i delivered in May 2015. I was due in June, so I stil hang out here. Anywho, I just found out I'm pregnant again, about 4 weeks by my calculations. Needless to say I'm pretty nervous, but at the same time excited. I was one of those weirdos who loved being pregnant. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there anything I need to know about having two pregnancies so close together?
Met: 11/2/2004
Dating: 3/24/2005
Married: 11/5/2011
Eleanor Leeann: 5/14/2015
Baby # 2 Due: 5/17/2016
Re: Pregnant again.
Whew. It's nuts sometimes, but I'm excited at the same time for how close they'll be! But hey, may as well get the crazy all done at once! If you need any advice, feel free to pm me. I am not an expert, but I am going through it
Oh, and congrats!!!
1. I'm getting it all in in a shorter amount of time instead of spreading out the hard work, so in a way, I'm being selfish, too! Don't want to finish nursing/diapering/etc one baby and then go back to it several years later. May as well do it all while its fresh on the brain.
2. Playmates! I'm so excited to not have to be the sole source of entertainment in a couple months! Can't wait for the girls to play together. Built-in, live-in best friend!
3. For you, the 12 year old would still be there to help with another baby! And soon, she'll be able to babysit!
4. I'm sure there are many more advantages, but those are the main ones on my brain right now.
4. Ooooo, since I had had a baby so recently, my body remembered labor and the whole shabang pretty well, so my whole birth experience went from 15 hrs (2 hrs pushing), to 6 hrs (just 3 pushes)!
ETA: My DH would also have another soon! I would like to wait about 6 more months before getting preggo again, but I would like them all fairly close!
I know my iron is low too and I keep forgetting to take the pills
I will never consent to no condoms again until my cycle returns and I can temp as an avoidance method. I'm sure it's nothing but I'm driving myself crazy. Not worth it.
If I an pregnant again I will feel like such an idiot...I had sex while successfully avoiding pregnancy for over 10 years; to botch it at this point would be so crazy!
I feel so relieved that my body is recovering from my pregnancy and birth and I'm most likely safe from having to go through it again until I'm ready, if ever. Pregnancy was weird. While I was going through it I didn't mind having a little baby growing in me, in fact it was exciting, but now it would overwhelm me to have to worry about LO plus a new one. I'm finally starting to feel like my body is my own again, even though I breastfeed. It's cool that some of you are ready to have another child, but I really have my hands full now with one baby together with my school, work, and husband!