July 2015 Moms


GO BRONCOS!!! Ok LO is fed, praying he will just go right back to sleep & STAY asleep! So far so...don't speak to soon! I'm so tired... Night y'all!


  • 2:51 am LO is chowing down. I'm stressing because house is a mess, I have preschool, Bible study and LO's doctor's appointment tomorrow and then DD1's birthday party Saturday morning. I have to clean, bake cupcakes, decorate, wrap presents - I am full on panicking before 3 am!
  • 4:25 am....I'm so tired. That is all. Lol
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  • 5:55 am.  Eating my 4am bowl of cereal.  Hazel is changed and fed, and pretending to sleep with David.
  • I'm so tired in the MOTN that I'm half asleep while feeding LO. I can't hold my eyelids open to see my phone to post on here. Sometimes, I wonder if I fell asleep before LO was done feeding! Haha. I'm sure if he was crying, DH would have woke me by now!
  • So I was awake in the MOTN, but I don't see how you ladies do it! If I get on my phone I feel like it overstimulates me and then I can't go back to sleep!! I had to lay there staring into darkness after forcing LO to wake up...he never actually opened his eyes, but he did eat. And then I had to pump....so it's either be bored, or wake myself up too much!!
  • Speaking of MOTN, it's 4am and I can't sleep. Owen is sleeping peacefully though!
  • 4:50 in Pa..just finished a trip home from the beach..made it in 9 1/2 hours..lo slept practically the whole way..mommy hasn't slept at all!
  • 5:20, LO is fed but wants to play instead of going back to sleep :( I can hear the dog snoring in the kitchen though :o3
  • 4:45 am in Vancouver and so tired. Hardly slept in between feedings at all tonight. By the time my LO gets back to sleep I seem to be wide awake. It doesn't help that we're dog sitting a 17 year old poodle that scratches at the door to be let out during the night. Between the baby and the poodle wake up calls (on different schedules of course) I feel like I'm being tortured! Anyone want a poodle??
  • Baby was farting himself awake all night....fed him, gave gas drops and got him to sleep. Only then did I realize my eye was killing me! Now he is at my sisters and I'm at a walk in clinic thinking I have pink eye or a corneal tear...grr!!!
  • 4:45 am in Vancouver and so tired. Hardly slept in between feedings at all tonight. By the time my LO gets back to sleep I seem to be wide awake. It doesn't help that we're dog sitting a 17 year old poodle that scratches at the door to be let out during the night. Between the baby and the poodle wake up calls (on different schedules of course) I feel like I'm being tortured! Anyone want a poodle??

    I'm in the same boat except the dog is mine. She's 14, diabetic, blind and has weak back legs. She gets up twice a night or so but not always same time as LO
  • Baby was farting himself awake all night....fed him, gave gas drops and got him to sleep. Only then did I realize my eye was killing me! Now he is at my sisters and I'm at a walk in clinic thinking I have pink eye or a corneal tear...grr!!!

    Ugh, I hope you're feeling better. My eyes have been awful too, I thought it was pink eye but it's just irritation from my contacts. Back to glasses for a while.
  • Yeah I ended up having a corneal tear- doctor thinks something for under my contact and I rubbed it. Glasses and drops for a week!
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