Baby Names

Attention Teachers or mommies of an Ella

edited September 2015 in Baby Names
Did your name your daughter Ella?  If so, are you happy with your choice?&nbsp. I think it's a gorgeous name but I am so scared she will be picked on for her name and mean kids will call her "Smella" or "Ella Phant".  Do you have an Ella that is in school and if so, has she been picked on at all or am I just being paranoid?  Thank you for your help! 

Re: Attention Teachers or mommies of an Ella

  • MrsBigfootMrsBigfoot member
    edited September 2015
    There are so many little Ellas, I definitely wouldn't worry about it. Also, kids are getting used to seeing a wider variety of "unusual" names, which I think has led to more overall acceptance/less teasing for names in general.
  • My niece is Ella and the only NN she has is when my brother calls her Smelly Ellie. Must be a dad thing because mine called me a similar NN lol. No one else calls her anything but Ella.
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  • I absolutely adore Ella and have never had my cousin or any students have a bad nn like you mentioned.

    Ella has been my favorite girl name for years and if I didn't have a cousin Ella and a cousins baby named Isla, it would be our first choice hands down!
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  • I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you have name regret. You aren't alone. My DD is 10 months and I still have name regret. I am going through the motions of changing her middle name now. I think Ella is a nice name and I do not think she will get picked on. Best of luck to you!



  • Ella is lovely. While there may be mean nicknames, they can be found for any name, no matter how "safe". My name is Megan and I got both Nutmeg and Me-geek-an in late elementary/middle school. Luckily these were from a brother-like neighbor so they weren't hurtful, but the point is that there's no reason to be paranoid about nicknames because all names have them.
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  • I teach kindergarten but deal with k-8 kids on the playground. Tbh I never hear name calling based on names. They just use generic insults. Don't worry about it. Congrats on your daughter! You don't need to worry about her name. You made a good choice.
  • Kids can find a way to make fun of ANY name, and if they can't find one they will find some other way to pick on you if they're so inclined.

    Ella is a beautiful name and doesn't have obvious "picking on" potential that some names might.
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  • I really wouldn't worry about that. I went by Ellie when I was growing up, and was never called Smelly Ellie or Ellie-phant. I can't remember anyone using my name to tease me at all growing up, and I think Ellie has more teasing potential than Ella. Good name choice! 


  • I had a friend named ella growing up and there was no name calling!!we called her ella Bella sometimes but that's it :)
  • I don't know any Girls named Ella but I know lots of girls called Ellie or Bella and I've never heard them picked for their names. I did know an Eloise when I worked in a toddler room that the other kids called Wheeze but it was just because one kid couldn't say her name right and then Wheeze stuck. It wasn't intentional. Ella is a beautiful name!


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  • I named my cat Ella when I was in grad school and I deeply regret it because now I can't name my child that! It's an amazingly beautiful name!
  • I've taught 2nd grade for 10 years and never hear name calling based on names. Kids rarely name call anyway. I think we've changed that bully culture. If someone says something mean it's "stupid" "butthead" "you're not my friend anymore" never anything name specific. And there are some weird names out there!!
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