May 2015 Moms

Babies weight

my 15 wk old has always been in the low percentile for his weight and has had to have weight checks every month. He was up to 12.8 at his 3 month check, but when we took him to doctor today he was down a whole pound.. Doctor doesn't understand why.. He is exclusively on breast milk, and eats around 26 oz a day.. Should I be concerned? Has any other moms little ones had this issue?

Re: Babies weight

  • Unless you're pumping and bottle feeding, you don't know for certain how much he's getting.  Has he been checked for lip and tongue tie?  My lo was so slow gaining weight, and finally at 10 weeks they checked and found she had both, so that was holding up how much she was getting per feed, even though she was feeding all of the time.
  • We really struggled in the beginning with weight. She was 6 pounds, 15 ounces at birth and only 7 pounds, 2 ounces at 1 month. All she did was nurse, so I thought she was colicky because she cried so much. Turns out I had low supply and the poor thing was starving. I started pumping and would be lucky to get 3 ounces from both sides after pumping 20 minutes per side and that was after I started taking lactation supplements. Once we started bottle feeding and seeing that she was actually getting enough (and supplementing with formula) she started gaining. She is now ff because there just wasnt enough hours in the day for me to work both of my part time jobs, spend off time with the baby, and pump.
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  • I exclusively pump and get an over supply every time so I know he is getting enough.. Haven't checked for Tongue tied or anything that I know of. May mention that at his 4 month check
  • edited September 2015
    Mine didn't go down a whole pound but she was at 10.6lbs month 3 & 10.3lbs month 4, the doc wasn't worried about low weight, just losing. And even that wasn't a big deal as long as baby seemed satisfied when nursing, looked healthy, and doesn't lose again at month 5
  • Is he pooping at least once per day? How many wet diapers? If he seems satisfied and is pooping/peeing normally, then I wouldnt be too concerned.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My lo is only 11 at 4. She hasn't lost weight but went down in percentile. She has some health issues so the cardiologist believes its her heart working in overdrive.
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