June 2015 Moms

Pregnant again.

i delivered in May 2015. I was due in June, so I stil hang out here. Anywho, I just found out I'm pregnant again, about 4 weeks by my calculations. Needless to say I'm pretty nervous, but at the same time excited. I was one of those weirdos who loved being pregnant. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there anything I need to know about having two pregnancies so close together?
Met: 11/2/2004
Dating: 3/24/2005
Married: 11/5/2011
Eleanor Leeann: 5/14/2015
Baby # 2 Due: 5/17/2016

Re: Pregnant again.

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  • Congratulations!!! Ya know I hated being pregnant (hyperemesis) but a part of me sort of wants to get it over with quickly if we were to have a second child. Why stress about losing the baby weight to put some of it back on later?! DH isn't interested though. Haha he says "let's see how we do with this one."
  • It's too late in the evening for me to figure out how close yours will be (very close, I imagine!), but I was/am in your shoes. I just delivered DD2 June 17 and had delivered DD1 last July 2....so, 11.5 months apart.
    Whew. It's nuts sometimes, but I'm excited at the same time for how close they'll be! But hey, may as well get the crazy all done at once! If you need any advice, feel free to pm me. I am not an expert, but I am going through it :)
  • Congrats to you! I haven't really posted with my first pregnancy just read a lot but I just found out I'm pregnant again and freaking out a little (I just had a baby June 22). I think I should be around 4-5 weeks. Let me know how you're feeling so far.
  • Your two should be about 15/16 months apart... Mine are. Like @lindsladle15 said, it is crazy sometimes... Most of the time, but it's cool that your older one will never remember not being alone. I was really worried about carried a toddler around when I was huge ;) but you'll do it and be fine. The other thing I wish I was told about was how hard that first month was for me... My oldest was soooo fun at that age and I resented missing some of the fun as I was caring/trying to nurse a newborn. Nursing only lasted for one month because it became more important to be with both my girls, not just the baby. I'm not on her all the time, but pm me and I will get back to you when I am.

    Oh, and congrats!!!
  • I remember you! Congratulations!! Hope you're feeling good :)
  • @thedo is right!  Nursing is hard…I am still nursing and LO is 4 months.  DD is 15.5 months, and it is challenging for sure!  We get climbed on all the time.  Also correct that the 12-15 month stage has been SO fun with DD!  It was hard/sad for a while that I didn't have full attention to devote to her, but she loves her sister  :)
  • I love that having a 12 year old daughter and my little guy is not like having two kids at all, she so mature and such a big help. However, DH would like our LO to have a sibling close in age, I just don't think I can do it again last pregnancy was no walk in the park.. But am I being selfish? DH would have another one right now if he had his way, I just can't do two babies
  • lindsladle15lindsladle15 member
    edited October 2015
    @HayesRN13, I mean, there's a lot to think about, but I do love it more each day, especially when I see the girls interacting. Heck yes it's a LO t of work, but I think there are several advantages...
    1. I'm getting it all in in a shorter amount of time instead of spreading out the hard work, so in a way, I'm being selfish, too! Don't want to finish nursing/diapering/etc one baby and then go back to it several years later. May as well do it all while its fresh on the brain.
    2. Playmates! I'm so excited to not have to be the sole source of entertainment in a couple months! Can't wait for the girls to play together. Built-in, live-in best friend!
    3. For you, the 12 year old would still be there to help with another baby! And soon, she'll be able to babysit!
    4. I'm sure there are many more advantages, but those are the main ones on my brain right now.
    4. Ooooo, since I had had a baby so recently, my body remembered labor and the whole shabang pretty well, so my whole birth experience went from 15 hrs (2 hrs pushing), to 6 hrs (just 3 pushes)!

    ETA: My DH would also have another soon! I would like to wait about 6 more months before getting preggo again, but I would like them all fairly close!
  • I'm scared. I had several scares and was very sick, don't think I can handle that with a baby. I'm thinking we'll start trying again December 2016. I'll have just turned 32 and DH will be 30. LO will be about 18 months old, so if I get pregnant pretty quickly, he'll be a little over 2 when the new one arrives.
  • We were thinking we'd start trying at l/o 1st birthday. D/h and his siblings are all 2 years apart and the best of friends. My bro is 7 years older than me and my sis is 3 years older.
  • Wow! Congratulations! I've only got the one so no advice but I hope you enjoy this pregnancy as much as the last one!
  • We were adamant about only one but now we've agreed to save our favorite baby clothing just in case. We shall see
  • These past few days I haven't been able to keep my eyes open, a la this time last year when I was pregnant. I have no other pregnancy symptoms and we've only had sex once WITH my mirena so that would really be a one in a million shot..the fatigue is so overwhelming at this point that I feel like I can't get out of bed. I have no other symptoms of being sick so..I bought a pregnancy test on Amazon just In case. Either way something is going on because this isn't just "tired".
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • @dancegurl1118, good luck!  I took one a couple weeks ago, because I just felt "off"! 
  • @dancegurl1118 @KarasTwin maybe an iron insufficiency? I know I was supposed to continue my iron supplements and I was much more alert when I was taking them while pregnant. I just keep forgetting to take them now. And I'll be so damned tired and think about them, but they're downstairs and I'm upstairs, or something. Also its hard to time them, what with preferably needing to avoid food for an hour before and after, and my breastfeeding supplement directs you to avoid drinking or eating for 15 minutes before or after taking them... Its just hard to remember to tale them when I have to time the iron so carefully.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • HoosOnFirstHoosOnFirst member
    edited October 2015
    @dancegurl1118 I'm feeling similarly, so physically tired I'm going to sleep at like 8:30 once LO is asleep. Maybe everything is just catching up to us? I realized I'll never be able to sleep in again and I almost cried.

    I know my iron is low too and I keep forgetting to take the pills :/
  • @hoodoll82 I will take the pills. I will take anything for this feeling to go away. I feel like I'm being a crap mother because sometimes I'm just ignoring her whining while drifting in and out of sleep in bed during the day (yes during the day).
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • I think we are all paranoid. Whenever I get rumblings in my lower tummy these days it reminds me so much of kicks in utero that I think "could I be?" The answer is no. I've got a mirena and you don't even feel kicks until second trimester and I like to throw up throughout my first. Hope you feel better soon @dancegurl1118
  • I'm taking a test tomorrow...we have had sex one time, three weeks ago, without protection because our plan was condoms and we didn't realize we were all out. Stupid stupid. I'm EBF and have no signs of a cycle returning, but still. The last two days I've felt a bit nauseated after eating lunch and I am so tired (though we've had three rough nights in a row with lo so it's probably just that).

    I will never consent to no condoms again until my cycle returns and I can temp as an avoidance method. I'm sure it's nothing but I'm driving myself crazy. Not worth it.

    If I an pregnant again I will feel like such an idiot...I had sex while successfully avoiding pregnancy for over 10 years; to botch it at this point would be so crazy!
  • I loved being pregnant, and it ended 2 months early for me...I would totally have another right now if the circumstances were favorable. Congratulations!
  • I cannot handle another pregnancy right now so DH and I used condoms, then the mini-pill, and then I just got a copper IUD (Paraguard) put in last Friday. So glad I did! The nurse practitioner was very experienced at putting them in and she numbed the area so I barely felt a thing. Much less painful than I was expecting.

    I feel so relieved that my body is recovering from my pregnancy and birth and I'm most likely safe from having to go through it again until I'm ready, if ever. Pregnancy was weird. While I was going through it I didn't mind having a little baby growing in me, in fact it was exciting, but now it would overwhelm me to have to worry about LO plus a new one. I'm finally starting to feel like my body is my own again, even though I breastfeed. It's cool that some of you are ready to have another child, but I really have my hands full now with one baby together with my school, work, and husband!
  • These past few days I haven't been able to keep my eyes open, a la this time last year when I was pregnant. I have no other pregnancy symptoms and we've only had sex once WITH my mirena so that would really be a one in a million shot..the fatigue is so overwhelming at this point that I feel like I can't get out of bed. I have no other symptoms of being sick so..I bought a pregnancy test on Amazon just In case. Either way something is going on because this isn't just "tired".

    At physical therapy yesterday the therapist was telling me what happened to her she was on the Nuevo ring and they had sex once then decided she wasn't ready. That one time did it. Now she has twin just about a year apart.
  • I'm so torn about wanting another. I so badly do want to experience being pregnant agin and having another. But I also have an 11 year old stepson and now my ds. Money is super tight and I want to be able to give both boys so much. Realistically it does not make sense to have another but I get so jealous of those that are. I know my hubby won't. I promised him one and done years ago. Don't mean to be a downer, I do love the boys I have so much
  • @staceyfern not only pregnant but twins?! The correct response was "you're right dancegurl, that is a 1-in-a-million shot!"
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • @dancegurl1118 I am sooo sorry! That was autocorrect. I thought I typed two a year apart not twins!
  • Congrats!!! I would like to get pregnant again soon but having a high risk pregnancy sure was nerve racking for me which makes me nervous for next time! But I'm a twin and grew up super close to my sister and always wanted kids close together! Were really not doing anything to prevent getting pregnant again though so whenever it happens it happens and I'll be happy!
  • My SIL got pregnant after having her tubes tied 3 years later!
  • @dancegurl1118 I am sooo sorry! That was autocorrect. I thought I typed two a year apart not twins!

    I don't think that's the point? @dancegurl1118 I seriously, seriously doubt your pregnant. On top of excellent birth control you are ebf (well I know you are pumping now too, but same difference)...so unlikely. Feel better soon.
  • @MaliKaela yes! That's the spirit! I also ordered my pregnancy tests 2 day shipping off amazon instead of buying them at the cvs down the store so clearly not too worried. Just feeling crappy!
    TTC: 1/2014 BFP: 9/24 EDD: 6/8/2015 Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
  • My SIL got pregnant after having her tubes tied 3 years later!

    Not cool. DH is getting snipped next month. Apparently we have to use condoms for 3 months after, or he returns a negative sample. I will gladly follow those rules!
  • Sammy K said:

    My SIL got pregnant after having her tubes tied 3 years later!

    Not cool. DH is getting snipped next month. Apparently we have to use condoms for 3 months after, or he returns a negative sample. I will gladly follow those rules!
    Yeah the Dr. said I'm not sure I should say congratulations or I'm sorry lol.
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