i'm 2 months PP and the area between my belly button and my csection scar is tender, kind of feels like what your body would feel like if you had a bruise. Anyone else having this issue?
I had that for a while with my first two. It's because they cut your nerves getting in there so they're trying to regrow. Some people have burning or numbness as well.
2 years later, mine is still a little sensitive. Some spots are numb, and feels strange. It's not bruise tender like it used to be, it does get better. However, it sure doesn't feel like it used to either.
I'm 3 weeks PP and that area on me is half completely numb and half of it feels like a bad sunburn, very tender to even a light touch. I really hope this gets better because it makes almost all clothing unbearable.
I am almost 4 years PP, and I was numb for about a year or so afterwards. Now, sometimes it feels a little weird when there is a change in the weather (like when it starts getting colder)....it will kind of hurt when it is really cold out. So weird!
Re: Area between belly button and csection scar still tender