December 2015 Moms

Preggo hair

Yes ALOT of pregnancy symptoms are horrible...(anyone starting to feel nauseous again???!). But...dude...THE HAIR THE GLORIOUS HAIR! Heavens I promise to try my best to be the best person ever if only I could keep it like this. And I don't even do anything to it. Just shampoo and condition and air dry. Gloriously thick....
Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers

Re: Preggo hair

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    Mazel Tov!
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    My hair was gloriously thick pre it's ridiculous! I mentioned this to my family and they said if you cut your hair while pregnant your baby will be bald. =)) gotta love them. Lol
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    My pregnant hair situation has been quite sad. It has been falling out at twice the normal rate since the start of the second trimester. And it has been dry and uncooperative. I shouldn't complain bec I am blessed with thick, fast growing, and healthy hair while not pregnant. But I didn't think I would lose all my hair luck during pregnancy. Enjoy the lush hair mama! I'm jealous and can't wait to have my pre-pregnancy hair back.
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    Mine is hideous!! I keep telling DH I'll be bald before this baby arrives if it keeps falling out at the rate it is now! It's dry like hay, and barely manageable in the shower :(
    Soooo the opposite of my pre-pregnancy hair.
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    My hair wasn't horrible before but it grows sloooooowly and I have to work at it to look good. I guess the hormones work in opposite ways? My mom said take pictures it will fall out lol!
    Lilypie Breastfeeding tickers
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    I only experienced a week of that about a month ago! Now it's back to blah hair, lol. Enjoy! That's an awesome perk!
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    angetralalaangetralala member
    edited September 2015
    Although I am happy for you, my hair is exactly the same as it was pre-pregnancy - pitiful! Once I hit puberty, it stopped growing past my collarbone. Pregnancy has done absolutely nothing for it. Womp.

    Edited because morning.

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    I'm glad it's working for someone. Like @AudriannaMaria my hair was gloriously thick non-pregnant, now with an I creasing amount of grey it's thick, dry and course. I'm spending a small fortune on conditioner and looking forward to getting past postpartum shedding and getting more of my old hair back, or should I say less?
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    I wish I was getting this lucious hair that everyone keeps talking about. Though, it is also reassuring to see people in this thread with the opposite affect. I have not been able to do much. The texture of my hair has totally changed. I used to have soft waves, pre-pregnancy, not it just falls flat. Every day I wake up with hair that already looks like its been straightened. I want my curls back. :'-(
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    My hair hasn't changed at all except maybe I notice less of it when I vacuum? Maybe it's falling out less but not noticeably!
    Oddly though: my eyelashes have been falling out like crazy and I have no clue why....
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    Wasn't sure what I was opening on this thread, l0l...

    The hair on my head is unchanged. I'm convinced the thicker hair & nails are Old Wives tales.

    What I have had is unexpected "grandma" hairs crop up on my neck and chin... Grrrrr
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
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    I'm sorry for all the mamas with the hair problems, fortunately I haven't had any extensive hair loss. But I have had a very dry itchy scalp. This is completely new to me... Other than that my hair seems to be unchanged. Hopefully everything works out in the end :)
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    I haven't noticed a change in thickness, but my hair is less curly and easier to straighten which seems crazy!
    Married September 2013, Excited to welcome Baby Thompson December 2015
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    I have to admit that my hair does look and feel really nice!  I usually wash my hair every two to three days.  The only problem with pregnancy is that sometimes I can get away with that and other times I have to wash it every day because the grease is out of control!  No consistency!  Umm, that's not quite true.  The only real consistency has been the increased growth and thickness of all other hair!  My bush is quickly becoming a jungle!
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    I'm jealous, my hair is still the same! The only thing I have noticed is that less falls out. There used to be a clump of hair in the drain after every shower, but now there's hardly anything.
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    My hair is wonderful too! It a started out pretty dry and eww but has ended up soft and easy to manage. Also I'm loving not having to shave my legs for days at a time, I wish it was like this always lol!
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    I haven't worn my hair down since getting pregnant. Lol I work at 5 am so I throw my hair on top of my head and leave the house. I also haven't worn makeup for months. I kind of just gave up. I've been able to blame it on waking up at 330 each morning.
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    My hair is definitely more dry/annoying since being pregnant. It's naturally curly so I was expecting to have like silky smooth ringlets or something LOL ya.... no....
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    I already had thick curly hair. Now it's crazy thick! some of my curls are gorgeous but some of my hair has just become a frizzy mess that somewhat resembles wavy hair. It's definitely not silky smooth lol I will say that I don't have to wash it as often, which is a nice perk.
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    I straightened my hair tonight for the first in a while and it looks horrible! It's so limp and flat. It looks greasy even though I just washed it! My scalp is also super itchy. Ughhhhhh
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