July 2015 Moms

Slow heart rate post partum

so this is a long shot but just wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with a slow heart rate after having their baby? I went to the ER with gallstones and was sent to the cardiac unit and hospitalized for 3 days because of a slow heart rate. It got as low as 33. I go back for a ultrasound of my heart in a couple of days but I'm curious if this may be related to giving birth. Has anyone else experienced this?

Re: Slow heart rate post partum

  • Happy thoughts sending your way :)
  • Yes!! Although mine tends to stay between 44-52 and I feel unwell and can hear it beating in my ears I'm due to have another ecg next week. I had an echocardiogram when I was pregnant (as I have had palpitations for the last 3 years) and I have a murmor but that's all they said. My heart rate was 120-160 during pregnancy then straight after I had her it dropped to 40 and has stayed low since, it's awful, I'm constantly tired and feeling dizzy, hope you get sorted soon x
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  • I don't have any experience with this but I hope both of you are well soon :(
  • My husband has always had bradycardia (low heart rate) his resting heart rate is typically 20 BPM slower than a normal person
  • mrsrep123mrsrep123 member
    edited September 2015
    If your heart rate is that slow with symptoms (lightheadedness, dizziness, headache, etc.) then it needs to be looked into.

    @handree and @clairex12 I hope it isn't anything too serious. Good luck!

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

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