July 2015 Moms

anyone back to their pre pregnancy weight

I gained 35 pounds and lost 26 within the first 2 weeks. After that nothing! Even though I'm breastfeeding. How's everyone else's weight loss going?

Re: anyone back to their pre pregnancy weight

  • I'm 8 weeks PP and weighing about 5 pounds less than I did prepregnancy. I had an emergency c-section due to preeclampsia so a lot of the weight I gained was water weight that fell off pretty quickly. By the time I was discharged, I was 5lbs from my prepregnancy weight. I lost the rest during the 2 weeks he spent in the NICU from constantly being on the move trying to get to him and get him home as quickly as possible. I gained about 30 pounds total but 15 of it was in the last week due to swelling and water retention from the sudden onset of preeclampsia. Although I'm weighing less, it has certainly redistributed itself and my belly doesn't look like I lost it from that notorious c-section shelf
  • gmk1784gmk1784 member
    edited September 2015

    I gained 35 pounds and lost 26 within the first 2 weeks. After that nothing! Even though I'm breastfeeding. How's everyone else's weight loss going?

    I'm in the same boat as you. I gained 32 lbs, lost 25 in the first week. I'm now 4 lbs away from my pre pregnancy weight, but they don't seem like they want to come off. I'm in all my pre pregnancy clothes so that makes me happy enough. I've been told that I'll probably hold onto those last few pounds while I'm breastfeeding
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  • Gained 45..lost 30 in 2 weeks and NOTHING since then. Frustrating
  • heathernmayheathernmay member
    edited September 2015
    Down to pre pregnancy weight but still need to lose 20lbs of fertility treatment weight. However my body/belly is so different I haven't tried any pre pregnancy clothes yet. I'm scared to.
  • Lost all pregnancy weight, but like the PP my body is different and ackward and I'm looking forward to working out to get back to something closer to what I was.
  • I gained almost 40 lbs this pregnancy ( third baby and normal weight is 107). Within a day or two of having baby I lost about 25 lbs. I'm now fitting back in my normal prepregnancy clothes but I'm still about 5-10 lbs heavier but I think it's just extra boob weight now. EBF
  • Gained 30 pounds, was back to starting weight 1 week PP. I had gestational diabetes and was on a pretty strict diet, so I think that helped. Like previous posts my pre pregnancy clothes don't fit quite right.
  • I gained 45, have lost 25 and still have 20 to go. Although when I look at myself I'm not really sure where the 20 is at? I still have a little tiny pooch where my bump was and my boobs are pretty big so I'm thinking it must be there & a little bit in my legs :-??
  • I gained 30 and have lost all but 6 pounds. My pre pregnancy pants all fit but my shirts all cling to my blobby belly. I went to Wal Mart and bought some flowy tops and I feel much better about myself. I really want to add exercise to my schedule but I have no idea where to fit it in.
  • I gained 38, lost all but 6-8lbs (depends on the day) .. According to the "timeline of a breast fed baby" 3-6 months is when you'll see the greatest weight loss due to breast feeding.
  • I gained about 30 and lost about 20 so far. I am only 6 weeks PP though so I am not really worried about it. My PP appointment is next week, so hopefully I will be able to start working out a few times a week after that. I would like to be able to wear my normal jeans again this fall!
  • I gained 25 and lost it all by my 6 week apt. But nothing fits right/the same!!! I need to get new clothes. :/
  • Gained about 25 lbs, gave birth to 9lb baby, 3 weeks later I reached my prepregnancy weight without working out or following what I'm eating. Must say that I've been super lucky my body is pretty much the same like it was before.
  • Gained 17 lbs, had an emergency csection, Lost all but 3 lbs in the first couple weeks and now at 13 weeks PP I am actually lighter then my prepregnancy weight.
  • Ckorines said:

    10 weeks postpartum. Gained 60 lbs....lost 50. This morning I squeezed into my size 2 skinny jeans! (Keyword: squeezed!)

    On a side note, I'd like to send a huge eff you to all the hookers at my work who commented on how fat I got during my pregnancy..... Suck it!

    You go girl! :D
  • Still 8-10 lbs away, but my jeans fit. Shirts are the issue...EBF so they are ginormous. I'm normally a 32C, not even sure what i am now just know none of my tops fit. Looking forward to fall wardrobes of comfy and stylish sweaters :) I also had diastasis recti BAD with this pregnancy (baby 2 in less than 1.5 years) so now I do have the dreaded mommy pouch, along with my c section shelf. Boo. But im hopeful, 6 months after my first I was below prepregnancy weight and rocked the tiniest bikini I ever have on a trip to the Dominican with the hubs :) want to still look great for him!!!!
  • I gained 29lbs and am now 4 lbs under prepregnacy weight EBF, but I'm also running 4-5 miles a day. I'm 11 weeks pp.
  • Down to pre pregnancy weight but still need to lose 20lbs of fertility treatment weight. However my body/belly is so different I haven't tried any pre pregnancy clothes yet. I'm scared to.

    This! I'm down to my pre preg weight, but I still have to lose the 10 lbs that IVF put on me. I still wear a lot of maternity stretch pants.
  • I'm not exactly sure yet, but I did lose 5 lbs this week and I'm definitely eating my calories. Yay excercise and breastfeeding!
  • Gained 30 something and have lost it all (8 weeks pp). Somehow I don't fit into some of my pants, most of my shoes, and still can't get my wedding and engagement rings back on.
  • I gained 65 and have lost 30... 35 more to go. And even after 35, I still have even more to go. :(

    Mama to two crazy kiddos
    J -- 9/04
    L -- 11/10
    E -- 7/15

  • gained abt 25 pounds and it was all gone within 5 days PP...thankfully!
  • I gained 32lbs and I've lost 23 of it. I'm 10 weeks pp and lost the weight by week 3. I'm really not worried about losing the other 9. I was going to have to buy new jeans anyways this fall due to gaining 20lbs before I even got pregnant. I'm 141 now which is what I weighed when I graduated high school 13 years ago lol. I'm also a FTM and during pregnancy I gained most of my weight 20lbs of it in one month during the beginning of my 2nd trimester. I have one pair of jeans that my skinny jeans but there stretch so that's the only reason they fit. My butt looks great in them DH thinks so too. I just need to tone my belly to get rid of my lil pouch but other than that I love the way I look. Not trying to sound conceited btw.
  • I gained 32lbs and I've lost 23 of it. I'm 10 weeks pp and lost the weight by week 3. I'm really not worried about losing the other 9. I was going to have to buy new jeans anyways this fall due to gaining 20lbs before I even got pregnant. I'm 141 now which is what I weighed when I graduated high school 13 years ago lol. I'm also a FTM and during pregnancy I gained most of my weight 20lbs of it in one month during the beginning of my 2nd trimester. I have one pair of jeans that my skinny jeans but there stretch so that's the only reason they fit. My butt looks great in them DH thinks so too. I just need to tone my belly to get rid of my lil pouch but other than that I love the way I look. Not trying to sound conceited btw.

    Haha don't worry! I'm the exact same way, I love the way I look :) my mother in law and sister in law think I'm crazy because I love my new mama body. I have more of a womanly figure now and I love it :) I was 95 lbs pre pregnancy and I didn't have any hips or butt haha and after the pregnancy I filled in.
  • Gained 15, lost all of it between c section and not eating when I came home cause the painkillers took my appetite. I should add I struggled with my weight my whole life, so getting into pre pregnancy clothes was a very welcome surprise. Still had to get some new shirts cause my boobs are enormous. LO and DH and I walk at least a mile every day so things are starting to tighten up.

    BabyFetus Ticker 
    Little dude will be here before we know it!

  • mers90mers90 member
    edited September 2015
    Meee! Gained 35 and I lost it all by week 6-7! But I'm not back to my pre pregnancy shape yet!
  • Gained 40, have lost 20. Started with a personal trainer three weeks ago and have yet to lose any weight but I'm learning to not be worried about what the scale says and more about how I feel. I have so much energy and although I don't fit into my old bottoms, I'm learning to love my new curves and focus on toning up and being healthy rather than skinny.
  • ashleytiffashleytiff member
    edited September 2015
    I gained 32. Last time dr weighed me I had lost 15. By now I might have 10 more, possibly 15 since I'm always stuffing my face cause breastfeeding has me starving. I don't like to weigh myself cause I'll obsess over the number but some of my pre pregnancy pants fit but they are really tight. I don't think just losing the weight will help though...Everything has shifted, I need to tone up the pudgy stomach and jiggly thighs.
  • I'm about 4 lbs from pre pregnancy weight but I'm guessing it's all in my Dolly Parton boobs
  • Im 6 lbs under my prepregnancy weight but my skin is so stretched and loose, its just depressing. Hoping it gets better with time and exercise.
  • Look for the positive! I don't weigh myself- scale has dead batteries anyway, oh well. I will NEVER weigh 165 lbs again!!! Even if I don't make it all the way back down to 120 (still got 20 to go). I look good (I think so & people tell me all the time) & more importantly I feel great 7 weeks after an emergency c-section! I have zero stretch marks!! I was so relieved at 2 weeks PP when the swelling of my legs & feet was gone! My hair & skin also look great, so oh well about weight!!! Yay me! :D
  • Yeah, I don't really care about weight or the scale (like ever), our bodies just did something absolutely amazing!!! I'm more in love with my shape than ever :)
  • I gained 70lbs. by the time ivgave birth but I had pre-e so I'm assuming most of that was water weight. I lost about 40lbs. in the first two weeks and now, at 9 weeks PP, I have 12lbs. left until my pre pregnancy weight.

    I am not in a huge hurry to lose the rest, it has only been two months. I'm sure the rest will come off with time as I have a pretty physically demanding job.
  • I am 10 pounds lighter than I was before I got pregnant. I'm too excited!!!!
  • 8wks pp and I weigh a few lbs less than what I did when I was pregnant but that probably won't last long since I've been craving nothing but sweets
  • I gained 21 and so far have lost 31 but I was about 20 overweight from quitting smoking 5 years ago. If I lose 15 more I'll be happy, but I'm in no rush.
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