Baby Names

Final one, I promise...

holoceneholocene member
edited September 2015 in Baby Names
My husband and his family are from Ireland. (Our last name is very Irish) Nuala is to honour that. (+ my MIL would be in heaven if we chose an Irish name this time) Amelie Claire is to honour the French side of my family. (Claire is also my middle name)

Final one, I promise... 109 votes

Isla Josephine
24% 27 votes
Iris Josephine
13% 15 votes
Nuala Claire (New - la)
18% 20 votes
Amelie Claire (Am - elle - ee)
38% 42 votes
None - keep trying.
4% 5 votes

Re: Final one, I promise...

  • I like your names, I already said in your previous post that I like Nuala (I'm from Ireland) but knowing that you're open to other Irish suggestions, I honestly think you could make a better choice. I love that you will honour your French side too (I adore all things French!!). Could you play around with other Irish/French combos? Saoirse (ADORE this name), Róisín, Niamh, Deirdre, Maeve, Sive, Aoife.....

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  • I can't get behind Nuala because it reminds me of Lion King and does not feel Irish to me. Have you considered other Irish names like suggestions above or on your other Nuala thread? If not I voted Isla Josephine. If his family would be so happy with an Irish name I think it's kinda disappointing to have the FN for your heritage and MN after you as well.
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  • I voted for Amelie Claire but Isla Josephine was a very close second.
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  • I didn't read your other posts, so not sure if this has come up or not (sorry if it has), but when I look at Amelie I automatically read Amelia. I do like Amelie, but you may have to correct people a million times. I voted Isla also.
  • mb0112 said:
    I can't get behind Nuala because it reminds me of Lion King and does not feel Irish to me. Have you considered other Irish names like suggestions above or on your other Nuala thread? If not I voted Isla Josephine. If his family would be so happy with an Irish name I think it's kinda disappointing to have the FN for your heritage and MN after you as well.
    I have considered a lot of Irish names. I'm not sure why, but Nuala stood out to both my husband and I. When my in laws and husband say Nuala, it sounds very Irish to me, but I can see how someone who doesn't hear it from the lips of someone from Ireland, it could sound a bit less appealing. I agree with what you're saying about having a French first name and middle name. I will give Irish names another go. 
  • When Amelie is spoken, I think it will be mistaken as Emily. I foresee the kid correcting people all the time, "No, not Emily, it's Am-elie."
    And when Nuala is read by most Americans, I think they'll say "Noo-ala".
    So I don't like either, since correcting people all the time would be annoying for the kid stuck with that name.
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  • holoceneholocene member
    edited September 2015
    ecwk said:
    I like your names, I already said in your previous post that I like Nuala (I'm from Ireland) but knowing that you're open to other Irish suggestions, I honestly think you could make a better choice. I love that you will honour your French side too (I adore all things French!!). Could you play around with other Irish/French combos? Saoirse (ADORE this name), Róisín, Niamh, Deirdre, Maeve, Sive, Aoife.....
    An Irish/French combo is a great suggestion. I do quite like Aoife, but my name is Eva, so that seems a bit too much for me. Saoirse is a lovely name, but my husband nixed it quite quickly after his Mom suggested it last week. I don't like Róisín, Niamh or Deirdre very much. Maeve is pretty... Thank you for your suggestions. It helps hearing from someone from Ireland. 
  • I didn't read your other posts, so not sure if this has come up or not (sorry if it has), but when I look at Amelie I automatically read Amelia. I do like Amelie, but you may have to correct people a million times. I voted Isla also.
    This is a worry for me. I was talking to a friend about names and she thought the same thing...
  • I like Isla Josephine the most, followed closely by Amelie Claire
  • I love all the options. Making MIL happy is never a bad idea and I think Nuala is really neat. She'd have to explain how it's pronounced but I don't think that's that big of a deal. I've taught an Itzel, Issmene, Fatuma, Yaritzi and Isolde. Those are unusual and the first time requires some explanation, but they are so lovely it seems well worth it. Seems the same would be true for Nuala.
    That being said, my fave is Amelie. So pretty and I love the movie.
  • DutchLucyLuDutchLucyLu member
    edited September 2015
    I love Nuala. I also like Moira, which is kind of in the same ballpark (inside my mind anyway). All your names are great, though. I think Iris Josephine is my second favourite, and Isla my least favourite, but still nice.

    Having to explain how your name is pronounced isn't that bad. I'm a Lucy and, believe it or not, I always have to tell people how to pronounce it (English spelling, Dutch pronunciation, not ideal). The same goes for my last name, which is German and has an umlaut in it (ä), which changes how it's pronounced. Usually I only have to tell people once. If you like it and your LO will have Irish heritage, I'd say go for it.
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