June 2015 Moms

Family rants and raves: September!

a thread for all things "relative"!

I'll start:

Rave: my dad finally met LO yesterday, and it wasn't super awkward! (We are semi-estranged so I wasn't totally keen on it).

Rant: I had to drive 3 hours to mark it happen, even though he is currently unemployed and so has no other plans.

Re: Family rants and raves: September!

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  • Rant: my mil is the devil. She hates me with a passion because I "took away her baby boy" by marrying him. Yeah, he has a younger brother. I didn't take him away, I became part of the family. Anyways, Saturday was ds' birthday. He turned 3. She didn't call, stop by, give him a gift or card, nothing. She's only seen him once this entire year, and hasn't met the twins yet. She doesn't even attempt to see them. Then she has the nerve to contact my husband and tell him we are horrible people because we kept her from seeing him. What the hell lady, you didn't even attempt to come see him or even call him. I just cannot stand that woman. It's gotten so bad that my dh and I quit talking to her in January. We told her if she can't respect me and treat me nicely, she can just stay away. But we told her if she wants to sit down and work things out, we'd be more than happy to do so. She's chosen to alienate herself from our family and then say we refuse to let her see her grandkids. We've given her tons of chances. Is her own fault, but she always plays the victim card.

    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @DolphinLover2002 I'm sorry, that really sucks!!! But I am glad that your DH is on your side in this whole situation.
    I agree with you @amccoy129 I think I am jealous that MIL gets to see LO so often and my mom does not. My mom loves several hours away. I think what drives me nuts is that I make sure MIL sees LO at least once a week and she still complains that she hardly sees him.
  • Rant: DH got a promotion and got moved to daylight after being overnight for 7 years (which is actually a huge plus for us, having him on a normal schedule) but the downside is that MIL will have to watch the kids 1-2 days a week. Before my mom and DH switched off on mornings and afternoons but now that we'll both be working during the day it's not possible. My mom said she isn't able to do both kids 5 days a week full days but she's nervous about MIL too. My problem with MIL is that she never listens to me. This is the lady who wore black to our wedding. With DD I told her no blankets or stuffed animals in her crib when she was little. When I got home for work what did I find? Blankets and stuffed animals in the crib with DD! She has the mentality that no one can tell her what to do so even though we're telling her to do things that are best for the kids she completely ignores what we tell her. Now every time they come over DD wants to play with MIL in the backyard, which is fine. She's 3.5 so she falls sometimes when she runs but EVERY SINGLE TIME she's alone with MIL she comes back inside bleeding either from her elbows, knees, or chin. Somehow this never happens when DH, my mom, or myself watch her outside. I also worry that she will try to drive with them somewhere. She had Type 1 diabetes and doesn't take care of herself and has gone into insulin shock before, blacked out, and totaled her car. Even if we tell her not to, she won't listen. Sorry for the long rant but this whole situation is making it even harder for me to go back to work next week! I know I should be thankful for the free child care, but honestly I think the kids would be safer in daycare on those 2 days!
  • Update! My mil just text my dh and I. She put 2 gifts on our doorstep for ds and drove away. After she was gone she let us know they were out there. She says we won't let her see him, but she was as sneaky as possible, so we didn't know she was here. I don't want to hear one more word from her that she doesn't get to see him.

    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • @LaurenAnn0405 It sounds like you just need to tell her the exact opposite of what you want!
  • @LaurenAnn0405

    I agree with other posters. We had relatives offer to watch LO, which would have saved us money, but we declined, to keep any drama out of it.

    I realize not everyone can afford to turn down such offers (it wasn't easy for us either!) but I'd say try it out, and if it's not working, bail on the arrangement for your sanity.
  • Rant: DH got a promotion and got moved to daylight after being overnight for 7 years (which is actually a huge plus for us, having him on a normal schedule) but the downside is that MIL will have to watch the kids 1-2 days a week. Before my mom and DH switched off on mornings and afternoons but now that we'll both be working during the day it's not possible. My mom said she isn't able to do both kids 5 days a week full days but she's nervous about MIL too. My problem with MIL is that she never listens to me. This is the lady who wore black to our wedding. With DD I told her no blankets or stuffed animals in her crib when she was little. When I got home for work what did I find? Blankets and stuffed animals in the crib with DD! She has the mentality that no one can tell her what to do so even though we're telling her to do things that are best for the kids she completely ignores what we tell her. Now every time they come over DD wants to play with MIL in the backyard, which is fine. She's 3.5 so she falls sometimes when she runs but EVERY SINGLE TIME she's alone with MIL she comes back inside bleeding either from her elbows, knees, or chin. Somehow this never happens when DH, my mom, or myself watch her outside. I also worry that she will try to drive with them somewhere. She had Type 1 diabetes and doesn't take care of herself and has gone into insulin shock before, blacked out, and totaled her car. Even if we tell her not to, she won't listen. Sorry for the long rant but this whole situation is making it even harder for me to go back to work next week! I know I should be thankful for the free child care, but honestly I think the kids would be safer in daycare on those 2 days!

    My honest opinion, try it out for a week. If you think your kids aren't getting proper treatment, it would be worth paying for daycare. My family is under clear notification that they follow our rules, or they don't babysit. I know it's free and it's family, but it's your children's well being. They come first!
    My mum has been banned from babysitting LO because she can't respect our wishes. Just because it's free please don't feel ungrateful.

    It was Father's Day in Australia on Sunday, my husbands first Father's Day and he has no family in Australia so my mum decided that this Father's Day had to be all about my dad for the whole day because "he's just special". Never before has it been a big day but this year on my husbands first day she tries to ruin it for him.

    I'm so over that woman, she wonders why we moving back to my husbands country and can't see that the crap she pulls has any influence on our decision.
  • @LaurenAnn0405 I worry about that with FIL, he has diabetes and does not take care of himself at all. He almost died due to pulmonary embolism about a month before LO was born. He constantly says he's going to take LO all these places and I'm just thinking, yeah, over my dead body. He also has a Rhino (RTV for all you non rednecks) and is always talking about "rigging" it to put the car seat in....yeah, not happening buddy
  • @virginiaunicorn11 I can relate to so many of your posts...our babies sound super similar and so does our parenting! I won't let my LO watch TV either. My in laws give me a hard time about it too. Haha
  • LO and I are at the beach with my parents, sister, BIL, and niece. I love my niece to death, but she just turned 2 and is a little bit spoiled. She was the first grandchild on that side and everyone caters to her. The never made her learn to sleep through noise, so we all have to be deathly quiet when she naps or they are putting her down for a nap or at night. I don't know how LO will be, but I hole by 2 he'll go to bed on his own. Since LO and I didn't know we would be coming till a couple weeks before the trip, we are sleeping in the 3rd bedroom of the condo which has 2 twin beds. I'm in one and LO is in his pack n play. My niece is in the other twin bed. At night I have to wait till she is good and asleep before I can put him down. But God forbid I'm trying to let him nap or sleep, they let her push his swing really hard or shake his pack n play. When I'm trying to soothe him she runs around screaming and scaring him. She's obsessed with shaking his bottles and they will take his bottle out of his mouth if they're feeding him to let her shake it even if he's screaming. I know she can't help it, she's a little girl, but they really let her do whatever she wants and it's driving me crazy.
  • @klkonwi ewwwww. I know she just wants to help, my mom keeps her and she's going to keep him a couple days a week and they talked to her about helping and she is a very literal child so she is always saying, No! Rylee do it!
  • @Sammy K yes, I actually do that with her, sometimes they act shocked when she responds to me talking to her like that. She's a super sweet and smart kid, I just love her to pieces, but I worry that my mom won't be able to handle her and LO at the same time
  • Sammy K said:

    KarasTwin said:

    @Sammy K yes, I actually do that with her, sometimes they act shocked when she responds to me talking to her like that. She's a super sweet and smart kid, I just love her to pieces, but I worry that my mom won't be able to handle her and LO at the same time

    2 year olds are tough. Think of it like a built-in older sibling. Your LO will be much more adaptable if he has to deal with her shenanigans from this age. :)
    Yes, definitely good for both of them!
  • mindaa said:

    Welp... I just sent the grandmas an e-mail about safely posting kid pictures Online. Mostly for MIL, who insists on hashtagging baby pics with LO's full name. (#stoptryingsohardlady) Might as well create good habits now. 

    Fortunately DH backs me up, but I really had to do some research and question whether I really had a valid reason for concern, or if I was just trying to be controlling. :)
    My sister in law hashtags our daughters pictures with first and middle name. It bothers me for many reasons I shall not get into, but mostly I feel like I don't need all her friends knowing every little thing about us. Her middle name is very special to me - it's after my grandmother (not hers) so it doesn't make sense to think she's attached to it that way. But is it also an identity risk maybe? I hadn't thought too much about it but that may be a good reason to sort of shut her down.
  • @katyertl I hear ya! And then you get the comments like, "I did raise children of my own, you know." Um.. exactly. Now it's OUR turn to raise OUR child!
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