July 2015 Moms

Bummed Out

We went for little man's 2 month checkup today...everything went fine with his shots. He only screamed at the initial prick and then calmed down. He was even smiling and cooing while we waited the mandatory 15 minutes after the shots.

However, he only weighed 9 lbs 12.5 oz. This puts him in the 25th percentile for weight. He is 23.5 inches long (75th percentile for height). The doctor wants me to start waking him up in the middle of the night to eat in order to get the extra calories and reevaluate at his 4 month appointment.

Now, this isn't a big deal because I get up anyway to pump while he sleeps and of course I want to do what's best for him. But I feel a little bummed out that maybe I'm not producing what he needs since he is still very light. I don't want to have to stop breastfeeding, but I'm worried about him not getting enough. :-(

Re: Bummed Out

  • Don't feel down :) that is great that you are still breastfeeding! Unfortunately not only did my milk not have enough calories for my daughter but production pretty much stopped at 3 months. You are doing great already and if you do have to stop breastfeeding don't feel like you failed, you are doing what is best for your baby no matter what :D breastfed or formula, as long as your baby is happy, healthy and strong :D
  • Was his growth trajectory not ok because 25% alone isn't a big deal?
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  • She didn't say anything about that...just that he was 25% and on the "small side" @kelly422
  • n3na94n3na94 member
    edited September 2015
    Don't feel bad, you're doing great! But I don't think you need to stop breastfeeding just try to add a feeding in the middle of the night so he could get those extra calories in! What was his birth weight!? My friends baby is 7 months and weighs 5 pounds more than my 2 month old baby, but it's because she has a smaller frame than I have. Sometimes our bodies and frames are different and every baby is different. I don't think he's doing bad and from what I read he is tall! :) Good luck and don't give up, you're doing great and what's best for you son so don't feel down! ;)
  • eclohoecloho member
    edited September 2015
    Yes just plump him up with a MOTN feed! Personally I would rather breast-feed then pump in the middle of the night… I just hate pumping
  • My daughter is in the 25% for weight and height, they didn't even say anything about it. My first daughter was so small that her weight wasn't even on the chart, and she was only 5% for height. She is now in the 75% for height and weight, every baby grows at their own pace. You are doing a great job, don't get discouraged!
  • He was 7.2 when he was born and dropped to 6.6 in the first week....I really appreciate all of the support! Hopefully his motn feeding will really help!
  • My daughter was in the 13th percentile for her weight at her 2 month check up last week... Don't feel bad! You are doing amazing!!!
  • Someone has to be on the low end of the chart. Someone has to be on the high end too. Are you and your husband (boyfriend/partner) small? Maybe your baby will just be small. I wouldn't let it stress you out at all.
  • Continue doing great you'll see he will gain weight just fine! ;)
  • That's weird bc my little guy was 90th for height (daddy's side are all tall men) and 19th for weight, but he had gained a good amount since his first visit. My dr didn't say a thing.
  • My LO was also 70% for height and 18% for weight. Dr. Was not at all concerned. All babies grow differently.
  • If your baby is happy, alert and generally seems satisfied after you feed him then there is nothing to worry about. People come in all shapes and sizes, babies and adults!
    If he has been consistently dropping down the scales then that might be an issues but if not don't worry!!
  • I agree with PP, if happy, alert and satisfied then I wouldn't worry! My LO wasn't gaining either so my dr suggested nurse 20 minutes then give 2oz bottle. Well, that worked and now I have to continue the bottle because I don't produce enough. BUT, I always nurse first and then give bottle so I feel better knowing that she is still getting mommas milk but also gaining weight.
  • My husband and I are both pretty fit people- slender (him naturally, mine because I workout!). Someone mentioned that maybe my milk just doesn't have as much fat in it? Who knows! He is always happy go lucky and goes down for naps like clockwork!
    At least last night when I forced him to wake up to eat, he never opened his eyes, ate, and was practically asleep again before I could finish burping him. I just think he's going to be tall and skinny!
  • I'm sure heredity has something to do with it. I wouldn't worry much. One of my friends said her doctor said something about her baby being small. She reminded him that she's barely 5 feet talk and 100lbs.
  • LO came early and was born at the 3rd percentile for weight. At week 2 we were in the 2nd and at 2 months we had dropped to the first. I was freaked, but our doc was pleased with how well he was following the curve and was consistently gaining 7+ oz a week. She just wanted me to make sure he kept eating 8-12 times a day. He usually eats a lot before bed, so an extra middle of the night feeding wasn't necessary.
  • I think I've decided to offer a little extra pumped milk at like 10:30 instead of waking him up at 3:30am....I don't want him in the habit of thinking he has to wake up in the middle of the night to eat!
  • The advice in the UK is not to worry too much unless baby drops two or more centiles on the chart- as others have said some babies have to be the small ones as 25th means one in four babies weigh that much or less. My son is also 25th centile for weight (50th for height) and he has formula milk and never stops feeding. I was asked to wake my daughter to feed as she had a similar weight and it never worked as she would take a tiny amount and fall back asleep x
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