Babies on the Brain

Friday GTKY

Hi ladies. Post a run here, but I hope y'all have a great day!

Name your top 3 movies. Ready. Go!

Re: Friday GTKY

  • 1) Nightmare before christmas
    2) The prestige
    3) Hook
    Lilypie Trying to Conceive 21 to 37 day cycle tickers
  • 1) Forrest Gump ( I once watched it 3 times in a row)

    2) Basically ANY of the Harry Potter movies (except the Chamber of Secrets)

    3) The Green Mile
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker
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  • These are a mix of lifetime favorites and current obsessions:

    1) Planet of the Apes (starring Charlton Heston)

    2) Gone with the Wind

    3) Mad Max: Fury Road 

    Can I get a thumbs up on Tom Hardy's sexiness? 

  • 1) Pulp Fiction 

    2) American Beauty

    3) It's a Wonderful Life

    July '16 May Siggy Challenge 

    BabyFetus Ticker
    Me: 29
    DH: 32
    Married: June 2011
    DD #1: December 2013
    DD #2: EDD July 2016
  • This is hard!

    1. Steel Magnolias
    2. Lawless
    3. Anything with Leonardo DiCaprio 
    DH: 29 | Me: 29 
    Dating: 10/3/08 | Married: 12/27/14
    TTC #1: August 2015 | BFP: 2/3/16 | EDD: 10/7/16
    DD: 10/5/16
    TTC #2: September 2017 | BFP: 4/28/18 | EDD: 1/7/19
    DS: 1/9/19
    BabyFruit Ticker

  • 1. all three Lord of the Rings
    2. The Departed
    3. Catch Me If You Can
  • 1. Avatar

    2. Moulin Rouge

    3. Finding Nemo
    Me: 33
    DH: 32
    Married 7/18/15
    1st born at 35+4 on 6/6/16
    Team green turned BLUE!
    2nd born at 38+6 on 8/30/18 
    Team green turned PINK!
    Due with #3 on 6/6/20 Team Green

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    Pregnancy Ticker
  • 1. Sense and sensibility (the Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman version)
    2. Frequency
    3. Count of Monte Cristo.
  • Ugh this is tough! i cant be held to this list and its in no particular order lol
    1)anne of green gables
    2)eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
    3)the thin man
  • Excellent question!

    1. Remember the Titans

    2. Jurassic Park

    3.  Halloween (John Carpenter and particularly during this time of the year)
    Me: 29
    The Mr.: 31
    EDD: 6/2/16
    Furbabies: 3 rescue dogs
  • 1. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
    2. Bridesmaids
    3. Dumb and Dumber

    As you can tell, I always turn towards comedic movies. When I 'crave' a certain movie, it usually comes from a need to have a good laugh :)
  • 1) Pride and Prejudice (with Kiera Knightly)
    2) Monster Squad
    3) Robin Hood: Men in Tights
    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Parent of Baby Boy M, born December 2013 Angels: Miscarriage @ 9 weeks, May 2015, Chemical Pregnancy November 2015

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • @Chichigo robin hood:men in tights used to be my favorite when I was little
    Lilypie Trying to Conceive 21 to 37 day cycle tickers
  • 1. Bridesmaids
    2. Lion King
    3. The green mile

    TTC #1 since August 2015
    BFP #1 January 28, 2016
    EDD October 3, 2016
    Felicity Joy, born September 2, 2016
    My Chart
    TTC #2 Since August 2020
    BFP #2 September 11, 2020
    EDD May 23, 2021

  • Hmm that's tough! !

    1. Garden State
    2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    3. Right now Inside Out. Seriously the best kids ' movie I've ever seen!

    Me: 33     H: 36

    Married: 12/14/13   DS: 1/29/09

    BFP2: 10/9/15  MMC: 11/12/15

    BFP3: 4/6/16   DD: 12/12/16

  • @Lysta85 I used to watch it very night when I was falling asleep. Recently found it on DVD or blue ray, and I found I still enjoy it.
    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Parent of Baby Boy M, born December 2013 Angels: Miscarriage @ 9 weeks, May 2015, Chemical Pregnancy November 2015

    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • 1. Resident Evil
    2. Gattica
    3. Boondock Saints
  • So hard to pick! Mine are all over the place:

    1) Flowers for Algernon

    2) I second all of the LOTR movies

    3) Dinner for Schmucks (love Steve Carrel)

  • In no particular order:

    1) How to Train your Dragon
    2) Bubble Boy
    3) The Little Mermaid

    Omg, I sound like a little kid. LOL.
    houston, tx. eharmony 7.3.11. married 3.7.15. oilfield wife.

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