FTM who was due Sept 30, but Baby Girl decided to debut early last Friday. (Woohoo!) While we knew there was a possibility she could come early, SO & I figured she would follow trend and be late if anything. We made plans to have our last real 'date night' this weekend, assuming we'd get it in before she was born. It's not anything super fancy, just going down to a local music festival for the evening. For a multitude of reasons, I think our relationship really needs this "us" time, but I'm breastfeeding Baby Girl. Her grandma has agreed to watch her if we still want to go to the music festival, but we would be gone long enough that Baby Girl will need a meal or two before we pick her up. Everything I'm reading on breastfeeding and pumping says to wait at least 4 weeks before pumping or using a bottle if breastfeeding to ensure the smoothest long-term breastfeeding experience. This would be a one-off occurrence, but I don't want to do anything detrimental to the breastfeeding process either. Any advice or experiences to relate on when is "too early" to pump/bottle feed?
*x-posted in Sept 2015 Birth Month board*
Re: Pumping too early?
I gave two bottles at 10 days bc my nipples needed a break (pumping didn't bother them but feeding did at first). She didn't have another bottle until 3 weeks. We were no worse for wear.
Do what you have to do...some babies are picky about bottles vs breast and some like mine don't seem to care as long as they're fed.
TTC#1 for 19 months with PCOS and MFI IUI#3 + injectables = BFP!!!! Beta#1-134(13dpiui) Beta #2-392(15dpiui)
#1 born December 2011
TTC#2 - Beta #1 -51@10dpo Beta#2 -1353 @16dpo
#2 born May 2013
TTC # 3 June 2014 BFP 12-1-14
#3 born August 2015
#4!!!!!!! due June 2017