'm going to round the world with a Tennessee Mule, Moscow Mule, and London Mule...jelly?
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys?
I am from a culture where you don't buy anything before your pregnant....or even newly pregnant.
Month/Cycle: I'm a newbie and I'm not sure what we mean here, sorry!
CD/DPO: Cycle day 25. FF thinks my "O" date could have been 6 days ago....
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): TTA for 4 more days, then NTNP for a couple months - we're moving across the country mid to late October, and I'm just coming of BCP after 12 years on and off. Planning to actively TTC probably November. Either way I'm temping/charting/tracking cm now, or at least practicing this month as I finish pills off, and will continue. I just won't be sharing info with DH or trying to plan BD for any particular time, FW or no, at least until we're settled. If it happens, pleasant surprise.
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I'd love to use cervical position to keep my eye (or hand I suppose) on things too, but honestly 90% of the month I can't even reach it. I feel I've got largeish hands for a woman and long fingers, but idk. TMI: I use The Keeper cup for my AF, and sometimes even have trouble reaching that for removal even though I know it's not pressed complete up against cervix. Maybe I'm just a goofy shape/size. Excited to get to know everyone as I start my journey though - counting down the days to my LAST PILL EVER!
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? Just books - I can read and reread 100 times to help from getting too anxious. Already have What to Expect BEFORE, bought When You're Expecting, and I'm thinking to pick up First Year and PG Journal from the What to Expect group too.
Me: 33 DH: 32 Married 7/18/15 1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16 Team green turned BLUE! 2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 Team green turned PINK! Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
Month/Cycle: I'm a newbie and I'm not sure what we mean here, sorry!
CD/DPO: Cycle day 25. FF thinks my "O" date could have been 6 days ago....
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): TTA for 4 more days, then NTNP for a couple months - we're moving across the country mid to late October, and I'm just coming of BCP after 12 years on and off. Planning to actively TTC probably November. Either way I'm temping/charting/tracking cm now, or at least practicing this month as I finish pills off, and will continue. I just won't be sharing info with DH or trying to plan BD for any particular time, FW or no, at least until we're settled. If it happens, pleasant surprise.
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I'd love to use cervical position to keep my eye (or hand I suppose) on things too, but honestly 90% of the month I can't even reach it. I feel I've got largeish hands for a woman and long fingers, but idk. TMI: I use The Keeper cup for my AF, and sometimes even have trouble reaching that for removal even though I know it's not pressed complete up against cervix. Maybe I'm just a goofy shape/size. Excited to get to know everyone as I start my journey though - counting down the days to my LAST PILL EVER!
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? Just books - I can read and reread 100 times to help from getting too anxious. Already have What to Expect BEFORE, bought When You're Expecting, and I'm thinking to pick up First Year and PG Journal from the What to Expect group too.
I hope this isn't too gross to try and describe to you but I also felt like my first month of attempting to check my CP was very difficult as I have very short fingers! Just through doing it a few times I've noticed that if I feel I can't reach it then try to "push" down as if you were trying to push out more urine or a BM and this pushes down your cervix significantly, at least it does for me!
Also Month/Cycle is just asking how many months you have been TTC/What cycle you are on, considering that some cycles can be really long and some really short these numbers are not always the same! Hope all of this helps
Omg ladies this week has flown by! @Pupatella when you went to a post birth shower how soon after the baby is born does it happen? Does someone bring supplies to the mother right after birth?
Omg ladies this week has flown by! @Pupatella when you went to a post birth shower how soon after the baby is born does it happen? Does someone bring supplies to the mother right after birth?
The baby showers I've attended usually happen about 2-3 weeks after the baby is born.
My friends and family have always bought a few items for the baby beforehand (crib, car seat, a couple of clothes), so they don't follow this tradition to the extreme. I think they buy more things when they take the baby home for the first time. And then they get a ton of stuff at the baby shower!!
The one difference I've noticed with baby showers post birth, is that the items are more specific to the baby (gender, name, etc.)
I am not sure how much of this tradition we will actually follow...I know I will not be able to hold back from buying a few things once we find out that we are KO. But I definitely don't want a shower until after the baby is born. It's just a superstition (don't count your chickens before they are hatched).
@AshPat0525 Thanks for the tips, I will definitely have to try!
Me: 33 DH: 32 Married 7/18/15 1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16 Team green turned BLUE! 2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 Team green turned PINK! Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
Re: WTO or TWW (9/21/15)Calling all Charting
CD/DPO: 31/11
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): TTA, We are "trying" on November 15th... it will probably be after I ovulate haha, but that's when we stop avoiding.
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I have a friend who is "trying" and she has been driving me a little nuts with the whole.. I'm 13 dpo but I'm not .. but not testing... but should I? but maybe I'm not... damn take a test already... wouldn't you just want to know!?
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? Omg I have been bad. DH said I could buy stuff to put away so I was like OKAY!... about 1 thing a week.. any neutral onsies I find on sale at Tjmax or Babies R US... I had a baby shower this passed weekend so I was there and it was 50% off.
Currently, I would consider myself waiting for AF...
Month/Cycle: 1/0
CD/DPO: unknown!
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): temping, PNV, just got some OPKs to be prepared –the plan is still to actively try in December/January so for now we are TTA
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I was originally going to take one more month of BCPs but ended up changing my mind after discussing with DH. Since my BCPs were progestin-only, they were giving me horrible acne that I've never experienced before. My DH seemed to pity me and told me that there is no point in waiting another month and to just stop now. It's been 1 week since I took my last pill so now I'm just waiting for a period--which I haven't had in over a year so I'm not exactly sure when or if this will happen! I’m surprised that my temps have stayed pretty steady from what they were before stopping BCP. This past weekend, my mom and older sister visited and we discussed temping and cycles and what their cycles were/are and what could be coming for me…. So that was surprisingly nice!
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? -- I haven’t bought anything yet since we’re still planning on waiting a few months and I’m predicting it taking a little while for me… but I’ve already discussed with DH things that I want for our future LO and he always just laughs at me for planning so far ahead! But hey, one of us has to be overly prepared right??
CD 20, still WTO
TTA, trying in November or December
Rants/Raves/Chart stalks: My temps are all over the place this month, despite being better about getting lots of rest and waking up at 5:30 as planned. Still WTO, which is fine, but hoping my LP this month will be longer than the 8 days it was my last two cycles. Though we're not trying yet, like anyone would I'm just hoping everything works right after 13 years on hormones.
GTKY: No baby buys here! I'm a little superstitious that way.
@Xstatic3333 About the baby buys, I used to be superstitious but I have just been like whatever... if I never get pregnant it's okay and I doubt it will be because I bought things. I will just adopt. I have been trying to kind of enjoy the process of waiting to "try" and buying stuff is really helping me... that being said... its just clothes and stuff that can be tucked away in a box out of sight.
TTC through good old fashioned sex.
Rant/rave: Work is crazy. But we booked a Caribbean cruise for November. We got a hell of a deal, with all inclusive booze. I figured we can't go wrong, either I can use it or I can't, both have a bright side.
No baby buys for us.
CD/DPO: 5/N.A.
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): Temping, opks, charting, tracking cm, etc.
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I started spotting again today which is weird... Hopefully that goes away soon. Wondering if it was from all the sex yesterday?? But I really doubt it, looks like legit spotting.
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? I can't think of anything taboo...
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): NTNP until next spring when we will actively TTC
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: So I know I shouldn't be disappointed to see AF especially since we are just NTNP, but I guess I was just thinking we might be in the minority and get pregnant accidentally! Which is silly because being on these boards I know how long it can take when even timing is perfect! Also my LP was only 9 days... 10 if you count today. Oh well! One positive is that even though I've had minor PMS symptoms they have not been terrible at all which I really appreciate! Lol
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? Not yet! But I definitely would not be surprised if I also picked up things while they are on sale
CD/DPO: 24/3
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): vitamins, sex, charting CM and temps.
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: Chart stalk if you like. This is the first time I have dotted crosshairs. My CM was not very fertile leading up to the O day FF gave me. [url=]My Ovulation Chart[/url]
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? None.
BFP #1 January 28, 2016
Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016
My Chart
BFP #2 September 11, 2020
EDD May 23, 2021
@xstatic thanks for understanding. My husband is trying anything to get me to Shut up about babies.. Lol I think he's burnt out dk if ttc the first month will be discussed a lot... I may just chart for me and not talking to him about it.
@AshPat0525 thanks for the judgement free zone!! It's actually hard to buy gender neutral stuff especially since I don't know what season our baby will be born in lol so it deff keeps the shopping to a minimum
I'm a huge planner and I feel more secure knowing I have most of the basics already.
CD/DPO: 29/12 or is it 29/14 I don't KNOW
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying):
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk:
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys?
CD/DPO: Cycle day 25. FF thinks my "O" date could have been 6 days ago....
TTC( what are you doing to "try") or TTA(when are you trying): TTA for 4 more days, then NTNP for a couple months - we're moving across the country mid to late October, and I'm just coming of BCP after 12 years on and off. Planning to actively TTC probably November. Either way I'm temping/charting/tracking cm now, or at least practicing this month as I finish pills off, and will continue. I just won't be sharing info with DH or trying to plan BD for any particular time, FW or no, at least until we're settled. If it happens, pleasant surprise.
Rant/Rave/Chart Stalk: I'd love to use cervical position to keep my eye (or hand I suppose) on things too, but honestly 90% of the month I can't even reach it. I feel I've got largeish hands for a woman and long fingers, but idk. TMI: I use The Keeper cup for my AF, and sometimes even have trouble reaching that for removal even though I know it's not pressed complete up against cervix. Maybe I'm just a goofy shape/size. Excited to get to know everyone as I start my journey though - counting down the days to my LAST PILL EVER!
GTKY: Any taboo baby buys? Just books - I can read and reread 100 times to help from getting too anxious. Already have What to Expect BEFORE, bought When You're Expecting, and I'm thinking to pick up First Year and PG Journal from the What to Expect group too.
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green
DH: 32
Married 7/18/15
1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
Team green turned BLUE!
2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18
Team green turned PINK!
Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green