October 2015 Moms

Anyone feeling ready for baby!?

Let's talk about nesting and to do lists for baby! I'm due October 4th with my second daughter and have been nesting and prepping freezer meals and cleaning and checking things off my list left and right! I'm feeling very ready for our girl to pick her birthday although I'd love if she made it till October

Re: Anyone feeling ready for baby!?

  • @kstitt0830  We have the same due date!  I am right there with ya.  Definitely ready for this little girl to get here.  Packing my bag and installing car seat either today or Saturday.  Might make a few freezer meals over the next couple weeks, we'll see.  We don't have anything else to buy.  And everything else is set up in the house that we will need.  Can't wait for her to be here, but I want her to take all the time she needs.  Can we just fast forward a few weeks?!
  • Peeking in on this conversation but what kind of freezer meals are you ladies making :)
    I'm gonna make chili and some different soups but any other ideas?!
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  • alinic916alinic916 member
    edited September 2015
    @megancopeland91 I haven't planned mine out yet, but there's a few threads a while back on our board with great ideas!  And I always get a lot of ideas on pinterest.
  • I am not feeling ready at all! Stay in there little one!! The only items we have received so far are a car seat, stroller, and swing! I am so tempted to just go buy everything but I WILL refrain until after our shower! Also our nursery is so far from being done!!
  • Due date of October 1st my to-do list for the week is to print out some easy crock pot recipes, get the car seat installed, and get the house super clean. I've already pre-registered. We've got the hospital bags packed and everything we need for baby E is ready, now we're just waiting on her!
  • This describes me to a T! Freezer meals were my goal for August and we have a deep freezer in the garage nicely packed now! I'm onto some deep cleaning items like my dusty blinds and baseboards and cleaning out/wiping down my fridge.  I'm also trying to prep for birthday/anniversary gifts that are near my due date.  I didn't do a lot of this with my first though, so I know if it doesn't all get done it'll be just fine, so I'm feeling ready! I don't want him to come yet though so that my leave goes through Christmas and because I don't want any NICU time :)

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  • swelniakswelniak member
    edited September 2015
    @megancopeland91 I've made chili, meatball minestrone, chicken/sweet potato stoup (rachel ray), spaghetti sauce, pulled honey mustard chicken (for sandwiches), breakfast casserole bites, 2 kinds of enchiladas (red and white).  Still planning to do some lactation muffins, quiche and meatloaf. I've also stocked up on some things like DiGiornos (on sale for $4!), ground beef, frozen shrimp, frozen meatballs, etc. that are meal staples for us.  I'm also stocking pantry items as they go on sale: everything from ketchup and syrup to taco kits.  

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  • My dd is 10/10, so a little behind you girls. The nursery is stocked with diapers, bassinet, and swing are put together. I just need to to get my car seat installed, freezer meals, and bags packed. Hoping my little man stays in untill Oct 1st atleast! Especially since my DH will be gone a week before. Fingers crossed
  • lucky1187 said:

    My dd is 10/10, so a little behind you girls. The nursery is stocked with diapers, bassinet, and swing are put together. I just need to to get my car seat installed, freezer meals, and bags packed. Hoping my little man stays in untill Oct 1st atleast! Especially since my DH will be gone a week before. Fingers crossed

    My due date is one day after yours and we have the exact same to do list left. Makes me feel like I'm in a good place! Oh and DH is making me wait until 38 weeks to get the stroller just in case a very generous family member decides to take care of it.....driving me crazy tho cause that's the last thing we need for baby.
  • yep! so ready! i am 10/2 due date. everything is ready for the baby, the freezer is stocked! i wouldn't mind if he comes a bit early but my doc is on vacation the week of 9/21! so maybe only a few days early :)
  • DD Oct 1st.

    I still have some major topics to take care of. First, gotta get my work stuff ready for my replacement and train him. He starts 2 weeks before I'm due and I hope I don't have a big surprise because there is a lot of training to do.
    Second, I need to clean. Folks are flying in in 3 weeks and after my back injury I neglected everything and now it's time to get to it.
    Third, gotta get stuff ready for the hospital bag. I started but just a little. I am counting on the long weekend to do all that stuff around the house.
    As for baby gear, I think I'm in a very good place. We got lucky that some friends donated old stuff that we need immediately like a bassinet, NB onesies, stroller with the bassinet attachment. We also bought the car seat and diapers and wipes and some more stuff too. 
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  • I installed the car seat base today. Once my hospital bag is packed this weekend, I'll be ready for baby. If I can manage to freeze some meals during the month of September (little challenging on our budget), I will.

    But as far as I'm concerned, I'll be ready when baby girl is!

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  • Due 10-6 here. Feeling so ready but baby needs to not be a September baby if he or she can help it.
    Feeling pretty good about my still to do list--
    Finish shopping for postpartum items.
    Pack hospital bags (have lists of what each one needs, just need to pack it)
    Prep my cloth diapers
    Install car seat base
    Hang nursery artwork
    Prepare some freezer meals
    Buy my breast pump

    Most of this is getting done this weekend while husband has an extra day off to help.
  • Yep I'm ready too! Due date is Oct 11 and just need freezer meals, finish the baby room (not much left to do) and install the car seat (car has been detailed and tuned up!).

    I just did a big clean today and will hit the base board dusting in about 20 minutes!

    I'm getting pretty excited :)
  • Um I'm due the 25 or 28th depending on what date my doctor wants to use at which appointment and I am incredibly ready. Maybe too ready. I have almost our whole hospital bag packed. I have preregistered at the hospital and have our pediatrician selected. Our whole house has been cleaned top to bottom. The nursery is done, diapers and wipes are stocked up, and I have clothes stocked up to size 2T. We have parenting and childbirth classes through out the next two weeks. My shower is next weekend and after that I can get everything left that I need (just the car seat, bottles, and a baby monitor). I have always been over prepared for stuff and want to enjoy the month of October.
  • I'm due 10/18 and not ready! I haven't preregistered or selected a pediatrician. I am packing my hospital bag this weekend, so that will be ready. We do have just about everything we absolutely need...it's just not all organized! It's just coming so fast I don't feel ready yet.
  • I am also due on the 4th and am very prepared for her arrival! (Minus the freezer meals) My boyfriend loves to cook so I won't have much food prep to do thankfully. Hospital bags are packed too and the nursery has been done for a few weeks now.. Let me know if anyone finds that fast forward button!
  • Im ready, minus a few things to prepare. .packing and such. Im due Oct 12 and im over being pregnant. Definitely having nerve pain in my butt at night and now constipation and hemorrhoids have shown their ugly heads. I am ready to meet my sweet girl and move on with life..I feel like im just waiting in limbo at this point.
  • 10/1 due date and I'm ready to go! (After next week) lol I move in to a new house tomorrow so I'm hoping my nesting urges kick in to high gear so I can get everything done. Everything is purchased for my little guy and bags are packed! Just need to install the car seat and organize the new house. Planning a trip to Costco on Sunday to restock the new house and prep some freezer meals. I'll be spending my Labor Day nesting while everyone's out partying lol
  • Still working full - time. Have to do too much work. Soooooo no time to make freezer meals (good idea but it sounds like WAY too much effort atm). Guess I will either be having MIL food or ordering (healthy) food...or sending DH into the kitchen. ;;)
  • Seriously freezer meals are super easy and cheap to make...make meals like chili...taco soup...shepherds pie...lasagna and spaghetti these all have very similar ingredients so you literally cook all the ground beef and chop the veggies and add all ingredients into a freezer bag or tin foil pan and you're done! I made 2 of each meal and next week in doing all my chicken dishes..stuff like chicken noodle soup, enchiladas, chicken pot pie, chicken casseroles...and i have previously also prepped 2 beef stews and cheddar broccoli soups
  • I tried to make my husband agree with me to have freezer meals but he said heck no he won't eat them touch them or anything like that he says he will cook and I tell him I won't be trying to cook and told him he can not go and buy outside meals either. But we will see..
  • My husband had an issue with some of the meals I made (chili isn't his fav and he has ever tried shepherds pie) so when he started complaining I looked at him and said "how about instead you thank me for making you home cooked meals" he shut right up
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