This check in is for anyone on this board to participate in and will occur every Wednesday. If you are new here and haven't made a separate intro on the main board please do so before checking in so we can "meet" you! It's easy to do just click the new discussion button in the top right and post away.
1. Your Name or Screen Name (not full names) and State you are from.
2. How long have you been TTC? Are you TTC #1,#2,#3, etc.?
3. What are you doing this cycle? Are you seeking help with a fertility specialist (RE)? If so, what stage are you in? Charting/temping? Testing? Medicated cycles? IUI? IVF? DE?
4. Where are you in your cycle? (Waiting to O, 2WW etc) If in the 2ww when will you test?
5. How do you feel about this cycle? (Are you hopeful, anxious... etc)
QOTW: Recommendations for fall TV shows (returning favorites or new ones)?
Me (42) w/ partner for 16+ years
TTC #1: 11/2012 - 9/2013; 6/2014 - present
Follistim + TI (3x): All BFNs
Follistim + IUI (1x): BFN
IVF #1: 17 retrieved,15 fertilized, Day 3: 15, Day 5/6: 3 biopsied
Result; 1 frozen blast (inconclusive PGS results)
IVF #2; ER: 6/22 16 retrieved, 6/25: 5 transferred (CP), 2 frozen
FET 9/17: BFN
Current FET -- Transferred 2 day-3 embryos - BFN
Re: Weekly check-in -- Sept 16
TTC #1 since Jan (started really trying in Apr 15)
Waiting for AF, for this cycle to end, so I can try it all over again.
Medicated IUIs with acupuncture.
I'm a netflix junkie, so I usually only watch things that have been out for a while. I like to get a whole season at once. If Agent Carter doesn't make it to netflix, I might download it. I'm currently re-running the entire series of Dollhouse. If I get really down, though, I might go way way back, and re-watch all of Buffy.
7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!
fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP!
Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)
BFP 2/19/15 • MMC found at 9 wks • D&E at 11 wks (age 36)
BFP 8/29/15 • CP (age 37)
TTC#2 since May 2017
BFP 10/18/17 • MMC found at 8 wks • Misoprostal at 10.5 wks (age 39)
BFP 2/16/18 • CP (age 39)
BFP 4/13/18 • CP (age 39)
BFP 5/07/18 • MMC found at 10.5 wks • D&E at 11.5 wks • Testing showed it was a girl with Trisomy 22. (age 39/40)
9/5/18 Diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve (4-5 follicles, one ovary had none and was very atrophied)
RE says the low egg count is likely causing my recurrent pregnancy loss. Less eggs results in more aneuploidy.
BFP 9/24/18 • CP (age 40)
Lol.. very inconsistently TTC #2 off and on for about a year. My husband was deployed in January. He just returned home last week so we are excited to start.
I just started my period (today) so we will be waiting to ovulate in a weeks or so.
I am not sure how to feel yet? Excited that we are trying. Anxious because not sure how long or if it's going to be a hard journey.
kmetcalfe77 from the East Coast
TTC #1 since August 2014. I am 37, DH is 43.
Started Bravelle injections last Saturday. This morning (CD 7) I went to RE for US and BW. Still too early for anything but going back on Saturday. RE said that follies can grow rather quickly. Really hoping that is true and I am ready to trigger Saturday or sunday so that IUI can be Monday because my work schedule next week is CRAZY and it will be difficult to fit in the IUI. Plus, DH works several hours away Tuesday-Thursday. We made a freeze appt for him on Monday just in case we are looking at a mid-week IUI.
I am extremely hopeful for this cycle. this is the first time I am trying injections and from what everyone has told me and what I have read, I am hoping to produce more than one follie and the eggs should be good quality. I have only produced one folllie on clomid and letrozole so I have my fingers crossed for more chances this cycle.
I am a tv addict and watch a lot of tv including reality like the Voice. But as for a brand new show, I am looking forward to the Bastard Executioner on FX. Its from the creator of Sons of Anarchy.
2- TTC#2 off and on for a year now
3- I'm using OPK with FF. I think I'm going to try temping again although I'm not good at it. My damn bladder wakes me at odd hours.
4- I just finished my TWW with 4 negative tests and that bitch AF arrived a day early.
5- praying this cycle will be better.
QOTW I can't wait for sleepy hollow to come back. Love that show PLUS Grey's and How to get away with murder
2. TTC #1 for 5 months (Haven't been preventing for 5 years)
3. Charting/Temping via FF, OPKs
4. 5 DPO
5. I feel.... Like whatever happens, happens. I believe that the harder you "try", the less successful you will be. Stressing about TTC works against you.
QOTD: I've always been a Grey's Anatomy fan... Also waiting for Homeland, Nashville, The Affair, and Empire!
San Diego, CA
TTC #1 since June 2015
Prior D&C due to blighted ovum 2003
Married 5/30/15
TTC #1 June 2015
BFP #1 9/28/15, EDD 6/10/16. DS born 5/23/16!
TTC #2 May 2017
BFP #2 m/c 11/18/17 5w5d
BFP #3 12/17/17 EDD 8/25/18. It's a boy!
DS 4/2009
m/c 11/12/2010 ~ 7 wks
m/c 7/4/2012 ~ 6 wks
DD 12/2013
mmc Baby Girl 7/12/2015 ~ 14 weeks
Twin girls! 8/26/2017
2. TTC #1, not preventing since 11/12, actively trying since 8/14
3. OPKs (Wondfo), temping, prenatals, evening primrose oil, probiotics, Vit D, fish oil, Myo-inositol, D-Chiro-Inositol, cayenne. Also some nasty herbal concoction from the acupuncturist. Still going strong with the low-carb/no sweets diet and trying to do cardio exercise every other day...
4. CD27 and 7DPO (according to FF). Will wait until at least 10DPO to test.
5. My post-O temps started off a bit rocky and I kept wondering if I did in fact O, but those temps are now starting to climb high. Yay!! This gives me some hope, although I'm trying to keep my head grounded in reality and to not get too excited here. If I don't get a BFP this cycle, then it's off to complete the rest of my tests with the RE and talk about options. I figure I'll probably do a medicated cycle in November or December if nothing happens naturally before then. Or we might just wait until the New Year. Decisions, decisions, decisions....
I don't have a regular TV hookup so only watch Netflix. I love so many things and watch some old favorites over and over again (like Friends!). Lately we've been watching Narcos, Madam Secretary, Death in Paradise, and the random movie here and there.
Good luck everyone!
NTNP since 11/12, actively trying since 8/14
11/15: Letrozole, Ovidrel, TI = BFP!!!
Beta #1(14dpo)=349, Beta #2(18dpo)=2,805
12/17/15: Got to see the heartbeat (105bpm)!
1/25/16: NT scan = normal (HB=163bpm)
EDD: 8/10/16
8/8/16: Baby boy born @ 12:25am, 8lbs, 20.5 inches
5/18/17: BFP!!! (11dpo)
Beta #1(12dpo)=176.4, Beta #2(15dpo)=607.1
2. TTC #2 since 2/15, cycle 2 TTC post-MC in July
3. OPK's, pnv, fish oil, vit d, chinese herbs, vitex, acupuncture, maya abdominal massage, bd EOD during fertile window, the works...
4. CD 13, I just got a +OPK this morning
5. Feeling good about the fact that I got a +OPK earlier in my cycle. It usually doesn't happen until about CD 15 and then I have a short luteal phase, so (maybe, just maybe) I'll O earlier and have a longer LP. On the other hand, I've been dealing with insomnia and feeling totally crazy, so that's probably not helpful.
6. Looking forward to Nashville and the Voice. @dolphin012 - I'm also super sad about the daily show, colbert report and parenthood...
Me(38)PCOS/Hypothyroid DH(43)Low T/ED
MMC at 10 weeks 03/2011 DD born 01/2012 TTC #2 since 04/2014
BFP 8/26/2016
2. TTC #2, first "official" TTC cycle after three months of NTNP
3. We are low key this cycle, no charting or OPKs. Just sex as often as we can.
4. CD12, WTO
5. I'm feeling hopeful.
Fall TV: We just ditched cable, so I'm getting used to Hulu.I'm going with a blast from the past and watching season 1 of WKRP...I loved this show as a kid.
TTC #2 for 8 cycles. Had a couple months where we were benched. Back on the bandwagon now.
I'll do OPKs again to try to time things well. I can't temp because LO still wakes a lot at night and my sleep is terribly inconsistent. I would love to have the data though!
CD2. Trying to remember that my uterus is beautiful and that her job is to get me pregnant. This awful, heavy period is just her getting me ready to do that! (I hope I don't sound snarky--I really mean that. Whoever posted that from their Mayan abdominal massage, thank you. It really has been helping me).
Feeling hopeful, but also sad. I like to be in control of things. It's hard to have this be so out of my hands. Trying to remember to pray more and fret less.
We're another Hulu/Netflix household, but now that I've read your answers here, I remembered I am excited for Nashville!
@CarrieandRoy- I'm sorry that your husband isn't well. I'm glad you're here, and I hope you're feeling strong.
@kmetcalfe77- Scheduling around an IUI is the worst! It's like, each month, I'm counting out the days and trying to figure out how I'm going to make it work. This cycle, we're supposed to leave town for this festival/camping trip (a regional burn, like Burning Man but way smaller) on CD 14, but CD 14 may end up being my day for IUI. Everything is up in the air!
@emsmama15- If it's ok to ask, what's your goal weight/BMI for the IVF? Different clinics have different standards. I *think* I'm just under what my clinic will require, but I'm so short that if I gain another 10 pounds, I think I'll be over. (And I've already gained 10 pounds since starting this whole journey, with all the stress and hormones.) You don't have to answer that question, of course! But good luck-- it is hard as heck to lose weight anyway, at any other stage in life. It must be enormous pressure to lose weight for this, and I hope you're keeping a positive mindset and being gentle with yourself.
@agriffin92013- If you've responded well to the meds, that's a good sign. It can still take several tries with IUI to be successful, but good follicles are great to have. So don't be disappointed by it not working right away!
@jilligan14- all my fingers are crossed for you!
7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!
fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP!
Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)
7 IUIs, 7 BFNs.
2 IVF attempts, both cancelled and converted to IUI, both BFNs.
Decided that my tired old ovaries are ready to retire.
Next step- reciprocal IVF, using my wife's eggs, my uterus!
fresh 5 day transfer (2 embryos) 4/17/17- BFP!
Identical twins "due" 1/2/17 (but anticipated arrival sometime December)