a thread for all things "relative"!
I'll start:
Rave: my dad finally met LO yesterday, and it wasn't super awkward! (We are semi-estranged so I wasn't totally keen on it).
Rant: I had to drive 3 hours to mark it happen, even though he is currently unemployed and so has no other plans.
Re: Family rants and raves: September!
Rant: She drives me bananas. I don't even know what it is anymore. I just can't freaking help but be irritated.
I know, I know. Shut up and be grateful!
First, she complains about not having my address (it was on the envelope and I sent them a change of address card when we moved). Then she wrote "I really wish you had included a note. My mother always told me a card without a note isn't worth the stamp." She then complained about her health and gave me another reminder of her version of greeting card etiquette before saying congrats.
I was so ticked off. I know she never had kids so she can't understand how tough it is to handle a toddler and baby, and still send out 50 birth announcements. Was I really supposed to include a note in each? And for etiquette, how about opening with "I hope you're doing well" instead of complaining you didn't have my address and had to go track it down? DH asked if I am supposed to send an apology for the birth announcement. At least that made me laugh.
My uncle who passed away... His girlfriend showed up to family brunch this weekend. She said all sorts of truly vile things that I won't get into.
I will stick with the petty, and say she cannot stand not being the center of attention. So she is jealous of LO and will seriously compete with the three month old for attention.
Example: Homegirl (who's in her 50s, mind you) insisted on holding her dog like a baby at the table, because I had LO. She made a big show of not having her hands free to serve herself or to help clear the table.
People are fascinating.
Rave: My MIL is great. She loves the baby and helps us however she can. I know we're very blessed to have her.
Rant: My MIL gets on my nerves. I can't even pinpoint why. Honestly, I think some of it is that I just wish my own mom were here, and it makes me sad and weirdly jealous in a way that she gets all these moments with LO that my mom isn't here to have. Guess I need to get over myself! Ha!
You're very mature and insightful to be able to admit why your MIL annoys you. That takes a lot of humility to admit.
It's not the same at all, but some days I tear up randomly because I really wish my grandfather was here to see his namesake. So I can imagine wanting your mother right now must be very hard. Big hugs. She must have been a wonderful lady to be so loved and to have made you so insightful.
I agree with you @amccoy129 I think I am jealous that MIL gets to see LO so often and my mom does not. My mom loves several hours away. I think what drives me nuts is that I make sure MIL sees LO at least once a week and she still complains that she hardly sees him.
I'm sorry she was saying horrible things. I think I was just focused on the fact that she had her dog at the table and was acting like it was the same as having a baby. Honestly. Especially when I'm sure you would have actually liked to not have to eat one handed. I also read your post on another thread...sorry that you're dealing with so many unknowns and changes. The one constant is that nothing stays the same...at least that's what they tell me.
Next time, set a place for the dog and tell her to put the damn thing down...just like you'll put LO down once he gets head control, can eat, and use a high chair!
ETA: our pup just happened in the position. Can't believe I didn't share on a fur baby Friday one day. It always makes me laugh. This whole thing made me remember it. Sorry to take the thread off track!
I agree with other posters. We had relatives offer to watch LO, which would have saved us money, but we declined, to keep any drama out of it.
I realize not everyone can afford to turn down such offers (it wasn't easy for us either!) but I'd say try it out, and if it's not working, bail on the arrangement for your sanity.
It was Father's Day in Australia on Sunday, my husbands first Father's Day and he has no family in Australia so my mum decided that this Father's Day had to be all about my dad for the whole day because "he's just special". Never before has it been a big day but this year on my husbands first day she tries to ruin it for him.
I'm so over that woman, she wonders why we moving back to my husbands country and can't see that the crap she pulls has any influence on our decision.
And she acts like I'm a nut job because I don't let LO watch tv. She teases me when I come up and take him or distract him, when she is holding him facing the TV. Harumph!
@virginiaunicorn11 Nipple shields with the MIL is awkward but I might have you beat... my MIL has brought up PP "intimacy" and how important it is to work on being sexually active after baby a few times. Once was before my six weeks so I wasn't even supposed to have sex yet! She also got me an entire book on the subject which she gave as a baby shower present. I can't figure out why it is so important to her to get her son laid.
@MaliKaela I'm blushing just reading your post. So awkward!!
MIL has been cooking and doing all the dishes and cleaning. She knows it's something I hate and a point of tension with DH. She won't let me touch a single dish. It is so sweet and thoughtful!!
I went to my friends recently and her 2.5 yr old kept grabbing LO bottle and sticking it in his mouth...... She just laughed.
Disgusting. That's my breast milk.
We don't have laundry in the apartment, so we haven't had a chance to wash them yet. Last night she couldn't take it any more, so during LO's bath, she asked if she could use them if she rinsed them out really well first. I said sure.
She literally runs out of the room (can't fault her enthusiasm for LO!), and before I have a chance to say anything, she starts rinsing them and wringing them out IN THE BABY'S BATH!
I was kind of stunned for a second and just burst out laughing. The lady is so sweet, but is soooo spacey sometimes.
She was holding LO (who obviously cannot sit up on his own yet), and she let him go, so he was face planting on her lap. MIL cracked up and said, "Look, he's just all bent over! I guess he just likes that pose!"
Umm... what? How do you not realize he didn't put himself in that position, you're just not holding him up??!
Her cluelessness is fascinating. She's dying to be alone with LO, but I keep sending DH after them to supervise. Maybe I'm being overprotective?
Two more days. I'm mad at myself because I used to like MIL so much. I need to cut her some slack.