June 2015 Moms

Date night?!

We have the rants/raves thread, but I'm interested in dates/outings/weekend adventures you've had since baby was born with your DH/SO.

I love my little girls to pieces, but I love time alone with DH!

Re: Date night?!

  • We went to a soccer game one night, swimming one day, and a Tim McGraw concert DH isn't a huge country fan but I also just wanted some time with us and it was amazing. Luckily we have lots of family to watch LO haven't left him non family yet.
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  • We went about a month ago, when our baby just turned 2 months, we had a few drinks and an amazingly delicious dinner. Our wedding anniversary is Wednesday so we are going back to the same place because it was that good. I can not wait! (Wednesday is my husbands "Saturday" next week and I'm a sahm so it works! Lol)
  • @hudson202 that is a genius idea!!! I can even pump there!
  • We went to a friend's wedding last weekend. It was pouring, windy and freezing! I had to pump in the car and the band wasn't really playing danceable stuff... but we made the most of it and had a great time with friends anyway!
  • DH and I still haven't been on a date and LO is 3 months! I get major anxiety when I leave her, I've been without her once for 30 minutes and had a meltdown. I'm wondering if it will ever get easier for me?
  • DH and I have had a few casual date nights where we have left LO with family and we've gone out to dinner. We are going down to Atlantic City next month for hubby's birthday and leaving LO with my mom overnight. I think I'm more excited for a full night of sleep than I am for gambling hahaha.

    Pregnancy Ticker

  • I don't have a problem leaving her. At one month we went to a concert in a different state, I was gone for 8 hrs. We have done 4 casual dates where we just ate out. Also we went to a baseball game on labor day. Next Sun is our anniversary so we are having his parents watch her and doing dinner and bowling.
  • LO is 11 weeks and we haven't had date night. Yikes! I didn't even realize. LO sleeping in his crib all week has been close enough!! Bow chica bow wowwww.
  • We've been to a wedding, baseball game & 2 date nights. We have both of our parents around our area so it's been easy. She stays with my Mom while I'm at work so the other times she's been with DH's parents. That's definitely easier on us.
  • aj1327aj1327 member
    edited September 2015
    We've been to a movie and to a baseball game. We're going to a wedding that's about an hour away in November and LO will be staying with Grandma (at our house). It will be our first over night trip. I know I'll be anxious and miss him, but I'm already looking forward to alone time and sleeping!

    Edited for spelling
  • Okay. My mom is visiting and giving DH and I our first date night tomorrow. I have a question. I EBF and LO rarely gets a bottle. Will my supply be affected if I pump in the middle of the night and then skip her feeding while we're out tomorrow? She'll obviously get the bottle from grandma. I just don't know if the timing of the pumping/bottle needs to be closer?
  • Still haven't had one... 14 weeks.

    DH's coworker & wife gave us a babysitting coupon & gift card at shower. BUT then they come over to meet her around 2 months old & she doesn't "know how to hold her" & he didn't want to.... So I'm gonna say no for now to them. Moms been too busy to be able to. Ugh. I'd love a dinner & ice cream.
  • Sjeff0816 said:

    Okay. My mom is visiting and giving DH and I our first date night tomorrow. I have a question. I EBF and LO rarely gets a bottle. Will my supply be affected if I pump in the middle of the night and then skip her feeding while we're out tomorrow? She'll obviously get the bottle from grandma. I just don't know if the timing of the pumping/bottle needs to be closer?

    I can't answer this exactly because I EP.

    What I can say with accuracy--because all my milk is measured--is that my supply remains pretty close to the same if I pump 6 times a day, 7 times a day, or 8 times a day. And my supply remains pretty close the the same with pumping gaps of 3 hours and gaps of up to 6 hours. (The 6 hour gaps don't happen that often, only when we're out and about--so once a week or so).
  • Sjeff0816 said:

    Okay. My mom is visiting and giving DH and I our first date night tomorrow. I have a question. I EBF and LO rarely gets a bottle. Will my supply be affected if I pump in the middle of the night and then skip her feeding while we're out tomorrow? She'll obviously get the bottle from grandma. I just don't know if the timing of the pumping/bottle needs to be closer?

    I've done this from time to time and my supply has remained fine.

    I often have to pump when I get home if LO isn't ready to eat because I feel full though.
  • I would say you should be fine although I would wear pads in case you leak and you're boobs might be pretty tender by the end.
  • We had a date night of dinner and bowling when LO was about 8 weeks, and we went to see Dierks Bentley about 3 weeks ago. I could go for a date night every 2 weeks but we don't have many options for a sitter
  • @Sjeff0816 your supply is well established by now and a few instances of pumping instead of feeding will not affect it.
  • We didn't really go on dates pre-baby. Pretty lame, right? Neither of us has much of a desire to do anything where we live so baby hasn't changed much for us in that department.
  • HoosOnFirstHoosOnFirst member
    edited September 2015
    @amccoy129 enjoy that wedding! We did that in August - left LO with MIL, went to a wedding and stayed over. OMG it was so great to eat an uninterrupted meal, have some drinks, and sleep in in the morning! DH and I were not in a great place relationship wise at that time, and boy did it help.

    We then decided to say yes to all weddings this year. We have another one next weekend :) although we aren't staying over (boo) so we might regret it. But I figure it's a free fancy meal!
  • HayesRN13 said:

    We take LO to grandma and gramps at least once every two weeks since he was about 4 weeks old.. Dinner and or movie usually (at 4 weeks was just a quick dinner then we rushed back to him) but now we take our time and add in a movie, and maybe head back to our house for some "alone time" before we pick him up >:) I really believe this is very important

    Amen! Dates are very important for so many reasons.
  • We decided that we might skip the wedding we have this Saturday and still bring LO to my aunt's house so that we can have a date night instead (not that a wedding isn't a date night, but we don't need to put on stuffy clothes!)
  • Is there anyone else out there who hasn't left LO with anyone besides DH/SO? We go out occasionally and just take LO with us, but I haven't left him with anyone else. I worry right now about being gone because he won't take a bottle and only sleeps for like half hour or so for naps. We have a lot of family and friends who keep offering to babysit and I feel like it's getting awkward because we never say yes. I just feel like if we are going out I like having LO there too!
    As a side note DH works in the evenings and on his days off honestly prefers to stay home. He is more of a homebody.
  • ^ Me.
    Well, I left him at the temple daycare during High Holy Days services twice, but it was only for 2 hours, and I checked on him twice (because he is EBF).
  • At 3 months, we left LO with my sister for an hour so se could grab java together at Starbucks.

    Lame, I know. We should step it up.
  • @theletlers Only DH has watched my guy while I'm gone. I've found that if it is just for a couple of hours he waits til I'm home and then eats... Takes a bottle just knows if I'm not there he might as well wait as it's never that long.
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