I am a teacher and my principal knows we are having fertility issues. Last week she was giving me all these reasons why having 1 child was a great thing (keep in mind that she has 2 herself) I couldn't believe some of the things she was saying. She was saying how much money we would save, and how all kids want to be only children because they are always compromising or giving things up for their sibling. She told me to make me feel better I should have my friends bring their kids over to play with my son and have them leave (babysit essentially) so it feels like more kids are around..does she really think watching my son play with my friends kids will make me feel like I have another child??? I have read a bunch of those articles about what not to say to someone trying to have a child or with secondary infertility and she has said them all to me.
what dumb things have people said to you??
Re: Dumb things people say
Kid #1 - 09/03/12
Hysteroscopy #10 - scar tissue grew back reblocking my right tube
#11 or IVF with scarring still inside?
1 lone embryo from September 2016 retreival, dx with Trisomy 16, starting fresh
DS b. 7/4/2011 via c/s
TTC #2 since 1/2015
8/2015 - "unexplained IF", started Levothyroxine
9/27/15 - IUI #1 (unmedicated) - BFN
10/26/15 - IUI #2 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
11/21/15 - IUI #3 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
12/18/15 - IUI #4 (100mg Clomid + Ovidrel) - BFN
Dx: Me: Recurrent Pregnancy Loss; DH: Low Morphology (2%)
BFP#1: MC 3/1/11 at 6w1d - EDD 10/21/11
BFP#3: MC 2/8/14 at 4w5d - EDD 10/13/14
BFP#6: CP 11/6/14 at 4w2d - EDD 7/14/15
IVF #1 with ICSI & PGS: May/June 2015, ER 6/3/15, 17R/17M/15F
IVF #2 with ICSI & PGS: July 2015, ER 7/16/15, 16R/11M/9F
PGS results = 6 normal embryos (4 boys, 2 girls)
FET 9/23/15 = BFFN
I always get... at least you have one. It drives me nuts because it makes it seem like I am not grateful and everyone should know how much I love my son. Part of my motivation in doing IVF is for his future.... the other thing that drives me nuts is when people rattle off lists of people who are only children and then say... "they are all only children and they are FINE." Great.
Jan 10, 2016: Cycle 16. Femara 5mg + IUI #3 - BFN.
Feb 10, 2016: Cycle 17. No IUI or meds. Taking a break - Natural BFP Mar 5, 2016!!!! EDD Nov 16, 2016
Moving to IVF March 2016
Beta at 10dpo: 21, Beta at 12dpo: 98, Beta at 14dpo: 264, Beta at 16dpo: 745
U/S 6w6d: single beautiful heartbeat of 121bpm - It's a boy!!!!
Nov 3, 2016: Our family became complete. Welcome DS #2.