Wanted to do a PSA for people considering "no cry" sleep methods- it took a long time for us to get it down but it is ACTUALLY WORKING. I can't even believe it. I'm reading a book right now for the first time in 4 months!! Anyway, for those considering it, here's what we did:
- continued to do a very structured bedtime routine every night
- drowsy but awake for two weeks, including naps
- modified "pick up, put down"- I put him down drowsy and left the room. The second he started getting upset, I went back in and held him until he calmed. A minute later, I put him down, whispered "I love you, goodnight" and left. Rinse and repeat. It took 10-15 tries the first night.
- then did "pick up put down" with him totally awake for two nights. On night three, I put him down, and he talked himself to sleep for 10 minutes
We all know our babies' personalities, and I just didn't feel that mine would be a good candidate for CIO- he is easily overstimulated and very stubborn. He is still waking 1-2 times to feed but it is a HUGE improvement over it taking 1.5 hours for him to go to sleep and then waking every two hours all night long. Just wanted to give a good review for anyone else that wants to try a no cry method!
Re: "No Cry" sleep method is actually working!