My LO is 4.5 months and has almost out grown her mini crib that is attached to the side of my bed. I'm not ready to transition her to her big crib in her room yet. What are some other options? Where does your LO sleep?
My daughter grew out of her bassinet and bassinet portion of the pnp at 3.5 months, she's been in her crib ever since. I wanted to wait 6 months, but she's a big girl. It took a little while for me to adjust, but she did excellent lol. Minus the 4 month sleep regression. That was awful.
My LO outgrew the bassinet at 3 months. I wasn't ready to transition her to her own room so I moved the crib into my room. So we still room share. At her 7am feeding I usually let her fall asleep with me in my bed
My LO sleeps with me and my hubs in our king size bed. We have plenty of room for all of us. I love her sweet snuggles in the morning. I'm not ready to give them up. I'm probably about to start her transition to her pack and play by my bed.
Been in his crib from the first day we got home from the hospital. He sleeps from about 7:30 pm-5 am in crib then I'll feed him and he takes a few hour nap in the swing. We are usually up around 8:30 am
In his crib mostly full time for about 2 weeks now. I used to put him in the RnP or cosleep after his first wake up around 1am but I'm really trying to just keep him in his crib now. I don't particularly think he is sleeping better now but I know I am, lol. I kind of miss co-sleeping but my back was always at an awkward angle trying to nurse him while sleeping. He also like to throw punches and kick sometimes...
Sleeps in crib. Naps in swing. Anyone know when they grow out of the typical swing? My swings were hand-me-downs so I don't have a manual or model number or anything. I hope for a lot of our sakes that it isn't for awhile!
Sleeps in crib. Naps in swing. Anyone know when they grow out of the typical swing? My swings were hand-me-downs so I don't have a manual or model number or anything. I hope for a lot of our sakes that it isn't for awhile!
I just read an article saying 25 lbs is average, that's what fisher price uses as their threshold. So thank the Lord or whatever you pray to we still have a while yet.
Mine is in the crib next to my bed. The crib is relatively light and I've put felt "sliders" on the feet, so i can move it right next to my bed during the night.
In the pack and play elevated bassinet thingie beside my bed. In bed with me after MOTN feeding, however I have the same issue with throwing my back out because I'm sleeping awkwardly next to him, so I've started to put him back after we've snuggled and he's nursed.
DD sleeps in crib at night and for naps. Started sleeping there at night around 2 months and napping in there around 3. Occasionally she will nap in her swing or PnP.
We started putting DS in the crib just for one nap a day around two months and just transitioned him over for night time, too. DS is a big boy and wasn't sleeping in his bassinet as well as he was the crib. Now he's down to waking up only once a night! And I sleep so much better not hearing every little noise he makes. He's 18 weeks.
In her crib which is in our room. We have a 4 poster bed with curtains that i draw to keep the ac from blowing directly on her and so she wont see me every time she wakes up and grow overly attached.
My LO is 16 weeks and she has slept in her own room since we came home from the hospital. She started in her bassinet and then around 6 weeks we moved her over to the crib and she loves it. She sleeps 12 hours a night with no MOTN feeding. We are happy we made the choice to not have her in our room, we both sleep better and so does LO because she has her own space.
Re: Where does your LO sleep?
Married 8.27.2011 ~ EDD 5.13.15
Doxie Mama