Hi everyone, I've been lurking around and decided to introduce myself and share my story.
I've been pretty active on the Baby Center forum but not so much here and it seems there's a bit more single parents and parents to be on here 
I am from Canada and currently 19 weeks pregnant with a BOY 
My boyfriend and I had only been together for 2 months when I found out I was pregnant, which was a huge shock. We had an accident and I took a Plan B pill but yet here we are! I'm 28. He's 33. Both at good jobs. We've been having many issues and conflict of personalities but overall he was supportive and we planned moving in together. I was and still am in love with him and he has a lot of great qualities I want in a mad. Unfortunately things got progressively worse as we are navigating the relationship and the pregnancy (he is a big Alpha male personality and was very jealous of ex's and guys around me, even though I have been completely loyal to him) and a month and a half ago told me he doesn't want to continue and we're over. His reasons were that he doesn't trust me, he thinks I am a feminist who doesn't want to take care of a man and overall doesn't think we can be happy together.
I was devastated and still have a hard time dealing with it.... It has gotten a little easier, especially now that I'm in the second trimester and feeling better physically. But the emotions are crazy and SO hard to control.
I am a strong person and have been through a lot (family deaths, a divorce from my high school sweetheart 2 years ago, lots of moves, etc). I have a great job and a great support group. I am moving in with my mom at the end of this month so I can save a bit of money and also for the help I will surely need. i know things will be OK but I can't help it - all I want is to be with BD ... I can't imagine dating other people, and how complicated that will be. I dread dealing with visitaions, CS, courts, etc... I have this hope in my head that we'll get back together, and I hate myself for feeling so weak and dependent.
BD and I still talk almost daily, we see each other (sleep over and all that), go to movies. He wants to help me move and also wants to buy all the baby gear together. He has a child already and keeps saying he doesn't want to be a weekend dad. He wants a family. But he is firm on his belief that we are not good together and he doesn't want to "forgive me" for the alleged things I've done, which I think were all a product of his own insecurities.
I need some advice on whether or not I should continue harboring this hope that he will change his mind. Or should I let him go as a partner and only have him involved as BD? the back and forth is very hard emotionally but the times we talk and see each other feel so good (agh I feel bad even writing this).
Advice or just thoughts??
Re: New member here - Hello! Single mommy-to-be
He was never physical, but did warn me a couple of times while fighting that he needs to step away from the situation because he's getting angry and he might become a "monster". I actually feel sorry for him, and want to help him deal with his mental issues and deep insecurities coming from a bad childhood. I know that is one of the signs of being in a relationship with a narcissist - the desire to help them, even though it's impossible.
It's amazing how helpful it is to just write out your issues and explain the situation to "strangers" lol. It gives me such a different perspective while even just writing the words. When you're stuck in it, it's hard to see things clearly.
I had a very productive phone session with my therapist yesterday and she basically allowed me to see that I am resisting dealing with the break up and this is not allowing me to fully grieve and move through the stages. She said it's better to deal with it now and be sad/depressed now, instead of postponing it and potentially having the break up depression move into post-partum depression..
And she also helped me see that it will benefit me and the baby if me and BD discussed and agreed on custody, visitations, etc now. I've been avoiding this topic because of my hope that we'll be back together and it won't matter. But the reality is we ARENT together, he broke up with me and I need to deal with the situation at hand.
We have plans to take baby classes together in November and he has expressed he wants to be in the delivery room, but I'll have to take some time and think about it. I would love if we can be Rachel and Ross from Friends and have some super great friendship and coparent in harmony but for now my feelings are too messy.
I'm super excited to see my little big man on the screen ☺️☺️
Oh, I had to move in with my dad (he's handicapped and could use the help anyway) and he did not help me at all! Haha, if I had a craving (I had so few), usually I'd be SOL because it was something from a restaurant he didn't like or didn't want to go to.
I wish I was able to separate the dad from partner part right now. I know it's possible and maybe later I'll have the clarity of mind to do it. But for now him not being with me just hurts so much and it's hard to see him only being there for DS and not for me.
Maybe once DS is here things will make more sense.