May 2015 Moms

International travel tips for 5.5 month old?

we are taking our daughter to meet her grandparents who are serving a church mission in chile in November. She will be 5.5 months when we go. Three flights, the longest being almost ten hours. Any tips on long travel days? Flying? How to prepare for the worst but hope for the best? She is a great sleeper now at 3.5 months. Excited but super nervous.

Re: International travel tips for 5.5 month old?

  • I want to hear any advice on this, too! We are flying to Italy for Christmas. I'm nervous and excited.
  • Baby wearing through airports are a lifesaver for us. Having her facing in and being comforted by touch helps keep her from being overwhelmed by crowds of people and being hands free/not having to push a stroller around people is wonderful! We've flown to and from Europe a dozen times with our little. Try to be prepared with anything you could need but for us it's no different than how I would comfort her at home or when we're out traveling. We try to not stress about the flights and I think that helps all of us. If she's fussy we deal with it and comfort her just like we would at home, but thankfully that hasn't happened too many times and honestly people are pretty understanding for the most part. And just like you might need to get up and walk around, do the same with baby. The change of scenery is good for everyone and I'm sure everyone else on the plane will love to coo over baby too (; Feed or pacify on take off and landings to help with ear popping. We've brought a boppy on our flights to help with nursing and sleeping in our arms while in the seat, it's helped keep her head from banging on the arm rests. Adjusting to the 9 hour time zone for us was hard but honestly there wasn't much to be done than just working through it and figuring out each time what worked for us. It is rough getting back on your home time zone but it is possible.
    You guys will do great, I think traveling when their small is better than when they're toddlers (;
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  • Try to schedule the flights during lo's sleep time and try to book a basinet on flight.
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