
Vbac or c section next time?

Curious what you c section mamas thoughts are for the next one? I'm undecided-I know every situation is different. In my case I have a small pelvis and had a huge baby (10 lbs 9 oz)! His head wS turned a little to the side too but I think that's because if my pelvis. Big babies run in my family so I'm thinking next time it will be the same thing. However I really want to experience what natural birth us like but I want to do what's best and safest for baby. Thanks in advance!!

Re: Vbac or c section next time?

  • With this most recent pregnancy we went back and forth quite a bit with this decision and my doctors. It was decided upon with my pelvic structure and the guess about the size of the baby to do a repeat csection. I suggest that you really have these constant conversations with your doctor(s) especially as the pregnancy progresses. I don't feel like I have missed out on anything I just had a different way of getting my child into the world than friends of mine. To me csections are my natural births.
    Books to read in 2015: 9/60
  • Totally agree with pp & wanted to add-
    My ob would have wanted me to come to the hospital the minute I went into labor (I had a prev c-section, scheduled now for another due to a bunch of reasons) to monitor me. So at least in my situation I never would have had a "natural" labor - and that may be the case for you.
    Def ask your ob if you'd have to go to the hosp right away or if they would let you labor at home.
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  • I had a c/s with DD 3 years ago due to "failure to progress/descend."  After lots of research I've decided that I have to at least try for a natural birth this time (DD2 is due Oct 24!)  If it doesn't happen, and I end up with another c/s for one reason or another, I will know that I did everything I could to have the birth I wanted.

    I would recommend contacting your local ICAN chapter.  They may have good advice about the options for VBAC vs repeat c/s in your area.  I also agree with PP to discuss with your doctor, although some OBs are more supportive of VBAC than others.

    The safety of you and your baby are, of course, of the highest importance, but a VBAC is a safe choice for most women, and you deserve the option to at least try for a natural birth, if that's what you want.

    If you haven't visited vbacfacts.com or birthwithoutfearblog.com I would highly recommend checking them out.  Vbacfacts has lots of great info about research and statistics for VBAC success, but also provides info on the possible complications and circumstances where it's not the right option for everyone.  And BirthWithoutFear has wonderfully inspiring stories of all kinds of births, VBACs and cesareans alike.
  • I had a section because DS was frank breech and the doctors afterwards said the way the incisions were done made me a prime candidate for a VBAC. But that was never something I needed or even wanted. In fact, once we knew DS would be a section, I told DH that our next would be a section as well. There are so many things that could go wrong trying for a VBAC that could still result in another section, so I'm just going to schedule a RCS.
  • I had a cesarean with DS because of arrested decent. After pushing for 4 hours, I was more than ready to have him cut out of me! He was 9lbs 4oz, a big baby, and I'm not that big of a person, I'm only 5'2. I discussed it with my dr and she said that when we're ready for #2, she suggests just seeing how I feel. She said that the best indicator of baby's size is the mother's feeling. Measuring by weeks is only so accurate, and U/S can be off by 10% (and when talking about 8 lbs, that's half a pound in error!) if I feel that the baby is as big (or bigger) then go with the Cesarean.  I was also a week over with my DS, and they won't let me go over again.
    I plan to see how I feel, but I hope to have a VBAC, I can't imagine recovering from a Cesarean with a 3yo, it was hard enough with the baby last time!
  • I had a cesarean with DS because of arrested decent. After pushing for 4 hours, I was more than ready to have him cut out of me! He was 9lbs 4oz, a big baby, and I'm not that big of a person, I'm only 5'2. I discussed it with my dr and she said that when we're ready for #2, she suggests just seeing how I feel. She said that the best indicator of baby's size is the mother's feeling. Measuring by weeks is only so accurate, and U/S can be off by 10% (and when talking about 8 lbs, that's half a pound in error!) if I feel that the baby is as big (or bigger) then go with the Cesarean.  I was also a week over with my DS, and they won't let me go over again.
    I plan to see how I feel, but I hope to have a VBAC, I can't imagine recovering from a Cesarean with a 3yo, it was hard enough with the baby last time!
    This is actually exactly what my doc told me as well. We actually have pretty similar stories. My kiddo (who is now 3)  was almost 9lbs and I pushed for 3 hours. I am also just waiting to see how I fell before deciding anything for sure. Really wanting a VBAC as of now. We shall see...
  • When/If we have anymore, it will be c-section. I was induced and in labor with my first for 28 hours before I had a emergency c-section. She was not coming down, she was big, her head was turned, her heart rate kept dropping dangerously low each time I pushed (I only pushed a few times), she had her cord around her neck, and my doctor doesn't think my pelvis opened enough. 

    As much as I would love to have a vaginal labor/delivery, I was so out of it by the time my daughter was born, that everything was a fog. I would hate to go through hours of labor, just to repeat everything that happened the first time. I would want to be 100% there (in the mind), and get to be "present" during the next's birth. However, I think that my decision would be a little different if my first was delivered by c-section due to a known reason (breech for example).  
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  • DD was breech and we didn't find out until after her due date so I had a c/s before I ever went into labor. That was a bit over 2 years ago.
    I'm due in Jan with this LO and my OB and I decided that I will attempt to have a vbac this time (barring unforeseen complications/circumstances).
  • I'm having a repeat c section. While my doctor will go with whatever I want to do, his opinion was to o for the c section and avoid it becoming an emergency c section if things don't progress easily. I love my doctor and trust his opinion so I'm happily taking his advice. I'm also a little relieved to o with what I know!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I had a repeat c section the second time and will again this time. My doctor and the hospital near us doesn't do VBAC anyway, but even if they did after how traumatized I was from labor the first time, I don't want to go through it again. My first waswas emergency due to fetal distress. He had the cord around his neck several times and his heart stopped beating with every contraction. My second was also born with the cord around his neck via scheduled c section. It's not worth the risk to me. I would love to experience natural childbirth, but I never want to go through labor like I did again.
  • I labored for 24 hours and pushed for 3 with my 1st after being induced. She wouldn't come out, even after using the vacuum 3 times, so I had to have a CS. I felt SO cheated out of the birth experience I had wished for (way more awful back story ... epidural wore off, nurse anesthetist wouldn't listen, threw up on myself during CS, RNA didn't give me pain meds for when the spinal wore off ...) so when I got pregnant with #2 I was DETERMINED to VBAC. I found a supportive OB who was a much further drive and delivered at a further hospital where an on-call OB is on duty 24/7. Only #2 would not come out. I went 2 weeks past my due date and because I wasn't even dilated a fingertip so they could rupture my membranes, my OB wasn't comfortable inducing me since I was obviously unfavorable and I did not want to try pitocin or anything that would increase my risk of uterine rupture. I was so terrified of having a CS like my first again, I cried all the rest of the day and all morning of the CS. So, I went in for my scheduled RCS with #2 ... and it went so smoothly. It was an easy, stress-free, calm experience. Total opposite of the first one. I felt at peace that I had at least tried and that my body was not one that would just go into labor on its own. I don't feel cheated anymore either. 
    I'm pregnant with #3 now and IMHO it is way too risky to try a VBAC after 2 CS, so I will be having another CS. I am completely at peace with it and actually looking forward to the ease of just going in and having a baby in my arms 45 minutes later :) Don't get me wrong though, I am not an advocate of an elective CS. Nor, after my experience, am I an advocate of elective induction (yes, my OB induced me at 40w1d for no medical reason and as a 1st timer, I knew no different) but that's a different thread! 
    P.S. Sorry for the rambling!!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I asked my OB about a VBA3C and a uterine rupture. I wish I'd had a camera to capture the look on his face. ;)

    I think I'm cesarean for life at this point.
    Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture Lilypie - Personal picture 
     DS1 - 7/2011, DD 12/2012, DS2 - 4/2014, MMC - 12/2015
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • Sounds like my exact situation with the small pelvis and huge baby. I'm pregnant again now and still super unsure what j want to do. Part of me is leaning towards another c section just because the emergency C after 13 hours of labor was scary and exhausting and it might be easier to just schedule it. On the other hand, I wonder if I'll regret never experiencing a vaginal birth? 
  • I had a c/s with my first due to failure to progress. My experience with a c/s was traumatic - I dont ever want to experience that again. My second was a VBAC. Best decision ever. Was up and walking within an hour, had my baby nurse within minutes, showered and recovery was night and day compared to C/s. I definitely encourage others who are curious about another option to research VBACs. Now I'm pregnant with my third and going for my second VBAC. You do need to be prepared with facts! Knowledge is power. 
  • My first daughter was born 13 years ago and she weighed 9 lbs 10 oz but was a vaginal delivery. My 2nd daughter was born in april and weighed 11 lbs 2 oz and was a c/s because there was a lip on my cervix that just wouldn't soften up that her head couldn't get past. I've been through both delivery methods and honestly I would much prefer a rcs than trying for a vbac. I felt recovery after my c/s was less painful than after the vaginal birth. I also don't want to have an emergency c/s again. (My husband was crying because they were telling him all of the risks from the surgery and all he could picture was raising our daughter without me. I was screaming in pain because I had been pushing for 3 hours and that kid just wouldn't come out! I was exhausted, angry (36 hours of labor will do that to a girl!) and I would simply prefer to have an appointment and know when my little one is going to arrive. After talking with my OB, we decided that we would schedule a rcs at my first appointment with, God willing, my next pregnancy. Everyone needs to do what is right for them though! I'm fortunate to know that for me, a rcs will not make me feel like I'm missing out on something that I would have otherwise experienced with a vaginal birth. 
  • My first was born by c/s and I hated every minute of it.  I feel like I majorly missed out on a natural birth, which is what I really wanted.  I refused to every step foot in an OR again unless someone was dying.  I've done a lot of research and a VBAC is a safer option for most women.  ACOG encourages VBAC as well.  There is a LESS than 1% chance of a uterine rupture and chances of that being catastrophic is even smaller.  The risks from surgery are much higher than a VBAC.  I encourage you to check out what ACOG says about VBAC and to check out VBACfacts.com.  The CDC even has  a great chart out with the risks of both, and you'll see the section risks are higher.
    With all of that being said, I had my daughter in 2015 and she was a totally natural VBAC at 41+1 weeks.  It was a much better experience and the recovery was a breeze compared to my section!  I also hired a doula which was extremely helpful as well.       
    PPD/PPA Mom...it has been super hard, but I'm making it! Slow steps...
    Mom to Carter (6), and Calianne (1).  
    Proud VBAC, natural birth, breastfeeding, cloth diapering momma!

  • Like previous posters it all will depend on how your are feeling and talking to your doctor constantly about this and how the baby grows.Also on how their comfort level is with VBAC's. You can always decide to labor and then at some point if its decided that you need a csection at least you tried.  I had a csection with my first because of failure to progress and my water had already been broken 36hours. With my second my plan was to attempt a VBAC and my doctorr was all for it the only thing was that she would not let me go past my due date becasue of the risk of rupturing (my first and my second were 3 1/2 yrs apart) and she would not induce me which is how I eneded up with my second section, only issue was that my doc wasnt the one who did it and I ended up with scar tissue that  gave my doc a hard time going in the second time aorund.  If you want to experience a natural birth and your doctor is okay I would go for it,  especially deepending on the number of kids you want. There are some doctors that only feel comfortable doing a certain number of sections. I was not disappointed that I did not get to expericence labor, having the baby cut out was just the way it would be for me. I've had no complications and I know what the recovery was going to be like so I was prepared mentally.  Plus I had help as well. Fast forward to today I am having my fourth baby/cesection and the doctor I see is perfectly okay with doing a fourth section and my prior doctor(who stop delivering babies) was uneasy about it but willing to do it.

    BabyFruit Ticker
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