My mom wants to do something similar to a diaper raffle at my baby shower only thing is we are cloth diapering so I don't need a huge stash of disposables. Is there anyway to do it so that I can get donations toward my cloth diaper stash without it coming off as rude or tacky.
Note: I plan on purchasing the apple cheeks kit from the itsy bitsy bums site
Re: Variation on diaper raffle
Since you are planning to cloth diaper, I would politely decline the offer of a raffle.
Diaper Raffles, all by themselves are tacky. So no, there is no way to specify what kind of raffle you would like in lieu of disposables. Personally, I don't care for even disposable diaper raffles. Generally, you don't tell your guests what to get you. Before you go in on how registries are "telling folks what to get"-- stop, they are not. They are suggestions and not telling anyone anything.
Register for cloth diaper items (the inserts, the little bamboo sheath sheets). Make it a prominent aspect of your registry.
If your mom wants to do something akin to a raffle perhaps have something fun for the guest to decorate-- maybe decorate their own onesie or something for baby to wear. That would be fun for all and you get to keep the keepsakes.
Also, if you get disposables don't freak. You can keep some in your diaper bag for emergencies-- you can donate some to women's shelters. I can't tell you how many cloth diaper mamas have used my emergency stash in the diaper bag when they were out of covers or had a day of blowouts.
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