Hey have you guys found your fingers yet? You can suck them anytime you want and your parents can't take them away from you! I especially like to gag myself!
TTC: 1/2014
BFP: 9/24
EDD: 6/8/2015
Sorry for the poor man's siggy...ticker won't load regardless of how many tips I read.
Why do you babies cry when you have to take a bath? I love my bath and cry my eyes out when Mommy and Daddy make me get out. And sneezing? It's hilarious
I don't know why all you babies cry when you get a diaper change. I love when my parents have to change my stinky diapers. I really find the ones when I poop up my back to be hilarious and give some of my biggest smiles at that time.
I don't know why you kids poop every day - or why you'd do it into a diaper and sit in it. I like to hold it in for a while...then when my butt's airing out, I let Dad try to catch it when he's changing my diaper. It's hilarious to watch him try to keep the diapers coming. I don't do it to Mom because of the whole "don't poop where you eat" thing. Wait wait. You know the best part? They let me take a bath afterwards, even if it's not nighttime! Score!!
Also... This is kind of awkward, but UO, right?... (Looks around, whispers...) I feel like a Big Boy when I'm in my Bumbo! Five, ten minutes in there is pret-ty awesome!
I only take a pacifier well while riding in the car. You must be crazy to think I'd keep that thing in my mouth at home! It's a fun game to see you keep putting it in my mouth after I spit it out, though.
There's no need to rush through your feedings. I take a little nap, and then just when mom thinks she can put me down I wake up and waillllllll! It's so fun to watch the look on her face. She thinks she's stealth....not even close mom, no even close.
You babies should have come in pairs like us! Then when mama thinks she has both of us under control we can start crying again! It's so funny watching her try to feed us both at once!
What's so embarrassing about pooping/peeong your pants.. I think it's quite the accomplishment and show my pride whenever mom or dad have to clean up my handy work!
Hey fellow babies, I have the best game ever. Be super fussy and demanding for your mommy then act like a little angel when anyone else is around. They'll think your mom is nuts- it's hilarious!
My baby friends..... 3 am is the best time to party.... Why do you sleep so long!? Smile at your mom at 3 am... It renders her helpless and she caves everytime and talks back.
Re: special LO edition: Unpopular Opinion Thursday
Nice, long daytime naps are awesome! I take a couple every day
Also, lets get into the carseat and go somewhere!
Hey if you play with me too much I will give you the stank face! Don't overdo it people!
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
2nd round exp 8/20/18.
Oh I've missed you guys!!
(I'm going to be a handful in 16 years)
Wait wait. You know the best part? They let me take a bath afterwards, even if it's not nighttime! Score!!
BFP #1 12/23/13 MMC 01/24/14 @ 9w5days
Smile at your mom at 3 am... It renders her helpless and she caves everytime and talks back.