We are 28 weeks pregnant and had zero interest from my family in planning a baby shower. My husband decided to get the ball rolling and started creating invitations and organizing a shower for me. When my family found out he was trying to set one up they became outraged that he was doing it. They said a man had no place being involved, and a shower is for the mother not for the couple. He is now upset that he took the time to try to do something nice for me, and my family just came in and kicked him out of the planning. I also was told he shouldn't have any influence in the guest list or the items on the registry. We are just wondering if this is right or if it's fair to exclude him and his guy friends entirely from the shower.
Re: Can the father help with a baby shower?
From the sounds of it, a "pre baby bash" or "welcoming baby party" (also known as a sip n see) once you are comfortable having guests around the baby might be best for you.
As far as societal gender expectations towards showers, theres a thread a little further down about Co ed showers. There are pros and cons to everything in life, and baby showers are no different.
2. Your husband should not be planning a shower for you. Because he directly benefits from the gifts. If no shower is offered, you simply don't get one.
3. While co-Ed showers are more common these days, it's really up to the hostess to plan the kind of shower she wants to throw. Some people prefer women only showers and that's fine. It's a gift to you.
I don't see why he shouldn't have any input on the registry though.
The offer of hosting a shower is a gift in itself, and as mentioned above, if nobody offers to host a shower for you then a shower is off the table. It's okay, a lot of people don't have showers. Mom and Dad are the only ones that are responsible for buying the necessities anyway.
There's no reason why your husband can't help you with the registry though, as it's basically a checklist of things that you need to buy before the baby arrives.
me: 27 | husband: 35
IR PCOS dx Sept. 2014
married May 2015 --> started NTNP
BFP 6.28.15 - EDD 3.6.16
baby #1 born 2.19.16
TTC #2 in April 2017
BFP 12.30.17 - EDD 9.6.18
Fertility Friend Chart