July 2015 Moms

spitting up question

Ok so for a few days now, LO randomly has thrown up his formula, he eats the same 4 ounces and is burped and has been acting perfectly fine.
Could it be the type of formula or gas? or something else.... any advice or suggestions. 

Re: spitting up question

  • Maybe you could try a different bottle or nipple flow. My baby always spit up with the Doctor Browns bottles, I tried the Avent natural bottle and she rarely spits up now.
  • How old is your LO? My LO is 2 months old and started spitting up a few weeks ago, along with having noisy breathing what we thought was nasal congestion. Took him to the pediatrician this week for his 2 month appt and the doctor didn't see any nasal congestion and from our discription said it sounded like reflux and gave us a rx for zantac, we just started it last night and saw a small improvement already.
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  • Thanks... we have slowed down his feedings and more burping and letting the bottle settle before feeding as so far it has helped. 

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