May 2015 Moms

Postpartum hair loss and BF?

Long story short, my hair loss started around week 2 and it is now week 17 and I am experiencing major thinning and hair loss more noticeable along the hair line. It is so bad that I don't want to go outside. My OB ran labwork and all is normal. I am currently breastfeeding and supplementing (as I only make 1-2 oz of milk per session) and read online that BFing may aggravate hair loss and some women notice less hair loss after weaning. I have asked around and most of my friends that did not breastfeed did not have significant hair loss.

For you mommies that are experiencing hair loss---are you BFing? I guess I'm also curious about those who are formula feeding as well.

Thank you everyone!

Re: Postpartum hair loss and BF?

  • EFF here & major hair loss the last 6 weeks & counting
  • EBF & am losing lots of hair! It sucks.
    DD: Ophelia 5/18/15
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  • I BF for first 6 weeks & now eff this week my hair is shedding so bad. I've cut my long hair into to a bob. I can see new hair growing along my hairline too which is annoying as its short & fuzzy! (Baby is 17 weeks)
  • EBF and losing hair like crazy. DH told me he thinks he's starting to go bald (he's so not!) and then said we can go bald together!!!!!
  • EBF and losing a ton of hair :/
  • I'm EBF and not losing hair. I know that wasn't your question, but I have to wonder if it's really related at all.
  • Hmm I wonder if I should make this into a poll? Thanks everyone for your replies! Yeah the hair loss is so depressing. I can deal with my new muffin top and the fact that I look like I aged 5 years in the past 4 months but the dramatic hair loss/thinning is where I draw the line.
  • stephv18stephv18 member
    edited September 2015

    I'm right there with ya, I am loosing a ton of hair I feel like I am going to go bald! I am eff since 4 weeks, hair loss started around 10 weeks and LO is 18 weeks.. I just want it to stop
  • I don't breastfeed, but I'm losing hair and it seems to be getting worse. I find my hair everywhere, but I havnt noticed my hair thinning at all. Still annoying though! It's all over my clothes, my bathroom, my baby, everywhere!!!!!
  • EBF shedding like crazy!
  • jakobabyjakobaby member
    edited September 2015
    I started loosing hair at 14 weeks post partum. It is coming out in clumps it seems. I cut my crazy long hair short too but it did not help. I was also just diagnosed with post partum thyroiditis a couple of days ago Which indicates hair loss as a symptom. :(
  • I started loosing hair at 14 weeks post partum. It is coming out in clumps it seems. I cut my crazy long hair short too but it did not help. I was also just diagnosed with post partum thyroiditis a couple of days ago Which indicates hair loss as a symptom. :(

    Out of curiosity, did you have other symptoms other than hair loss?

  • Literally pulling clumps out and receding hair line. EBF. Having to snake the drain twice a week
  • I don't think the two are related. I bf and supplemented until 12 weeks, then began to exclusively FF. It's now almost 17 weeks and hair loss has not changed. It's been horrible since about 6 weeks.
  • chipmk228 said:

    I started loosing hair at 14 weeks post partum. It is coming out in clumps it seems. I cut my crazy long hair short too but it did not help. I was also just diagnosed with post partum thyroiditis a couple of days ago Which indicates hair loss as a symptom. :(

    Out of curiosity, did you have other symptoms other than hair loss?

    Lurking over from June. If your OB did lab work he would have (should have) checked your thyroid.
  • EFF and losing lots of hair. Doctor said its from a change in hormones from being pregnant and that it can take up to a year for hair loss to stop.
  • EBF and losing a little hamster everytime i brush my hair along with lil strands on the pillow and for some reason in my bra!

    I have bald spots behind my ears and a reclining hairline .. I have very long hair "covers my kaboos lol" so when the hair starts to grow back there will be a gigantic difference in length i'm dreading the thought that i might have to cut it
  • Every time I shower, the wall is COVERED in my hair. It's also in the drain and then again fills my brush when I brush afterwards. I'm pretty lucky that I have a ton of thick hair so it's not been an issue yet, but I do see lots of short hairs poking through my scalp now and sticking up straight. I had no idea this was so common!. Oy. I BF and FF.
  • BF and I've been loosing a lot, but it does seem to be getting a little better at 22 weeks.
  • EBF and just starting to lose it in the last week or two around 14 weeks. While pregnant I noticed my hair was a lot thicker and looked into it. Apparently 85% of your hair or so is typically in a growing stage and the rest is in a resting stage where it falls out and begins to regrow. During pregnancy, increased estrogen prolongs the growing stage so more of your hair stays longer. After pregnancy, the estrogen drops resulting in more hair entering this "resting" stage of falling out. All I know is I hope that it ends soon!
  • Yes so I guess this leads me to my next question. Has anyone noticed a decrease in shedding after going on a estrogen and progesterone birth control pill?
  • EBF and my hair loss started shy of of 3 months pp
  • R0xanne1634R0xanne1634 member
    edited September 2015
    ... Didn't post all my comment... Ugh... And it was a long one..
    Me too: EBF and lots of hair in my hand and on the brush every morning..

    I was about to start a thread to ask STMs when this shedding would stop!.
  • Well I just asked a friend who exclusively formula fed how long it took her hair to grow back and she said that her daughter is 5 years old and her hair never grew back and it's very thin. Sigh. I will be so so depressed if that happens to me. I don't see any regrowth yet.
  • Did any of you ladies dye your hair?

    I'm dying to, i found out i was pregnant when it was time to do my roots and now they are almost down to my shoulder!!! I know some say it's ok to dye it while pregnant but i didn't want to risk it.

    I'm SHEDDING hair like crazy and i'm worried that dying it will make it worse
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