I have not posted on this board before, but I am so desperate for some help! I have a pea sized lump in my left breast, right by the nipple. The whole breast hurts, all the time. I have had issues with oversupply in that breast. I went to the dr today and she is sending me for an ultrasound next week. My question is , what the heck could it be? None of the usual efforts for plugged duct are working (hot shower, warm compress, massage, etc). What do I do? Is it possible that the lump is nothing and just normal ? If so, why the pain? I know no one can diagnose me over the internet, just looking for any and all advice and direction I can get. By the way.. She has me on antibiotic for possible infection, and diflucan for possible thrush. Won't these two cancel each other out? Also, I am not sleeping more than two hours at a time bc I get so full I either need to nurse or pump. Dr told me to skip a night feeding and let hubby give a bottle, but won't that make a plugged duct worse? I'm so confused about what to do
Re: So frustrated, please help!
Any other symptoms? Fever? Flu symptoms? Red streaks on your breast? (Probably not bc it sounds like early stages and your doc got you on the abx right away) just keep massaging and nursing! It sucks and I feel your pain but keep at it mama!