Baby Names

Period or Just More Post-Partum Bleeding?

paulajean1991paulajean1991 member
edited September 2015 in Baby Names

I had my baby on July 21st, and I bled for about 3 weeks before it finally tampered off and was done. I had my 6 week check-up September 2nd, and I spotted a little for the next day. Today, there was considerably more. I am strictly breast-feeding, and while I know I can still get my period while bf, I wasn't sure if it would begin this early. My question is: is it most likely just more post-partum bleeding, bleeding from the check-up, or my period starting back up? I'm a first-time mom, and have no idea. I hope it's not my period, haha, not ready to deal with it again.

And I realize this is the wrong board for this, I'm sorry. I didn't realize until after what board it saved too.

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