It's 3:30am here. My LO went to bed at 7:30 last night and I haven't heard a peep from him since. He was still asleep in his crib when I left his room. I thought for sure I would be back in there not downstate pumping at 3:30. I'm so not used to this.
TTGP July Siggy Challenge: Summer Fails
DS1 7/24/15
DS2 5/7/17
Side note - I've talked about boobs and poop more in the last 8 weeks than I have my whole life
Oh yeah BTW still so sick of waking up hot!!! I'm fine while sleeping, but as soon as I wake I'm roasting!!!
4:54 am here, hoping LO goes back down and the older ones sleep longer than 6 am, ugh. Also considering skipping church today, we had a family party yesterday and the kids didn't go to bed until 9 pm.
Wondering if we've completed his first leap and 6 week growth spurt... It's been an enlightening week to week and a half, lol
DS1 7/24/15
DS2 5/7/17
Then I couldn't fall back to sleep until after 4, she wakes up at 7 with a clean diaper. So I leave her in it and she begins eating, I didn't notice but my other boob leaks all over her new sleep sack. So while I am taking that off she spits up all over both of us. After I clean us up and get her in her swaddleme she seems wide awake. So I give a few kisses and cuddles and lay her down. It took her a good ten minutes of grunts and coos before she fell asleep, not bad and no crying or screaming the whole time!
Best part of our night, DH is out of town!