So my mom and sister planned a baby shower for me and as guests call to RSVP they are asking whether I was pregnant at my wedding. Mom and sister never told me outright but I had one person ask me (my mother-in-law), which I was a little surprised by, but then maybe I shouldn't have. The back story here is that we're a military couple and after dating 5 years we got engaged. We took two years to plan our wedding and had been wanting to start a family after waiting so long. We were using NFP and once we realized that I would be ovulating on our wedding night we took a couple of weeks to talk about it and figure it out and we decided that if it was meant to happen it would. Well, it did! We were so happy and overjoyed but once we started sharing with people we got this reaction, which was shocking to me because I thought people who know us best would be supportive and understand that we wanted kids, not to mention that it's really nobody's business if we were pregnant before. Has anyone else had this reaction from "friends" or family? How did you deal with it? I'm not a person that likes attention so this is making me want to put a halt to any shower.
Thanks in advance for your advice!
Re: Guests asking whether I was pregnant before my wedding
When I returned to work from my wedding, one of the executive directors (a big, powerful guy) said "Welcome back! You pregnant yet?" I stopped what I was doing and stared at him in silence. He sheepishly apologized and has never mentioned my personal life again. Sometimes a direct response is best.
Good luck with the Nosey Nellies, hope you can get the message across that the moment you & H had sex is not up for discussion.
DS1 2010
DS2 2013
DD1 2016
Be prepared - if people ask, I'd look at them quizzically and say "Um, why are you asking that?" and if they do anything other than say "Oh, yeah, sorry" and try to actually GET AN ANSWER, I'd say "That's really actually pretty personal information and I'm not comfortable discussing it".
There are some baby related questions that are still prying but I feel like they are more of a "what's next in your life" kind of inquiry. Some people find them intrusive and I can understand that perspective, but I still feel like it's just a "gotta talk about something" kind of thing (I'm talking about general questions like "Oh- now that you're married, do you plan to have kids soon?".)
But there is something about asking "Were you PG at your wedding?" is just crossing a line. I think because there might be some unspoken judgment there and it's just really NO ONE's business at all.
I expect that we will get some of these responses when we tell a wider circle of friends. Right now I'm 14 weeks and we've only told immediate family. Our wedding was 5/8, and we conceived mid-June. Technically, because I ovulated super late (CD55) I did get pregnant on the same cycle of our wedding but it was several weeks later. My stepdad did ask if I was KU at the wedding when we told him and my mom, math isn't his strong suit, bless his heart. We love him though and we didn't take offense, but if people ask us that we're less close with, I don't know yet how we'll respond. It'll probably be something along the lines of "you want to know exactly when my H ejaculated inside of me during sex? Awkward!" And walk away.
me: 27 | husband: 35
IR PCOS dx Sept. 2014
married May 2015 --> started NTNP
BFP 6.28.15 - EDD 3.6.16
baby #1 born 2.19.16
TTC #2 in April 2017
BFP 12.30.17 - EDD 9.6.18
Fertility Friend Chart
Here's what I wouldn't find offensive: if a close friend or close relative asked me about the story of when I found out I was pregnant. The answer could, in a roundabout way, give some info about the timeline of when conception happened and it would be a lot less awkward. And it's also more in the spirit of sharing in the excitement rather than coming off as judgmental.
me: 27 | husband: 35
IR PCOS dx Sept. 2014
married May 2015 --> started NTNP
BFP 6.28.15 - EDD 3.6.16
baby #1 born 2.19.16
TTC #2 in April 2017
BFP 12.30.17 - EDD 9.6.18
Fertility Friend Chart
And being old/old fashioned, I would expect women like this to also recognize the types of topics that you don't ask/ don't talk about.
To ask this question is to be nosey and judgmental. Period.
You start dating, people asked if you want to get married. You get engaged, people ask when they wedding will be. You get married, guess what? They're going to wonder about kids. Then once you have kids, it might be "are you going to move? Will they go to private or public school? are you going to buy a mini-van?". It's just about what people see as the next logical step.
But again, to ask "were you PG at your wedding?". That isn't the same. If they were asking "did you want to have kids so soon?", eh, I can roll with that. But to ask about the state of your uterus at your wedding - it's just way too personal.
I'm a HAM person, but my duty to be polite would prompt me to say, "are you asking me about my sex life? Why would you ask that?"
Their stunned silence is so rewarding.
I've had the "were you trying?" Type comments when I was pg (surprise) with DD-- folks say some dumb chit.
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