
My periods are CRAZY! Has anyone here had experience with PCOS/amennorrhea?

Hey, friends!

I am 24, and my husband and I are trying to conceive. Here is my backstory:

I was always a little bit overweight or just within the "healthy" BMI range as a teenager. I had my very first period when I was thirteen, almost fourteen. I then did not have another period for eleven months, which I presumed was normal because I always heard you were irregular for the first few years. When it came back, it came with a vengeance and was EXTREMELY heavy and lasted for 8-9 days. This process repeated a couple of times on a normal schedule, and then it stopped.

I believe I had a couple more natural ones from ages16-18, but I honestly didn't keep track of it. I figured it would sort itself out. My mom did take me to the doctor at one point when I was 16 or 17, and they gave me a round of Provera, and I had a period about ten days later. Their practice closed so we weren't able to return to them. I just waited because I thought it would sort itself out.

When I was 19, I finally went to the doctor. She diagnosed me with PCOS, and put me on the pill. The first pill I was on caused terrible and heavy periods. I was on it for several months, and then took a break. No periods (although I am not surprised-I know it's just a quick fix). Got put on a different pill a couple of years later, same thing, took it for a while and then stopped. She moved so I had to find another new doctor.

About a year ago, I saw an endocrinologist, and he also prescribed the pill, which I took for almost a year. Then my and my husband decided to TTC, and I came off of the pill back in March. Still no periods. I am trying to find a good doctor that conveniently located, so I have made an appointment with a very good family doctor in November, just to get a physical/routine blood work. He knows my situation and says he already knows who he will be referring me to for the fertility. I am hoping that if I can work with two good doctors that I will be able to conceive. I am getting much more overweight than I was. I'm about 5'5 and 195 lbs, so I know that will be something that they want me to work on.

Anyway, I'm just concerned about not having a natural period for SO long. Also, I will occasionally see some spotting, but it's always very light and usually only there for one trip to the won't even be there next time I go. I don't know what that it or why it happens. Any insight? I will be sure to tell my doctors about it, too.


Re: My periods are CRAZY! Has anyone here had experience with PCOS/amennorrhea?

  • Hi there ! Your situation sounds very similar to mine . My periods have been crazy all over the place since I first got my period . I, too, was prescribed birth control and it made me more regular but still not consistent . I will say that my periods were more regular when I lost some weight and was exercising a lot but that still didn't fix the problem . When I started seeing an RE I hadn't had a period in MONTHS (and had only had one period within the last year ) and I was anxious to get started TTC . So , before I could start any fertility treatments the RE gave me an injection of progesterone to induce a period so that I could start everything . For me it felt so good to finally get a period - just made me feel "normal" and since then I have been on ovulation induction drugs and have been trying TI and IUI. I would just say find a great RE (sounds like your doc already knows of a great one ) . They will be able to figure out the right balance of medication you will need to ovulate so that you can TTC .

    I know PCOS is frustrating . Especially because you don't even know how to "try " to conceive because you aren't ovulating if you don't get a period . But the good news, according to my doc , is that it is very easy to correct with medicine when you are trying to conceive . If you have any ??s along the way I'm here for you !!

    **BFP and loss warning**

    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    Us: Married Valentine's Day, 2015
    DH: No issues.
    Me: PCOS, unexplained infertility (whatever that means!!)
    June 2015 Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    July 2015:  Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    August 2015: IUI: BFP. Chemical pregnancy :(
    October 2015: IUI: BFN
    January 2016: Egg retrieval: 10 frozen embryos!
    March 2016: FET Cycle- 2 embryos transferred!: BFP !
  • Thanks for your response! I am SO ready to get on Metformin and get this whole thing started. I took an HPT this morning just to make sure that I wasn't already, because I am so desperately wishing (although I haven't gotten on any medication yet). Of course it was a BFN. But I am not losing hope!!! 

    Thanks for your kind words and support!
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  • Yes don't lose hope ! Good luck with the medication ! Keep me posted !

    I actually got pregnant this month but they said I am going to have an early miscarriage :( I am sad about it but that goes to show that the meds worked to make me ovulate (a miracle for me !! ) I was able to get pregnant within 3 -4 months of treatment . I am hopeful to get pregnant again soon and have it stick !

    **BFP and loss warning**

    Me: 29
    DH: 29
    Us: Married Valentine's Day, 2015
    DH: No issues.
    Me: PCOS, unexplained infertility (whatever that means!!)
    June 2015 Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    July 2015:  Medicated TI cycle: BFN
    August 2015: IUI: BFP. Chemical pregnancy :(
    October 2015: IUI: BFN
    January 2016: Egg retrieval: 10 frozen embryos!
    March 2016: FET Cycle- 2 embryos transferred!: BFP !
  • @brandiwiggens91 - PCOS is awful because it's so darn unpredictable, but my RE also said that it's the "easiest" thing for him to treat.  You just have to find the right medication and the right dosage to make you ovulate a follicle or two and not a dozen!!  :)  I second that if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to let me know!  I've done oral meds, injectable meds, timed intercourse, and 6 IUIs.  I'm moving on to IVF now unfortunately, but don't let other people's journeys get you down.  ***child mentioned*** I got pregnant with my first on my first round of Clomid and sex with my hubby.  It CAN happen.  Good luck!

    *** Child & current pregnancy mentioned ***
    Me - 41 (PCOS), Hubby - 43 (healthy)
    7/2013 - Sweet baby girl born (Clomid + TI)
    3/2014 - TTC #2, return to RE 7/2014
    12/2015: IVF #1 transferred two great looking embryos - BFP!
    First ultrasound: TWO beautiful little heartbeats!!
    Harmony: negative; level 2: babies look great and are boy/girl! :) 
  • I too have PCOS and my story sounds very much like yours. I just started seeing my fourth dr. at the end of last year in a matter of a year and a half. I got my first period when I was 12 and it was normal for a couple months and then not and when I did get it it was SUPER heavy and terrible cramping. I was then only getting one or two periods a yr so my first doctor put me on a pill which didn't regulate my cycle and by this time I had switched to a new doctor who put me on another pill which didn't regulate me at all and gave me really vivid crazy dreams. I have been taking metformin for about a year now and it hasn't regulated my cycle or anything at all but they are still keeping me on it and I did 4 cycles with femara and am going to be doing my first round of clomid and steroid cocktail as soon as AF gets here after jumpstarting with provera. Good luck!
    NTNP since 2012
    Officially TTC #1 since January 2015
  • Let me board this boat... I have a similar story.  I was overweight (okay, obese) and to help correct things, I had gastric sleeve surgery.  It definitely helped the PCOS symptoms, but by no means has it gone away.  A year and a half after wls, and my periods have stopped again.  I wanted to be safe, so I waited the 18 months to really TTC.  This is my second time going for infertility issues (1st time was in 1st marriage 8 years ago) and this first month my RE has me doing clomid and IUI.  My RE did an u/s on CD 14 and saw two follicles.. I guess this means I'm going to ovulate?!?  Fx that it happens sooner than later.  

    @brandiwiggens91  - You're definitely not alone.  We are out there.  I'm hoping it's no harder for us to get pregnant with the right cocktail of meds.
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