July 2015 Moms

Supply dropping???

I think my milk supply might be dropping...at my middle of the day feeds LO gets very squirmy when the milk flow slows down. About 3-4 min into the feeding it seems to happen. I also recently got my period back...not sure if that means supply is low or just normal. Sometimes are better than others but today we are having terribly feeds...she is fussy and unhappy. It's really upsetting. I even tried to give her formula after but she only took 1/2 ounce and was really unhappy about the formula. I thought by boobs were just adjusting because they no longer feel full...but now I'm not so sure. I do have hypothyroidism and am on synthroid. I know it can be a factor. Any thoughts??

Re: Supply dropping???

  • I've just recently noticed the same thing and have noticed my thyroid acting up again. My doctor sent me for blood work and hopefully I will be getting some medicine soon. I bought fenugreek and started taking it and it seems to help with my supply. I hate that nursing ds isn't filling him and I have to supplement.
  • audi681audi681 member
    edited September 2015
    Same. I am also on fenugreek. Few things I've noticed: supply is way better if I get in a mid day nap. Supply is better if I don't do cardio that day.

    Try pumping after each feed for a few days. That usually helps my supply come back.

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  • She might just be getting more efficient at sucking, or you could have a fast let down. I know my left boob comes out really fast so it takes my daughter less time on that side. She also squirms and pops off a lot because it comes out too fast. Does she still seem hungry or is she satisfied? If she's not still looking for more after you're done than your supply is probably fine! Try pumping and see what you get, but keep in mind that your LO gets more since babies are better at sucking than the pump is :)
  • @Jmitch8 someone recently told me you can't take fenugreek if you are on synthroid. Ask your dr just to be safe.
  • Hmm, I have been supplementing because my LO rarely seems satisfied after nursing. I have hypothyroidism and didn't know that played a factor! I was just at the doctor yesterday and she didn't say anything about me taking fenugreek while being on synthroid.
  • Hypothyroidism can effect milk supply :( not sure about the fenugreek thing?? The person who told me sees the same endocrinologist as me so maybe my dr. feels this way about it.
  • Now that really worries me. I will have to look into this, thanks!!
  • Melis222 said:

    @Jmitch8 someone recently told me you can't take fenugreek if you are on synthroid. Ask your dr just to be safe.

    I'm not even sure they will give me anything for my thyroid, but if they do I will definitely ask!

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