June 2015 Moms

Cat problem

At the risk of resurrecting the infamous cat thread I really need advice / support. My cat of 8 years has been peeing on stuff, mostly baby related. Tonight was the last straw... She peed in the car seat! Other items included the play mat and the pack and play changing table piece (it was dismantled and laying flat on the table).... It seemed isolated to the dining room which is so weird and random but mostly on baby stuff... Never had this problem when my son was born... My husband was ready to bring her to the shelter I was in tears because I am so sad and frustrated but also unwilling to put up with this ... Especially after having to run out and buy a brand new car seat. Right now she is in a large crate in the basement with food, water, and litter box until we can figure it out. She also likes to hang out in baby's room all day but I close the door at night for this reason... Help! I am a crazy cat lady and I HATE people who give away their pets... I am praying my parents take her but I don't think they will :(. What do I do?!

Re: Cat problem

  • And no it's not my mystical sea horse cat currently pictured... She is perched on my pillow as I type this :)
  • And sorry I know we have threads similar and I have even posted recommendations on them but just hoping this might spark some ideas or perhaps just some support.
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  • Honestly, I love my pets. I have a cat and a dog, and they are family. That being said, I wouldn't put up with that shit either. I always felt bad on the pet threads because part of me wanted to get rid of my cat when I was pregnant. I was super worried about him with the baby. Luckily, he's been really good so far. I have no suggestions other than hang in there and do what you need to do for your baby and your sanity.

    I would maybe leave him in the large crate until you find someone you know to take him or a no kill place. That's my only advice. Shelters make me sad.
  • First, the car seat cover is removable and washable, so don't buy a new one if it happens again!

    Nature's Miracle is great for removing cat urine.  They sell it at Pet Smart and other pet stores.  Follow the directions, and it really is good at doing it's job.  You do have to wait for it to dry completely though.  My stressed out cat (pre-baby) would spray, and still will occasionally, but I find if I spray the NM stuff on whatever to clean it, he won't pee there again since it's now to him, a 'no pee' zone.  I pre-emptively sprayed all of the baby stuff at cat level with NM before she came, and still do it every month or so (like the dresser, toy box, glider rocker base).  

    The other part of the story is he was put on anti-stress meds, amitriptylene (sp?).  When he's getting his pill a day, he's good, no more peeing.  I haven't been great at getting it into him since lo came, so he's had a few mishaps.  Since it's summer though, he's outside most of the time so he sprays out there.  I will need to be more diligent now though.  That, and the fact he likely feels worse when he's stressed, so I do feel badly about slacking. 

    Now that baby has settled in, your cat is likely stressed out by the changes.  The pills are pretty cheap (like $30 for 100 of them), and are an alternative to worse things like shelters and euthanasia.  Once lo is bigger, the cat may come around too.
  • The foam and styrofoam are not :( and I washed the insert immediately in vinegar which usually works but there was no getting it out of the attached padding so a new car seat it was.

    She seems the opposite of stressed and the first baby never bothered her... Ugh this really sucks!
  • Don't use the vinegar next time, get the NM stuff, it will take it out, I promise.  Spray it on the foam/styrofoam and let it dry.  You might have to do it twice.  Try it now even, it might still be salvageable.  I saved my couch this way (before I noticed he was spraying, the brat).
  • Thank you @dancegurl1118 ! I forgot how much I loved this place!
  • No advice, but I understand. We had issues with the dog and DH kept threatening to get rid of him. Luckily it passed. I hope you find a good solution!
  • And yeah - we missed you! Good to see you back in the hood again. :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @mellymar I was going to tag you in this! We have two litter boxes in our basement and that is a nonnegotiable location.... My senior pet has no issues going down there so neither should miss prissy pants (this has always been the location of her litter box)... My cat never struggled with transitions and has had 4 homes (with me) and no problems... I do have Prozac from my dog which I didn't end up using because we worked out his anxiety through therapy (jk) maybe I can try that after talking to the vet. I am pretty sure she is just an asshole and doesn't have a real problem but I do love her so I will try and work it out... It also sucks that she is my son's favorite pet (for reasons no one can understand!)
  • Yeah, take her to the vet and rule out medical issues first. Then talk about using the prozac. But she would need to have her blood checked first to make sure her organs are functioning properly to process the medication. Or some vets skip the initial labs and do only follow up labs.

    If she were my cat as long as she were healthy (no UTI, etc) I would jump straight to the meds if my vet would allow me to. But that's just me and my experience working with feline vets for so long. Some people are weird about that, so you end up trying all this other stuff first.

    Best wishes and keep us posted! I hope it works out so you don't have to rehome her.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Great info @mellymar! Now I feel like a bad cat owner because we only have one litter box.
  • I had a friend with cat issues like this when she had a baby. They did have to end up giving the cat away. I know it's super frustrating.
    On a pet note...we had to have a pet behaviorist come to our house the week we brought the baby home. One of our dogs started showing aggression. I was in tears thinking we'd have to give her away. But the behaviorist was a Cesar Milan and worked miracles on the dog. It's a big change brining a baby home to pets.
  • mellymar said:

    amccoy129 said:

    Great info @mellymar! Now I feel like a bad cat owner because we only have one litter box.

    Its the recommend but I don't know anybody who actually follows it. Well, we do now, but only cause we had 3 cats and 3 boxes, but now 2 of the cats have passed into the clearing. So we still have 3 boxes but only Samurai. Don't feel bad.

    I was just thinking as I was washing out LOs bottle - its September now. That means that cat lady and all those September moms should have their babies soon. Wonder how they're doing... I may have to go lurk one day this weekend since DH is home and I'll have more bump time
    My baby has me tied to the nursery chair. He wants to be held and let it be known that he does not want to go in the living room. I may go lurk now! Haha.
  • We are having this problem but not with baby stuff - with my DH's clothing whether it's dirty/clean our male cat is peeing and sometimes pooping if it is in any way accessible.

    @mellymar would you do the same thing in this situation as ElRubys?

  • @christinabrtn any elimination issue should see a vet, for sure, especially if its a new thing for the animal. To rule out medical causes and discuss the possibility of anxiety because of the changes in your home recently. Then, yeah, check the litterboxes, are they clean enough, are they full enough, are they easily accessible, maybe go ahead and replace them if they are old, if they are covered try removing the cover. Maybe your husband is getting into something or working with something your cat finds threatening. I remember once we had a client who hunted, and his cat would eliminate on his hunting clothes if he had used that pheromone deer scent stuff. (Well, of course it was 'his wife's' cat. Big, badass hunters don't have cats, phhssshhh)
    And yeah, you can try the Feliway, just remember you may not see an improvement right the away. And when you say 'stuff' I presume you mean clothes left lying around and maybe a jacket or a hat or whatever. Not his toothbrush and hairbrush and Xbox controller. So he's going to need to he more diligent about putting that stuff away - the coat gets hung up and the clothes go into a hamper (preferably with a lid so cat can't jump into it) and the shoes go into the closet with the door closed. But yeah, everything above is a good jumping off point to start with and to help your vet help you. Remember there's no shame in better living with your pets thru chemistry if that is needed, but hopefully you can narrow down the cause of the behavior.

    How is @ElRuby and her cat doing?
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @mellymar so far no more problems.... I have cleaned both litter boxes daily and I keep everything off the dining room table (she would pee in boxes/ car seat when left there)... I took her out of her crate after only one night in there because I am a total sucker.... I also make sure to keep baby's closet closed (mine doesn't seem to pose the same issue). So either it's better or I haven't discovered it yet....
  • @ElRuby glad to hear! Just like with humans sometimes you just need to remove temptation and things turn out all right. Hopefully as long as you keep up your end of the bargain (the litterboxes, the table, the closet), she'll keep up her end. :)
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Sorry your dealing with this and I'm glad it's getting better! I went to a cat symposium last week that was on cat behavior and one of the speakers was a guy names Matt Wildman. Feel free to email him your issues. He works through cat behavior issues aiming to keep cats in theit current homes. His email is mwildman@humanesociety.org. He is a well know cat behaviorist that works in New York City. He is very nice, good luck!
  • I had a cat that started spraying random things and turns out she had an infection. I changed her food instead of giving her meds and bam! No more peeing. She didn't pick out specific items to pee on though.
  • Oh man that stinks! I would try Feliaway! Our vet recommended it. It's an anti anxiety scent. Looks like an air freshener. You can smell it, only the cats can. It last for 60 days and covers about 500 sq ft. Good luck!
  • @virginiaunicorn11 thinking of you.

    To anyone who has already lost their baby belly flab, I do not like you. Just kidding. Kind of.

    Honestly, will I ever not have a gut hanging over my jeans? Of course I just ate a giant piece of pizza for lunch, so I should probably stop bitching.
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