May 2015 Moms

more sleep woes

So my LO consistently wakes 3 times a night. Sometimes 4! :( He's been doing it forever so I don't think it's the 4 month sleep regression everyone is talking about. However, I have noticed lately that it takes him FOREVER to get back to sleep!! I used to be able to nurse him and he'd pass out within minutes or take as long as 20 min if he was actually hungry. Now it's taking him 45-90 minutes for 2 out of 3 of his wake ups! Anyone else noticing this with their LOs? I wonder if it can still be considered sleep regression. Not that it really matters. The only thing that matters is that none of us are getting much sleep! The only thing that works for me is laying him down next to me and nursing him to sleep. If I put him in his crib he fights it for a long time. I really don't want to get into the habit of cosleeping again. :/

Re: more sleep woes

  • Buckles0528Buckles0528 member
    edited September 2015
    I'm so over not sleeping last night I nursed him then gave 2 oz. Formula so I knew he was not hungry, turned the white noise on, plopped him in the crib and closed the door. DH and I agreed no going in unless its a cry, whining is fine. He was asleep in 20 minutes from 7:30-11. At one point maybe 3am after eating he tried staying awake and I just left his crib. He literally whined, not cried, until 6:00 am when I went in his room. Anyway, nobody got any sleep but we never do anyway and I'm hoping tonight he gets the point and just stops whining and sleeps.
  • lol, wow he is persistent. Looks like we have some stubborn Tauruses. :) Mine only whines for about 5 min and then I get full blown screams...Definitely going to begin sleep training soon...
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  • Buckles0528Buckles0528 member
    edited September 2015
    Stubborn and strong willed for sure! I hope it doesn't turn Into crying neither of us have the nerves for that :/
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