I'm feeling an alarming amount of guilt. Baby is not even 4 months old but since having to return to work, my milk supply has cut down by half and I can no longer keep up with his intake. He is eating over 20oz a day and I'm only able to pump 10. My back stock is down to 6 5oz bags in freezer and I take 2 to day care every day. I'm thinking the only alternative is to start formula but that makes me sad. I've enjoyed the ease of breast feeding my baby and I love the connection. Should I continue to try and pump, out just call it quits?:'(
Re: guilt: lowered milk, start exclusive formula?
Did you pump a lot before going back to work? You may just be adjusting to going back. My supply lowered at first due to the stress but went back up.
If i were you i would have started suplrmenting a while back to save my freezer supply but i completely understand why you didn't. There is nothing wrong with doing exclusively formula but if you breastfeed maybe you'd want to do it about twice a day If you exclusively pump then yeah it's a big hassle but in any case it's up to you.
You gave your LO 3-4 months of the best they can get, it's ok if you can't keep up. Formula is a gift from god! Before formula women had to ask other women to breastfeed their babies when they couldn't, imagine having to do that!!
When thinking about successful people they never say "thanks for breastfeeding me" it's always about love, support, and time spent together. I feel like that's more important in mommyhood :-)
Dont give up, you may regret it! Hang in there
I've been able to produce just enough for him while he's at daycare (about 4, 5oz bottles) but no extra. I started looking into formulas for some supplementing, and just incase of an emergency. I saw Gerber has a specific supplement version for BF moms, however I have no idea if it's any different than a regular formula. We have his 4 month appt tomorrow, so I wanted to ask the doc about that.
I digress! Anyways I think any amount if breast milk is great! The way I see it is that as much as I can give him now is fantastic, and in another month or so I can start to introduce solids. When that day comes, if I can still produce the same amount of milk I am now, we'll be in good shape. Then I probably won't need to supplement anymore. Just have to push through until then.