
Introducing formula

I've been having low supply issues or so I think. The past few days LO won't nurse at the breast but if I give him a bottle he'll drink it all which makes me think he's not getting enough from just me. My supply isn't large enough to start saving milk so I've been giving him formula while I pump enough for a feeding, when I do put him on the breast he'll take some milk but I don't feel like it's enough. I'd like to supplement with formula when that happens but I'm not sure if I should give him 4 Oz or 2 as I don't know how much he takes in when I breastfeed. Any advice?! I'd really hate to just give up but I'm getting so discouraged I just want to stop breastfeeding completely :/

Re: Introducing formula

  • How old is LO? I would contact a lactation consultant because they can help you figure out if you have low supply or not and are able to actually see what is occurring as you nurse, latch, etc. One thing I had to really work hard at the first time around was keeping up with my water and calorie intake. Babies are more efficient at getting milk from the breast then a pump is as I have found and might not seem like they are getting enough but are. You are doing great!
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  • I second the LC and ask them to do a weighed feeding.  This is where you weigh the baby prior to feeding and then weigh them after they eat to determine how much they are taking in.

    How old is your LO?  

    Remember, the more they stimulate your breasts, the more your body will produce.  It's all about supply and demand so the more you give him a bottle, the less he is stimulating your breasts.

    In addition, if he's getting the bottle more than the boob, he was develop a preference for the bottle, as it's less work than being at the breast.

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  • I supplement with 2 oz of formula or breastmilk if I have it available. I do think that you should work with a lactation consultant if you aren't ready to give up. My little guy has transfer issues. He gets less than an ounce from each breast which is why we supplement. I feel your pain though. There hasn't been 1 week yet where I haven't felt like throwing in the towel. I just keep going though. I'm not as obsessive about it now. I don't pump after every feed. I pump a few times a day. I supplement when he seems like he needs it and I don't feel bad. If I can keep my supply up that's great, but at this point, I feel as long as he's eating and happy then I'm happy. It's only taken me about 9 weeks to feel that way
  • LO will be two months this Thursday, I went to the lactation consultant twice before and she said LO has a great latch and he was taking in about 2.5-3 Oz from me. That was when he was about less than a month, maybe a month. I'll only supplement when I feel like he didn't get enough also. Things have been alot better these past few days, he's eating at the breast better. I don't feel so bad about supplementing anymore either, as long as he's happy and health so am I. Thank you all so much for the advice!
  • @randa923 what type of formula are you supplementing with?
  • @rconrad6714 I use enfamil infant formula mostly. He doesn't seem to have a problem going between different types and we had some formula give to us so I've also used the enfamil for supplementing enfamil for newborns enfamil gentleease and similac for supplementing.
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