July 2015 Moms

Fussy baby

I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing this. My son is 7 weeks old and doing great napping and sleeping at night (but still waking up a 4 times in the night to nurse, the longest he has gone to sleep is 4 hours without nursing but that is normal for his age I think) but the problem is after he nurses he is happy and smiling for about 20 minutes then he is so fussy after that, and has to bounced or needs me to walk around with him to be consoled. I tried my wrap a few times but he still fusses. Has anyone else gone or going through this and know what week it might stop and maybe he will be more content without all the fussing all day?

Re: Fussy baby

  • My LO started sleeping from 11pm to 4 am at 8 weeks. She still hasn't slept the whole night but I'll take what sleep I can get. She is usually fussy too. I just try to soothe her as much as I can. We started playing during the day with her floor gym, sitting on the patio, and taking evening strolls. I think It's helped with the fussiness and sleeping.
  • Needing to be bounced or walked around to be comforted is the story of my little girls life. She especially likes slow squats. My thighs are getting boss strong. She's been this way since she was born though and she's just about 11 weeks old now. She alsp LOVES to wiggle like crazy on her play mat so I think she just likes to be in motion unless she's sleeping.....heaven help us when she becomes mobile.....
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  • edited September 2015
    Mine does this when she is getting bored. She likes to move around. From anecdotes I've read, once she is mobile it will probably get better. She can't move around on her own and I think it frustrates her lol. Miss independent!
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  • My little man is almost 7 weeks and for almost a week he's been sleeping from 10:30- 11 pm to 4-5 am and he gets super fussy jf he doesn't burp and he's hard to burp I've just tried gripe water hoping that helps!
  • My LO is 7 weeks and does this exactly. I think after 20 min of me playing with her she gets over stimulated and tired. If I catch her tired cues (looking away, yawning) and start rocking her at that point she doesn't have as much of a melt down.
  • Maybe its a wonder week. Read up about it, very interesting!
  • My LO gets a bit fussy too between feeding and napping, especially in the afternoon/evening. I feel like she gets bored because she is pretty happy while being interacted with. Sometimes she has to be patient if I'm taking care of one of her older siblings but she does like her playmat which helps.
  • Lynzwebb said:

    My LO is 7 weeks and does this exactly. I think after 20 min of me playing with her she gets over stimulated and tired. If I catch her tired cues (looking away, yawning) and start rocking her at that point she doesn't have as much of a melt down.

    This is what happens with my LO. He's happy after nursing and a diaper change but starts to get overstimulated and tired after a bit of interaction. Once we see him looking past us, opening his eyes wide and starting to really move his arms and legs we know a meltdown is imminent. In the day time we put him in his swing at this point and he usually calms down and has a nap. He gets very fussy in the evenings and that often takes hours of soothing to calm him into eating and sleeping. The 5 S's (swaddle, side, swing, shush, suck) from the book The Happiest Baby on the Block have been the most helpful way we can find to soothe him.

    A couple of weeks ago he stopped napping very much in the day and was very fussy all day. Now he sleeps more and we can usually avoid a meltdown during the day although evenings are a different story. I understand the fussiness often peaks around 6 or 7 weeks and usually is better in 3-4 months. My LO is 7.5 weeks so I hope this is true!
  • My LO has been doing the same thing. She is 8 weeks today and has been such a good baby. Yesterday she did not nap until 4 pm! She was fussy and needed to be walked, rocked and cuddled all day. She has slept through the night only waking once to eat since she was a week old. Last night she barely slept and even criedin her sleep. She continued to need to be rocked and walked. The same so far today. I'm thinking she is making her second leap per wonder weeks app. Same might be for your little one. I hope it gets better soon.
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