July 2015 Moms


It's 3:30am here. My LO went to bed at 7:30 last night and I haven't heard a peep from him since. He was still asleep in his crib when I left his room. I thought for sure I would be back in there not downstate pumping at 3:30. I'm so not used to this.


  • Almost 5:00am here and I'm *still* up. She just fell asleep finally about 20 minutes ago. I'm looking up more songs to sing her when she cries. She loves singing, but the songs I know by heart are getting old.
    Read about my motherhood journey and more at http://hallidaynelson.com/
     Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker 

    TTGP July Siggy Challenge: Summer Fails
  • It's 2am here and I'm loosing my mind. Baby ha been up since 4pm and just will not go to sleep. He's taken a few 5-10 minute cat naps and is wide awake again! He's a fussy little squirt tonight, I wish he would just sleeeeeep.
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  • 2 am here, pumping while my LO continues to sleep from going to bed at 9:30pm. Hopefully I am able to get back to sleep for a few more hours before she wakes up. Lately she has been sleeping until 4am or so. Fingers crossed!
  • Major spit up action between 1:30-3:15am over here. Had to jump in the shower after the last episode so I didn't smell like sour milk. DH was finally able to get LO to sleep as I pumped. An hour later and I'm the only one left awake... Need to stay off of Amazon before I buy unnecessary things, lol.

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

  • This is an early MOTN feed! LO napped from 600-800 (after being awake from a little after noon!) then napped after BFing from 915 til midnight. Hoping he'll go back to sleep after this feed!! I have been getting more sleep, but always want & can use more!!!!
  • 5:30 am here, still middle of LO's night sleep but I will need to get up after feeding her so I can get dressed before older kids wake up. I'm really jealous of everyone whose babies are sleeping so long, we are just starting to get a 4 hour stretch sometimes but usually it's 3 hours at night.
  • So sleepy. LO slept 2.5 hours before first feeding and then only 1 hour before we're up again. He usually doesn't sleep more than 2.5 hrs in a stretch at night but sometimes switches to 1 hr or 45 min "naps" which just feels like torture. I'm really hoping we can get another 2.5 hr stretch now!
  • Bad latch at 2:30 am. I was too sleepy to correct it. Then at 5;30 am feeding I paid for it. It feel like my nipple has sunburn.
  • Another early MOTN feed. Spent the day in the mountains. BFed right before we left the house this morning, immediately upon returning this afternoon, twice while up there, and a a little after 8:00 pm before putting LO down to bed. I didn't pump all day, versus my usual 2-3x per day. So just woke up pretty engorged just now. I woke up LO changed him & am now feeding him. I guess I could've pumped, but was worried he'd wake anyway & I'd end up feeding him too. Was just talking today with DH about how LO sleeping through the night would mean I'd have to pump in the MOTN, which I haven't been doing. At least you don't have to try to get the pump back to sleep! Right?!

    Oh yeah BTW still so sick of waking up hot!!! I'm fine while sleeping, but as soon as I wake I'm roasting!!!
  • It is only 12:20am here in California. I am up, even though I don't have a real reason to be, LO went down at 10:30pm. Sometimes I just miss being able to stay up and watch tv or read TheBump, so I fool myself into thinking I can. LO is going to be waking up soon for his MOTN feeding, and I know I will be missing these 2 hours of sleep tomorrow.
  • edited September 2015
    @ecloho I am sick of waking up overheated too, it makes me slightly nauseous!

    4:54 am here, hoping LO goes back down and the older ones sleep longer than 6 am, ugh. Also considering skipping church today, we had a family party yesterday and the kids didn't go to bed until 9 pm.
  • @hfoucht I always say that to DH--I better go to bed after I get LO down or I'll be regretting it in the middle of the night!!
  • LO slept for 4 hours and 40 min! His longest stretch yet! =D> Though, he woke up pretty hungry. Since we're transitioning to formula, fed him a bottle. Did tummy time on my chest, and he's back asleep.

    Wondering if we've completed his first leap and 6 week growth spurt... It's been an enlightening week to week and a half, lol

    DS1 7/24/15

    DS2 5/7/17

  • What a fun night we had! LO went down at 9:15, I woke up at 1 feeling engorged so I pumped, get back into bed by 1:30, LO wakes up with a blowout at 2 which went through her sleep sack and into the swaddleme. After changing and cleaning her up, I feed her and get her back to sleep by 3.

    Then I couldn't fall back to sleep until after 4, she wakes up at 7 with a clean diaper. So I leave her in it and she begins eating, I didn't notice but my other boob leaks all over her new sleep sack. So while I am taking that off she spits up all over both of us. After I clean us up and get her in her swaddleme she seems wide awake. So I give a few kisses and cuddles and lay her down. It took her a good ten minutes of grunts and coos before she fell asleep, not bad and no crying or screaming the whole time!

    Best part of our night, DH is out of town!
  • Oh praise the Lord this baby boy slept 5 hours!!! I thought I was in for one hell of a night!!! He only took one nap today from noon til 2:00 then was pretty much awake from 2:00 til 9pm!!! He had many close calls to take naps but all were failed :(( so I thought he was going to have a hard time sleeping tonight. So glad that wasn't the case!
  • Still up with fussy LO. (:|
  • I'm up having a gallbladder attack. The one night my baby slept 5 hours and I've been awake the entire time. I'm having heart problems now too, I just want to be healthy :-(
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