September 2015 Moms

So....ribs can dislocate in pregnancy?!

I am sitting in the hospital waiting for the Dr right now since I had rib pain for about 2 months now and this morning I was coughing (always so congested in the morning) I heard a POP and I buckled to the floor and couldn't move my rib pain was so bad. Nurses already said it's dislocated and there's not much I can do about it since there's not a lot of pain meds and likely due to the hormone Relaxin making everything nice and loose. I think I might be a big baby for labor since I was crying in pain for my ribs!! Has this happened to anyone else? Anyone find some kind of relief? How do you get into a birthing position with bummed ribs AND push?!!
I'm worried I won't even be able to sleep and have at least 2 more weeks to go....FML :(

Re: So....ribs can dislocate in pregnancy?!

  • My friend had this happen and she said warm bathes were the only thing that helped her
  • My second pregnancy I was having back spasms and the dr gave me pain killers and muscle relaxers. I didn't want to have to take those so I went to the chiropractor for the first time. She said I had at least 2 ribs out of place. She adjusted me and did some deep tissue massage and I was back to new the next day.
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  • My first was between my ribs until he dropped. He would move them in and out of place everytime he moved. It was horrible! By the time labor came though it wasn't a problem
  • Chiropractor is your saving grace right now...I have one that keeps going in and out on my back (by shoulder blade) and heat then rolling on a tennis ball helps between visits.
  • I actually BROKE one of my mom's ribs with a strong kick when she was pregnant with me... She has held that (and her 45-hour labor) over my head for my entire life. Can't say I blame her... Ouch!
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