Hey, friends!
I am 24, and my husband and I are trying to conceive. Here is my backstory:
I was always a little bit overweight or just within the "healthy" BMI range as a teenager. I had my very first period when I was thirteen, almost fourteen. I then did not have another period for eleven months, which I presumed was normal because I always heard you were irregular for the first few years. When it came back, it came with a vengeance and was EXTREMELY heavy and lasted for 8-9 days. This process repeated a couple of times on a normal schedule, and then it stopped.
I believe I had a couple more natural ones from ages16-18, but I honestly didn't keep track of it. I figured it would sort itself out. My mom did take me to the doctor at one point when I was 16 or 17, and they gave me a round of Provera, and I had a period about ten days later. Their practice closed so we weren't able to return to them. I just waited because I thought it would sort itself out.
When I was 19, I finally went to the doctor. She diagnosed me with PCOS, and put me on the pill. The first pill I was on caused terrible and heavy periods. I was on it for several months, and then took a break. No periods (although I am not surprised-I know it's just a quick fix). Got put on a different pill a couple of years later, same thing, took it for a while and then stopped. She moved so I had to find another new doctor.
About a year ago, I saw an endocrinologist, and he also prescribed the pill, which I took for almost a year. Then my and my husband decided to TTC, and I came off of the pill back in March. Still no periods. I am trying to find a good doctor that conveniently located, so I have made an appointment with a very good family doctor in November, just to get a physical/routine blood work. He knows my situation and says he already knows who he will be referring me to for the fertility. I am hoping that if I can work with two good doctors that I will be able to conceive. I am getting much more overweight than I was. I'm about 5'5 and 195 lbs, so I know that will be something that they want me to work on.
Anyway, I'm just concerned about not having a natural period for SO long. Also, I will occasionally see some spotting, but it's always very light and usually only there for one trip to the restroom....it won't even be there next time I go. I don't know what that it or why it happens. Any insight? I will be sure to tell my doctors about it, too.
Re: My periods are CRAZY! Has anyone here had experience with PCOS/amennorrhea?
I know PCOS is frustrating . Especially because you don't even know how to "try " to conceive because you aren't ovulating if you don't get a period . But the good news, according to my doc , is that it is very easy to correct with medicine when you are trying to conceive . If you have any ??s along the way I'm here for you !!
**BFP and loss warning**
I actually got pregnant this month but they said I am going to have an early miscarriage
**BFP and loss warning**