Parenting after 35

Weekly Check-in Sept 13

mindaamindaa member
edited September 2015 in Parenting after 35
How was your week? 

QOTW: Football season is starting - will you be watching, do you have a favorite team?
Me-37, DH-38
Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

Re: Weekly Check-in Sept 13

  • My 3 year old broke her elbow and like her Mama she has a high tolerance for pain so keeping her "quiet" is next to impossible.  I am back to work and she is back to school with me.  We found an awesome sitter so that is another positive.  The only negative is since going back to work my little man (will be 2 in Nov) is going through some MAJOR seperation anxiety.  Luckily he is fine when I leave for work it rears its ugly head at nap time and at night.  You would think I threw him out the window the way he cries.  He is waking in the middle of the night too screaming for me and all he wants to do is be held.  It is making me crazy and makes me feel horrible because I don't want to be back at work to begin with but have to because I am the breadwinner and carry the health insurance for my kids :(  

    I need to hit the Lotto.

    I LOVE football.  Sadly I root for the Jets so I am grossly disappointed year after year.  With a 3 and almost 2 year old it is next to impossible to watch a full game anymore so I am not as up on things as I used to be but I am a fan.

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  • This past week has been a bit frustrating, want to set up a routine but visitors are preventing this. Soon well be in our own, able to set up a routine (and probably lonely, that's how these things work I guess. Lol)
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  • @inble123 - yes, so many mixed feelings with visitors. 

    Week 3 back to work was good, but tiring. LO is still consistently waking 3 times a night. (like ebetween 9-10pm and 6-7am).
    Even after a nice, relaxing weekend I'm really feeling the cumulative effects this morning. Worst part is that I "leaked" emotions a little, getting a little bit frustrated with LO last night (after getting woken after sub hour stretch of sleep), which always leaves me feeling so guilty. On top of the guilt and stress I'm already feeling with my milk supply challenges, I'm just feeling all the feels this morning.

    I'm not really into football, but DH is a lifetime Packers fan, so I do my best to share his excitement. Got to dress DS in his Packers onesie for the season opener yesterday - Super cute! 
    Then after the game, I presented DH with a very, very early (like 7 mos) 40th b-day present... a trip to see a home game in Green Bay, with his dad. I've been working with MIL for a while to get it organized. It's FIL's 65th b-day this year, so it's joint gift.  So good to finally tell him, it's been hard to keep the secret!
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

  • @Geeps2 ... sorry to hear about your daughter.  Hope your son starts adjusting better soon.  Don't feel horrible.  You are doing what you have to do for your family.  (Feel free to use this line on me in about 6 or 7 weeks!)

    @inble123 ... Hope you get a routine established soon!

    @mindaa ... That is an awesome present for your husband!!

    My week was okay.  Trying to remember what I did, lol.  Chloe had her two-month shots.  That wasn't fun, but she did okay.  She's still doing PT, but seems to be getting better with her neck and head control.  Her poor little head is still kinda flat, but the pediatrician is hoping it will round out before her four-month appointment.  We've started transitioning her out of the rock n play (which I think has been part of the cause of her head issues) into the pack n play in our room.  She is doing pretty well sleeping in it, though not nearly as good as in the rock n play.  (She would sleep six to seven hours straight in the rock n play, but only sleeps about four hours straight in the pack n play.)  Oh well.  There's no turning back now, lol, so we are just gonna be a bit sleep deprived again.

    I love football!  Fiance' and I are Cardinals fans.  We actually used to have season tickets, but now we split them with a friend from Vegas.  Fiance' went to the game yesterday while me and Chloe just watched on TV.  She's got three Cardinals onesies she wears now and already has a jersey for when she is a little bigger.  We MAY take her to a game in December, but we'll see.  We have a lot of tailgating friends who want to meet her.

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  • @Geeps2 I'm so sorry you're having a rough time! How long does it take a broken elbow to heal? Poor thing! I hope the nights get easier with time and the chance for your little guy to adjust. Hugs!

    Both myself and my daughter have been sick. Today we were much better and my h took the day off. We went to the zoo, it was a great day.

    A couple weeks ago we went to an apple farm and picked apples. Our daughter had so much fun.

    My big news is- we transitioned to the toddler bed! I cannot believe how well it's going. After a trial week the crib is now gone. Our daughter absolutely loves her "big bed." Nap time is the only struggle but she's getting a decent nap about every other day so it isn't too bad.

    We don't really watch football. We are futbal fans. :)
    Me:41, DH:41 Positive for MTHFR mutations- one copy C677T, one copy A1298C. One daughter born on Thanksgiving in 2013. Six losses.
  • @jerseygirl227 - glad to hear PT is going well and that shots turned out to be OK
    Me-37, DH-38
    Married in 2006, TTC #1 since Jan 2012

    Baby Boy born June 1, 2015

    He settles her in her home as a happy mother of children, praise the Lord! (Psalms 113:9)
    And the peace of God, which surpasses all understand, will guard your heart and mind in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7)

  • Thanks all!  @guennie you are way braver than me!  I am keeping that crazy pants in his crib as long as possible LOL.  He is a crappy sleeper to begin with and I already mentioned his problem with me going back to work after having me home for the whole summer.  He would be a nightmare without his crib.  Glad to hear your little lady is way more mature :)  

    Luckily things are getting a bit better.  For the last 2 nights I have been able to put him down without the hysterics.  I put him in his rib and he then asks for me to sit on the floor by his crib, we chit chat and I warn him it is only for a little bit and then after a short while I get up and leave.  He cries for a little bit but nothing like last week.  He was inconsoulable.  Naps are still rough but getting better as well.  Once I get home he is super glued to me, I can't even go to the bathroom by myself.  This too shall pass.  

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  • @ guennie- We go back to the Ortho. on Oct 7th.  She will then be x-rayed again and we shall see.  The way she carries on you would never know her arm is broken.  She may be the death of me before this is all over LOL

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